39% of Americans Believe in Evolution


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
This is a ****ing disgrace:

PRINCETON, NJ -- On the eve of the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, a new Gallup Poll shows that only 39% of Americans say they "believe in the theory of evolution," while a quarter say they do not believe in the theory, and another 36% don't have an opinion either way. These attitudes are strongly related to education and, to an even greater degree, religiosity.


200 years after Darwins birth and this is the thanks he gets. I'm so ****ing pissed right now I don't know what to do with myself. America is an embarrassment to the entire world. I can't take being surrounded by such gullible assholes 24/7.

This country is ****ed.
Uh.. huh? That sounds like an impressively high amount to me. Well, I mean, I thought it would be much lower.
I'd like to see the results by location. I'm my ideal world, the US map would probably look like this:


I apologize to the sane individuals who now reside in what would be white territory, but you are welcome to join us.
Didn't Darwin not even believe his own theory? He was just looking for a reason to make his dad proud of him, by being successful, or something like that.
Didn't Darwin not even believe his own theory? He was just looking for a reason to make his dad proud of him, by being successful, or something like that.

Come on man...ordinarily i'd make another nipple joke but this is friggen sad. 36% don't even have an opinion! Meaning, they don't give a **** either way. We wonder why religion plays such a major role in politics....this is why. The uneducated and "stupid on purpose" (thanks hovind) people in this country only serve to contribute to this bullshit.

I feel like America is the television screen in Stern's recent post about the dog who ate a tub of butter and the high velocity shit stream is the American education system.
Results are based on telephone interviews with 1,018 national adults, aged 18 and older, conducted Feb. 6-7, 2009, as part of Gallup Poll Daily tracking. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ?3 percentage points.
1018 people interviewed and they say 3% error at best? Bullshit!
Didn't Darwin not even believe his own theory? He was just looking for a reason to make his dad proud of him, by being successful, or something like that.
Where'd you read that, Conservapedia? Darwin's dad actually wanted his son to be a medical doctor and/or a parson, not a scientist. He objected to Charles' trip on the Baegle, but Charles went anyway. He believed what he wrote because he produced his discoveries out of a lifelong fascination with biology, and oweing to those years of study his Christianity seems to have wavered (near the end of his life he described himself as an agnostic).

EDIT: Oh, hilarious, Conservapedia actually plays up his 'atheism', as well as his 'racism' etc.
I'd like to see the results by location. I'm my ideal world, the US map would probably look like this:


I apologize to the sane individuals who now reside in what would be white territory, but you are welcome to join us.

You still have Idaho and Utah in there.
1018 people interviewed and they say 3% error at best? Bullshit!

Isn't a SRS with a sample over 40 too close to a normal distribution so that it doesn't really matter?

Of course, I've only taken introductory Statistics classes, but I think a thousand is enough, provided that the sample is completely random.
I heard Canada is accepting new citizens.
Wow. Leaving your country because it's gone to the dogs, rather than trying to make it better. Real patriotic that would be of him.
Wow. Leaving your country because it's gone to the dogs, rather than trying to make it better. Real patriotic that would be of him.

He did say he can't stand being surrounded by "gullible assholes" 24/7. I wonder what he is planning to do to "try and make it better."
was it just me who thought 39% is an extremely high amount for being the USA. i expected something like 12%.
I wonder what the percentage of people is, that don't actually know what the theory of evoultion is, I've met many people who think the theory of evolution is abiogenesis.
I wonder what he is planning to do to "try and make it better."

I'm doing what I CAN do, which at the moment is logging onto a video game forum and venting my frustrations. Sorry if I forgot to pick up my lab coat from the dry cleaners.

Do you have any suggestions, I'm open to anything?
I heard Canada is accepting new citizens.

no, ffs we are not your dumping ground every single time someone has a problem with something in america. FIX your problems dont run to us to hide from them. in other words: YANQUI GO HOME!

Tyguy is welcome anytime, but the rest of you stay out! or at least come here for a better reason than "I hate america"

39% of Americans Believe in Evolution

I'm surprised it's so high

I dont know what's worse, this:

while a quarter say they do not believe in the theory,

or this:

and another 36% don't have an opinion either way

they're just as ignorant as the people who dont believe, perhaps more so
they're just as ignorant as the people who dont believe, perhaps more so

I just can't fathom why some people don't take any interest in the process that gave them their life...They either have to be extremely ignorant or extremely unappreciative. Either way it's just sad.

If the reason is due to their inability to choose between religious teachings and scientific findings then the percentage of those who don't believe in evolution increases dramatically.
I just can't fathom why some people don't take any interest in the process that gave them their life...They either have to be extremely ignorant or extremely unappreciative. Either way it's just sad.

being unappreciative implies a creator. I cant be appreciative of the microscopic spores that seeded life on earth. we'll have no god-talk here!!!!

If the reason is due to their inability to choose between religious teachings and scientific findings then the percentage of those who don't believe in evolution increases dramatically.

so does the percentage of dum dums ..no really at least the religios people have an excuse for not believing: faith. the undecided people are probably more interested in their nails or how cool their next whale-fin will look on their gay ricer
When I went to America I was taken aback by how unitellectual all the popular media seemed to be.

Everything has to be new and flashy and loud or else no-one is interested.
was it just me who thought 39% is an extremely high amount for being the USA. i expected something like 12%.

I guess you couldn't be troubled reading even one post past the OP.
Where was the survey taken and how big was the sample size? I refuse to believe America is THAT dumb.
Need to get potatoes somehow.

I've lived in Idaho most of my life and have never been able to buy an idaho potatoe at a local store. Sad, isn't it?

Concerning the people who are undecided....I don't even know what to say. That's just....
Evolution needs a dogma. Religion, for example, is likely to say something to the effect of, "This is how things are. Non-subscribers may not enter our cool club when they die." Evolution should say, "This is how things are. Non-subscribers must leave the gene pool and hope nothing changes."
no, ffs we are not your dumping ground every single time someone has a problem with something in america. FIX your problems dont run to us to hide from them. in other words: YANQUI GO HOME!

Tyguy is welcome anytime, but the rest of you stay out! or at least come here for a better reason than "I hate america"

I'm coming some day and there's not a god damn thing you can do about it, you powerless Canadian!
I wonder if all those undecided people were just saying that because they thought they were going to get lured into a debate. I mean, if you get a random phone call from someone saying hes doing a survey, and asks you if you believe in evolution or creation... I'd probably be hesitant to answer too.
In the UK it'd be pretty illegal for a pollster to poll you without explaining very clearly and quite fully what he's doing, who he works for, what kind of questions he's going to ask you, how your information is going to be confidential, etc. I've done polls before when guys came round the door, and they're very clear about the whole process - in person, they usually show you ID as well. I'd be very surprised if the law in the US was much different. This wasn't just "hay there what do you think of evolution?"
I would still be skeptical for awhile. Scammers and religious promoters can be pretty tricky.
It's called a theory for a reason.

While I don't accept we came from monkeys, I do believe the earth has been around a lot longer than what the "7 days" Bible story literally claims.

Explain ERVs.