3d artist want to take part of a mod



hi all, im new here.
im a pro 3d graphic artist who want to take part at some hl2 mod.
my main field of work is 3d modelling & texturing and animation.
if you want me to take part of your mod (i have planty of time to dedicate) please contact me, im doing this for fun.
here is my website with few of my works for your impression:
contact me at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Welcome to forums! :D

BTW I saw your works on Towel.... really, nice job :)
I have no idea. I don't know where you'd post a Modeller Needed post. But definetly not in the FanFiction section.
Yaniv, contact me on MSN. I may be able to offer you something promising. I can't get your website to work though. If all else fails it will be good to have another fellow artist to talk too :p

[email protected]
IchI - you are not answaring me in msn messenger.
b.t.w my site Does working.
re enter http://yanivbd.co.nr
im a 3d modeller for 6 YEARS in 3D Studio max (all ver.)
also ANYONE can contact me via ICQ at: 112964013
if you having problems with my website i'll put direct links for my pics....Stilll looking for any CHALLANGE in 3D MODELLING!
E-mailed you, got a reply, and replied back... mod documentation is in-progress. Any decision on your end of things?

some of you (2 i thing) replied "e-mail me"...
who do you think you are?
you want ME right? so do like all members here and e-mail me with details about the mod, % of completion and # of people on this mod.
thanks. yaniv.
yaniv said:
some of you (2 i thing) replied "e-mail me"...
who do you think you are?
you want ME right? so do like all members here and e-mail me with details about the mod, % of completion and # of people on this mod.
thanks. yaniv.

Dear god! I can't believe the egotistical attitude your showing.

Who do you think YOU are!? A pro according to your original post? Ha! I can tell you right now for nothing that you have a very long way to go before you could even be near pro status.

You have an elitist attitude and nothing to back it up with other than third rate models. Either show something jaw dropping or get off your high horse.. boy!.

I also suggest you take a look at the work on cgtalk.com where REAL pro's hang out, infact why don't you tell them your a pro too and show them some of your work, see how long you last, and when you've grown up you might want to come back and treat the users here with a little more respect.

yaniv said:
some of you (2 i thing) replied "e-mail me"...
who do you think you are?
you want ME right? so do like all members here and e-mail me with details about the mod, % of completion and # of people on this mod.
thanks. yaniv.

Wow, be glad you aren't trying to work for me. With that attitude I wouldn't hire you for anything, regardless of how good you are.

You are asking for a job, people are telling you where to e-mail to find one. In real life you can't just walk into a place that is hiring and say "Yeah, I'm looking for a job, come by my house and sell your place to me."

No, you go and drop off an application.

yaniv said:
some of you (2 i thing) replied "e-mail me"...
who do you think you are?
you want ME right? so do like all members here and e-mail me with details about the mod, % of completion and # of people on this mod.
thanks. yaniv.

My God! You are one stuck up little bugger! Pro? In your dreams asshole.
i didnt ment it like that

it was annoing that someone who is looking for a modeller is just droping his email here insted of emailing about the mod or write it even here.
insted of that people just puting their mail here, im not seeking a JOB, i want to help and some people thought they are doing me a favor.
ok, enought with this, sorry if i made someone angry.
i found a pic of a pistol on the net and decided to model it.
here are the results:
and sorry again for not putting my words right.
yaniv said:
it was annoing that someone who is looking for a modeller is just droping his email here insted of emailing about the mod or write it even here.
insted of that people just puting their mail here, im not seeking a JOB, i want to help and some people thought they are doing me a favor.
ok, enought with this, sorry if i made someone angry.
i found a pic of a pistol on the net and decided to model it.
here are the results:
and sorry again for not putting my words right.
oh its you.. Didn't Onions warn you and lock one of your threads already? I believe he did, I recognise those images aswell.

Also whats with the +2 accounts?

Edit: Oh and people would be doing you a favor, your not very good, you need the practice.
yaniv said:
its my work! and i only have 1 account!
whats wrong with you???

You seriously need to learn when to just stop.
Yeah, he almost worked for us, but he then asked for warez and pirated stuff, big no no, plus we don't hire people with that attitude. It just get us bad fame.

Yaniv, you just put yourself on Halflife2.net's Mods black list.
everyone's relpys noticed.
hope to talk to you on more "easy" post.
thred closed.
He is offering his help, I think it's normal that people should e-mail him if they are interested.

thanks for understanding man....
i guess i'v been an ass myself.
Well i do thin people should email you but, you really need to take some tutorials because i dot even model alot and i do a better job than you.
i agree that people should mail you, but your just gettin annoying now.
and b.t.w your pistol is shit! haha
Dt13 said:
and b.t.w your pistol is shit! haha

Why can't poeple be nice and say that they don't like it and why rather then being an ass and telling him that his weapon sucks
yea...don't mind them...
i dont.
but they are just a few, most people here are nice :)
Dt13 said:
i agree that people should mail you, but your just gettin annoying now.
and b.t.w your pistol is shit! haha

I think Dt13 should show us one of his models since he's the authority on modeling.
And we already ripped him his other thread and things are calmed down so we're trying to help him since he decided to chill out.

I don't think it's anyones fault really, I've been noticing allot of hostilities on the boards the last few days. I think we all just need to take a deep breath.
I have to agree with others Yaniv,
I wouldnt consider the work on your site as "pro" or even really good. Its average. If you want to work with some mod teams, show some art thats game related. Either character models, decent architecture or weapons.
The house on your website is average, and gun is mediocre. Im not a pro either. But here is a basic architectural piece I am working on.

Basic facade