3DMark05 Released.

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2373 9800 pro 128mb amd 2500+ 1gb 3200 all stock specs.
Radeon 9800 Pro
2.2 gHz P4

2051 Marks

Not too bad, but kind of depressing. It hovered around 7-8 fps.
I am getting a new system soon, this November

more high end tech :)
i dont get it why the first demo runs so bad,

i dont think it looks that much better then doom3, if it looks better at all?

and even without AA and AF and only at 1024x768

i dont get it what makes it run so slow?

i think the demo with the boat and fishy :imu: was the nicest demo :)

and yuck lol the cpu tests suck 1-2 fps lol

my 3dmark was 5317
I was getting 0 fps in the software/cpu tests :laugh: so I pressed escape and got 1988; my 9800 pro is crying right now.

Anyway, in that blimp test, shouldn't the water-monster make a bigger spash when diving back into the water? I thought it would make a huge splash to test particle drawing capabilities or something just like the first test when that thing falls on top of the guy creating a huge smoke screen.

Bah doesn't matter, as long as I can play CS:S & HL2 with full settings and it runs smoothly I couldn't care less about 3Dmarks :P
That Sea dragon thing was one of the most brill things I have seen in a game (That forest was pretty good too) I think we can allow it not to make big water splash cant we? :P
Ritz said:
Looks alot better then Doom 3..

what did look so good about it then???

sure the sparks etc looked cool but the rest didnt look that spectacular i think

it might look better in high res and with aa and af but doom3 looks really goood then to

and it runs so at such low frames when its at a low res and no aa or af while i can run doom 3 better at high res + AA and AF
I dont think my pc would survive.....radeon 9600xt....1.8ghz p4.....768mb ram
Oh man.....i dont mean min specs!!!! i must OC m y P4 to 2.0ghz.

hehe...i can upgrade for 10 bucks!