2nd coming


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys.
It's been a while.
I see alot has changed too.

Is everyone still here?
All of the good ol' boys?

I thought I should stop by and say hello,
since it's my "join day" and all. :)

Maybe I'll start posting here again.
*dramatic voice*

"welcome to the world of tomorrow"
Heh, hey Idolon, the forums are even more lively than when you left. :)

And just as civilised. Which is nice eh!!! :p
Yeah, :)
So much has changed, I feel like I've been cryogenically frozen for 10 years.

Ah, a familiar face... err... name.
How are you doing?

wow, even more lively?
maybe I should run back into hiding again? :)
I'm doin great and the forums are probably gona get kind of insane once HL2 reviews start coming in what i would guess to be just a few months.

Good times :cheers:
Yes these are certainly good times.
I'm starting to get a feeling I haven't felt in... well... about a year. ;)
I still have the counter ticking on my desktop.
It says "-232 days -23 hours -56 minutes".

Thanks JunkieXL.
I feel much safer now. :)
/me punches Idolon in the face How's that for safety?!

Welcome back to hl2.net.
Now that's a welcome!

/me seeks medical treatment

I heard about all the trouble hl2.net has been through.
Am glad everything turned out alright
Second coming...pah.

I was half way through painting my "The end is nigh - Burn in hell sinners" sign when the page loaded....

Welcome back though :) I remember you, not sure if you recognise me though.
How could I ever forget a funny guy like you Farrow. ;)

Again, Thanks guys.
I feel right at home again.
I'll stick around and see what happens.
After all, I have to have someone to talk hl2 to.
The people here, around me, they simply don't understand. :)

Thats enough for today.
It's not summer yet.
I have things to do, places to be, beds to sleep in.
like, right now.
Yes, it's been a while.
But I'm glad to be back!

I was looking through the forum just now, checking things out.

You've even got a fan fiction-section now!
I didn't see that one coming.

Shouldn't that piss Marc Laidlaw off?
I can almost see him shaking his fist at the forum.
- "Stop messing with my universe!"
just like you rememberd?,

i doubt it, but welcome back
Ofcourse I do, fellow spammer.
And thanks.

Looking at your post counts makes me feel really small for some reason. :)

Give me 5 days and I'll catch up to you guys!

Or maybe not.
Hey, I remember you. Gimme back my sandwich.
Whatever I did to your sandwich, it was for your own good.
You should thank me, it didn't taste all that good anyway.
Yeah, that one was nice wasn't it? :)
I think I still have it here somewhere...

I remember your old one too,
and the song... that awful song.
Not that it was your fault or anything.
But I always blamed you! :p

Ah, here it is.

Now that I look at it, I don't think it lookes like my old avatar is screaming...
It's more like it's trying to eat my name.

So how is the moderating going?
Idolon said:
Yeah, that one was nice wasn't it? :)
I think I still have it here somewhere...

I remember your old one too,
and the song... that awful song.
Not that it was your fault or anything.
But I always blamed you! :p

Ah, here it is.
Haha, I still have that mp3

Alright let's take a look... :E

Anyway, yeah, moderating's not so hard :) quite fun really, I love the community :eek:
I'm glad to hear it.

Ofcourse things will get worse pretty fast now that I'm back. :cheese:

Anyway mate, I'm off out for a bit, my MSN addy is in my profile if you'd like to chat about the good old days :E
<nostalgia> Ah yes, the good old days. </nostalgia>

I don't use MSN.
But I'm using Miranda so it won't be hard to add.
Might do that a Little later.

I'm trying to complete this annoying little java program I'm doing for a class I'm taking.
I don't really like java all that much.
Never much liked Java myself. Oki.. I await being added :)

I tried learning C++ once, I wasn't that bad at it.. maybe I'll pick it up again when I have some more time :)
Yeah, C++ is so much better.
And the language I know best.

Damn this is hard.
I'm trying to get the java object Pattern.
check this out:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)\\s*([+-\\\\*/]{1})\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)\\s*");
Looks almost like BF to me.
This is going to take a while to understand.
Idolon said:
Yeah, C++ is so much better.
And the language I know best.

Damn this is hard.
I'm trying to get the java object Pattern.
check this out:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)\\s*([+-\\\\*/]{1})\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)\\s*");
Looks almost like BF to me.
This is going to take a while to understand.

wow, that looks amazing. thats on ehell of a string you're passing there :p whats it supposed to mean? anyhow, welcome back, even though I joined several months after you. gogo september.
I dont know what the hell you guys are talkin about but..

"I would very much like to see the slides of your liver operation but first I must go and hack my head into tiny pieces with my comb." Courtesy of www.smartphrase.com 's random phrase generator!
Oh right and btw

Geben Sie mir Ihren Zylinder - ich glaube ich muss kotzen!
About the string.. I think it's called a regular expression..

Uhm, I don't speak german that well...
what does it mean?
Give me your cylinder - I think I must... kotzen?
Idolon said:
About the string.. I think it's called a regular expression..

Uhm, I don't speak german that well...
what does it mean?
Give me your cylinder - I think I must... kotzen?

I dont speak it at all, it was on that site, something about giving me your top hat, im about to throw up lol
Idolon said:
Ofcourse I do, fellow spammer.
And thanks.

Looking at your post counts makes me feel really small for some reason. :)

Give me 5 days and I'll catch up to you guys!

Or maybe not.

Thats because having a small post count is scientologically tested to represent the size of your...aha...uh...Well...

If only i was so simple:burp:...excuse me...to get your post count up, in the old days you could have made millions of posts that were interesting or funny but not now, now it has to be about how sad the world is or some meaningful flash movie based on teen angst.
Oh, ok. :)

Haha, yes I think they wrote something about that in the last issue of the lancet, didn't they? :E

Is things really that bad?
Now that I have returned things will change! ...maybe
Nah, if you look, about 3000 of my posts are 'Locked' 'Moved' 'Closed' 'Warned' 'Banned' etc :eek: