3 new screenshots

A magazine.

These scans were posted before but then got deleted.
Ah, ok. Thanks for posting, Investigator... nice to see these before it gets deleted :/
This is fine.

According to Abomination:
If it's just pictures, then it's fine. But include any text or relevance to the actual mag, and we can't allow it.

however, beta pics are still not allowed.
Nice I love the look of the HL2 lighting.

It is a stark contrast to DOOM3
Originally posted by HybridM
Nice I love the look of the HL2 lighting.

It is a stark contrast to DOOM3
Yeah, it has got a more real look to it... as opposed to ultra-super, exagerrated real. I wouldn't say either is better than the other, as I think they suit their style purposes well.
I removed the pics.
I forgot that we, for some reason, started allowing scanned images.
Wow! Nice pictures... they got me excited about HL2 all over again! Look at me, I'm excited. You know me, I never use exclamation marks, lol.


1. This reminds me of Surface Tension for some reason, but that thing on the right looks like a car of some sort.... and the area just looks so cool . The resistance fighters are using Mp5ks which makes me wonder if that gun is still in the game. WHat are the flying things? Some look like Manhacks but there are bigger ones too...interesting.

2.Here we can see the excellent pyrotechnic effects and also how far you can see. It's not clear whether the car is blowing up from the strider's gun or whether the player is picking it up with his manipulator. If he is then this shot is proof that heavy lifting is possible as well as proving that the manipualtor will be in teh final game.

3. Not much to say about this. But it looks nice.

So, Yatta, in the wake of the Supertrooper debacle, you come crawling back...;-)
Ah! Just great, just because you make it post those new screen, Valve wont realese Half-Life 2 until Dec 2004..! ;) ;)
the strider is blasting the car, its a still from the E3 movie :)
I don't understand the excitement about these pictures, I mean:

- the first one is so fuzzy you can hardly make any statements about "improved lighting", if there is any I don't see it anyway.

- the second shot is a frame from the E3 video that we've all seen a million times by now.

- the third pic is obviously concept art, not in-game.
It's very promising, but so is just about every single piece of HL2 art I've seen; Valve has some very talented artists working on the game.
Originally posted by X-Vector

- the third pic is obviously concept art, not in-game.
It's very promising, but so is just about every single piece of HL2 art I've seen; Valve has some very talented artists working on the game.

Concept art my ass... that's a screenshot from a camera floating around in the map. Concept art... hah!
P'raps this is just me, but I cannae use that link... What's going on? Hmmm?

It's a sad state of affairs when we're so clamoring for any new info that three minor screenshots give us our fix...
These are the same as the ones in the PCG a month ago.
Originally posted by Sandman
Concept art my ass... that's a screenshot from a camera floating around in the map. Concept art... hah!

lol Actually it is concept art.. I've seen it like a thousand times
Originally posted by Jhahn2k4
lol Actually it is concept art.. I've seen it like a thousand times

yep. It's concept art, I'm looking at the same picture in PC Gamer, the caption details that it's concept art. Also, since it's not a tiny scan, you can easily see that it's concept art while the scanned/picture version is a little harder to tell.
Considering the stop-at-nothing attitude of the manhacks in the tunnels bink video, I'd say that gordon would be mightily screwed in the top picture. Good thing he has all the white shirts as decoys. :)
Yeah I too think these screenshots suck the fattie. The top one is okay, but so blurry and crappy looking I cant see how you can make a comment on the lighting. Hey Valve, why dont ya try releasing some decent high-res images or videos for us, huh?
scan your arse and write Half on one cheek and Life on the other and you can imagine where to write the 2.
pictures are pictures... bloody crying over concept and in game, this game aint coming out anytime soon! be thankful for any sort of picture.
ok my bad on the concept art you guys obviously have seen it but it looks to be straight from the game! sorry:cheese:
What's so special about those pictures?

Oh, there isn't!

the top one is....pretty...ok....i guess, but it's nothing really new. And the other two are self explanatory.
well the one with the big black building is ugly.
look how low poly the rocks are compared to
the building. the lgihting doesnt look real either.
the other two look ok bu lik ehe said nothing
special. why is that guy on top of that car
though.....that doesnt make any sence at all.
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
well the one with the big black building is ugly.
look how low poly the rocks are compared to
the building. the lgihting doesnt look real either.

that one is a concept pic
thats your opinion.... but you still havnt ansered
why that guy is sitting on top of the wrecked car.
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
thats your opinion.... but you still havnt ansered
why that guy is sitting on top of the wrecked car.
No, it's fact. Read the thread or maybe the magazine to find out.
I assume the guy is standing on top of the car because Valve has produced AI that is intelligent enough to find the best point of attack and climb up a car to get there. He is probably supporting that guy who is out in the open.
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
thats your opinion.... but you still havnt ansered
why that guy is sitting on top of the wrecked car.

It's called making a scene more dramatic, what would you prefer, everyone stood in the middle making no attempt to avoid the enemy and looking like extra's from an Ed Wood film? :cheers:
lol styloid you make me laugh man. yea its a
great example of the super awesome ai that
a guy is just sitting on top of a car for no reason.
nice thinking. if the model was clipping through the
wall you would prolly say it goes to show how cool
hl2 ai is that the enemies are smart enough to
physically materialize inside the walls in order to
hide...rite? lol.

and that is a screenshot you can see the polies.
concept art doesnt have polies. do you have any proof?
The magazine says it's concept art. Besides, it looks good, I'd be quite pleased to see something like that ingame. About the guy on the car, his elevated position gives him a clearer shot at the Manhacks because he can shoot above the people on the ground without them getting in his way. I don't know if the AI is advanced enough to think that way, but he could be hinted to climb onto the car and it would be a perfectly believeable situation.
Sidd most likely it is the AI, not because of it calculating the best place to attack but because it can probably climb things instead of move around them like in most all games.

ex/ BF1942. you park a van in front of a guy the guy wiggles back and forth till he goes around it.

in HL2, the guy would climb over it if he thinks he needs to be attacking instead of defending. IN the e3 demo you saw the guy duck behind the car while he was outnumbered by enemies shooting at him. Then when you(the player) came in and launched a grenade and killed them, he ran with you and ducked behind another car while still outnumbered. Then as you came around behind the enemies he was no longer hiding but rather he was with you shooting every step of the way. While you were no longer outnumbered.

just because you can't think of a reason why he'd be on the wreck doesn't mean their isn't one.
S1ddharthA, I'd love to see you in a firefight (in real life or in a game). Why is he hiding behind that wall!? That's just stupid! He should be out in the middle of the street fighting!

Anyhow, you're talking about polies when referring to a piece of concept art.. nice one :thumbs:

Read the thread before you make comments like that, we already said it was concept art.

Besides, you can clearly tell it's concept art if you have the magazine in your hand, it doesn't look rendered at all.