3rd test?

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DAmn, we seem to have taken the Admin box down. I am forbidden now (or am I just locked out for a while?)

Either way, we should make a thread asking NOT to try to guess the passwords....
:dozey: Umm no Chris_D, the thread wasn't labelled "Third Test", thank you for explaning what I saw. The thread was titled something about a Half Life movie, I clicked the link and the there was a guide which showed me where to go and how to find the picture of Father Gregori. Am I sure if that was the third test? No. But, it could be ONE of the tests, could halflife.php be the third test? Perhaps, we just don't know until we've confirmation from Valves themselves.
ailevation said:
:dozey: Umm no Chris_D, the thread wasn't labelled "Third Test", thank you for explaning what I saw. The thread was titled something about a Half Life movie, I clicked the link and the there was a guide which showed me where to go and how to find the picture of Father Gregori.
I know what you saw actually because I was one of the poor people that had to clean it up. Trust me, I work here, I can probably restore a number of threads that were made when your account was hijacked by clicking that link :)
CombineHarvester said:
DAmn, we seem to have taken the Admin box down. I am forbidden now (or am I just locked out for a while?)

Either way, we should make a thread asking NOT to try to guess the passwords....

They took the page down, yes. (I get the same thing)
:dozey: Well, believe me or not, give it a whirl then. It was said you could find a jpeg image of Father Gregori in I think it was the 2nd release pre-load. Whoever is a "Half Life Test Solver" try and find the JPEG image in the 2nd pre-load for Steam, on Half Life 2. There was also text if I remember correctly, forgot it... this was weeks ago. The guy claimed he found it after an hour of that pre-loads release.
If this isnt the third test, then what is this Hl2.php all about?
PainLord said:
If this isnt the third test, then what is this Hl2.php all about?

Its a joke...they said that HL2: PHP was in the works a couple of months ago on the steampowered forums (a valve employee did).

So they must of got bored :p
:dozey: Who knows bro? E-mail it to a Valve worker or something and ask, they probably tell you something like,"Congrats you solved test number<insert number here>!"
ailevation said:
:dozey: Who knows bro? E-mail it to a Valve worker or something and ask, they probably tell you something like,"Congrats you solved test number<insert number here>!"

No one at valve answers me haha.
ailevation said:
:dozey: Well, believe me or not, give it a whirl then. It was said you could find a jpeg image of Father Gregori in I think it was the 2nd release pre-load. Whoever is a "Half Life Test Solver" try and find the JPEG image in the 2nd pre-load for Steam, on Half Life 2. There was also text if I remember correctly, forgot it... this was weeks ago. The guy claimed he found it after an hour of that pre-loads release.
You're misunderstanding my point. This is the fact about what that is as follows:

We had a problem with people distributing a link on IRC. This link would take you to a page that looked authentic enough. The first time it was some sort of HL2 trivia test. The second time it was Father Grigori and the "third test". The last time was over the weekend and it was a mini flash game.

While you were trying to find the Father Grigori picture in your pre-load (it wasn't actually there, it was fake), or completing the trivia quiz or playing the game, a hidden script was executed on the website that used your cookies to access the forum's "newthread.php" and generate a thread on the forum which would contain the link to the Father Grigori page again (or whatever) and a fake Half-Life 2 spoiler.

I know that page you saw is a fake because a) the image was taken using the stolen build b) the source code of the website contained a malicious script as described above and c) we'd know about the third test by now.
Chris_D said:
You're misunderstanding my point. This is the fact about what that is as follows:

We had a problem with people distributing a link on IRC. This link would take you to a page that looked authentic enough. The first time it was some sort of HL2 trivia test. The second time it was Father Grigori and the "third test". The last time was over the weekend and it was a mini flash game.

While you were trying to find the Father Grigori picture in your pre-load (it wasn't actually there, it was fake), or completing the trivia quiz or playing the game, a hidden script was executed on the website that used your cookies to access the forum's "newthread.php" and generate a thread on the forum which would contain the link to the Father Grigori page again (or whatever) and a fake Half-Life 2 spoiler.

I know that page you saw is a fake because a) the image was taken using the stolen build b) the source code of the website contained a malicious script as described above and c) we'd know about the third test by now.

:dozey: You played the stolen build? Because honestly I have played it, and there was no sign of Father Gregori, ANYWHERE. I would be more than happy for you to actually explain to me where I can find Father Gregori in the stolen build. Of course the site had malicious coding.

And how did you even know "I was trying to find the Father Gregori Pic in my pre-load"? I wasn't. I didn't want to waste my time searching for a kazillion files just to find a pic. I was hoping somebody else would try to pick em out, nobody did.

I dont know if anyone mentioned this

Dont know is this was posted, dont fell like wading through 275 posts, nothing on search

This was not a test.

." o \_
_.-" ,( `
_.-" ,;;|
.-=" _," ,,;;;'
`"'` `\`\
/^\ \
Highlight that page
Its already been posted on HalfLife2.net. They'll eventually solve it... END QUOTE

lol, we're the code crackers... so screw all those other lesser-than-us forums :-P
Kotik said:
I don't know! Nothing special, just trying to help:

If you look closer:

http://www.half-life2.com/hl2.php?move=w forward
http://www.half-life2.com/hl2.php?move=a left
http://www.half-life2.com/hl2.php?move=d right

The same as the keyboard. Maybe someone should try something like s (back) (Hm, doesn't work)

Actually it does work, if you highlight the page you will see an ASCII picture of a bird, the same one from the first test when you view the page source. Then is says "This was not a test"

Useless but thought I'd post anyway.
to the last two post. both those things have been found already :(
VALVE ROXORZ!!!!! OMG HAHAHA I love all these things, especially the alyx one.
well these have been discussed time and time again....nothing new
Now we must all thank the nice mods that they make sure the newbies get their treads into one.
you could have deleted th epost instead of editing it...

Don't close it, maybe we will find other things. I personally think they are funny.
and why didn't you post dat b4!!!!!! Thats a weird page. The page source has nothing.
hmm.....yes it is weird. think think think.

c'mon ppl, its not over yet!!
ATI4EVER! said:
hmm.....yes it is weird. think think think.

c'mon ppl, its not over yet!!
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***** i got the same shit on the steampowered.com forums!
wtf r u talkin about?

oh my sig? That's from gamingforums.com they banned my IP

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