4chan club at my school


Jul 9, 2003
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Alright so the other day I was walking out of class when I noticed an ad for Anonymous. I didnt know what the hell it was about so I dialed the # given on the ad to see what it was. At first noone picked up and I figured it was some sort of prank, maybe a transexual hotline or something. But no someone has actually started up a 4chan club at my school, after talking with him he sent me this email:

Alright. I got an idea to represent anonymous as a club. One cool part about the club is obviously to remain anonymous. So in order to be anonymous, they need to wear a full face mask to cover their identity. The club members will talk one at a time about a certiain topic they want to talk about. The neat thing about the club is that you can say what you want to without the fear of criticism.

I have part of the structure of the club on paper. I am going to transcribe it to you in this email. Please feel free to give advice on what you think about the club and if so, make any changes to it if necessary.

Anonymous Club Rules:

1. Always remain Anonymous.
2. Never reveal your name or face.
3. Always wear a full face mask to cover your face.

Rank Structure and rank responsibilities: (from highest to lowest member ranks)

Elites > Gold Members > Silver Members > Bronze Members > Newfags

Within the elites there are 5 ranks in order from highest to lowest. Their responsibilities are also listed. They are:

1. Master Chief Preside council and order 2 Anonymous.

2. Vice Master Chief- Presides council over Anonymous when Master Chief is not present. Has the powah to veto a decision made by the Master Chief.

3. New Master Chief- Gives out gold internetz and epic badges.

4. Editor in Chief- Takes roll of all members. He also has the responsibility to go to websites for the club via projector.

5. Epic Note Chief- Records Epic conversations of the group.

All Gold, Silver, Bronze members have to do is provide topics to discuss about, and help lower members if they have any questions.

Newfags are the newest members. Their job is to learn about the club and provide topics as well.

Gold internetz and EPIC badges:

Badges are a symbol of rank in the club. The more you achieve the higher the rank. Gold internetz badges are awarded for providing a good discussion topic. An EPIC badge is awarded for creating a memorable and unforgettable topic.


Ok those are the main club rules. Please feel free to add sugestions for the club. Also since you are the first to contact me about this club, I will give you the 2nd highest rank if you join. (Vice Master Chief)

It wouldnt be as funny until I realized that his full name came up on his email, so therefore he has broken his rules already. I cant stop laughing, honestly. I was thinking of making an ad for gay sex or something and putting his number up, just to **** with him. Suggestions? Come on helplife2.net I need ideas.
What a fag. I usually don't condone the use of /b/ in real-life situations but this guy is such a moron that I think you should post this same thread in /b/ along with his personal info and let them tear him to pieces. I mean honestly... Anonymous club?
Master Chief makes it sound more retarded.
LOL I was actually thinking of doing that, or just posting his number here but I figured I'd get banned.
Also he offered for me to be an "elite officer" since Im the first one to contact him..rofl.
Oh god. Tell him to get a life and stop bringing things into r/l that should be really.. kept on the web.
What you need to do is join the club and then secretly destroy it.

But so few people will join that.... well it would be pointless.
See and thats the whole problem, I am the only one who has even contacted him about it..sooo if I post this email he will know its me and probably post my shit online too. Im still posting his # on 4chan just cause hes an idiot. Ive never posted on 4chan though and it keeps coming up "error: flood detected". Whats up with this?
true enough. Alright I posted his # under the random section. Go check it out if you dare..they are now asking for his email..dont know if I should
lol dude Im in school browsing /b/ alright so dont tell me about not going in there without a link. seriously
EDIT: they must have deleted it, cause its disappeared under a heap of gay porn and hentai. I dont know where it is.
Ok so i i711.comed him this is the conversation:
254 722 6016

(relaying instructions)
hi you posted about 4chan GA
on our school bulletin right? GA
yes somebody posted my number on 4chan oh my god oh i
what? GA

m really pissed now (too fast)

haha a real life /b/tard gets pissed when /b/ attacks him.

For everything else, theres mastercard.
Make a new thread on /b/, and post everything you've posted here there. Consider self bumping to ensure he gets properly destroyed.

What a nonce.
Have to remain anonymous because you would never get laid if people knew you were in a school club based on a cartoon porn website.
The tides of Internet cancer spilling into the real world amuses me greatly. And then makes me weep both through my eyes and my penis.
Does anyone care to surf through /b/ and see what happened to my thread I started and post it here? Im still in school and dont wanna get caught on chan, Im interested in seeing how everyone has reacted. Anyways we should 711.com him.
Make a new thread on /b/, and post everything you've posted here there. Consider self bumping to ensure he gets properly destroyed.

What a nonce.
Right. If my thread did get deleted I'll start a new one. The only problem is he has my personal info also so if I throw up the email he sent me onto 4chan he'll know its me and probably post all of my info too. Or maybe he'll be too ****in stupid to notice, idk.
lol, I think that's pretty cool actually. Stupid yeah, but I would definitely respect him if he pulled something like that off.
What are they 12?

Is /b/ being flooded with 12 year olds? What is the world coming to!
Respect him for what? Talking abunch of idiots into sitting around at a table with masks on talking in elite speak? Christ he even said 'email meh when you get teh chance' last night over the godamn phone.:laugh:
Anyways I i711.comed him again and left him an ominous message on his voicemail:
"You have awoken a sleeping giant. We will not stop, we will not fail we are anonymous"
Probably shat himself.
Secret societies=awesome
A dude who starts a club with only one member =not-so-awesome
TBH I paid very little attention to what this thread is actually about. I just read the thing about masks and thought about how cool a secret society would be.

To be honest...
To be honest..? I just think its funny he actually wrote power as 'powah' who actually talks like this?
& Jintor-wtf? "SOS-Dan"?
The only problem is he has my personal info also.

Wait - so you're telling us all how stupid this guy is etc, yet you went along and signed up with him, and even gave him all of your personal info? Rofl. Sounds like you are pretty desperate for friends, saw an ad you could relate to from the net, signed up and then posted about it here. As soon as everyone started laughing, you switched bandwagons to be part of the "cool club" here, and made out like you thought this guy was an idiot all along too. If you really thought this guy was an idiot, you wouldn't have given him all your info. Yes, you are as transparent as a piece of glass.

Come to think of it, on another note - if the point of the club is to be anonymous, why give out any personal info at all? And how does it work in the adolescent cesspool called school, where some kid could beat up another kid, not knowing that they're actually "best buds" in anonymous. Would be funny if it was you and your new friend though, especially as you'll probably be the only two members. Sounds like you and your "mate" haven't quite thought this thing through, have you captain.
Wait - so you're telling us all how stupid this guy is etc, yet you went along and signed up with him, and even gave him all of your personal info? Rofl. Sounds like you are pretty desperate for friends, saw an ad you could relate to from the net, signed up and then posted about it here. As soon as everyone started laughing, you switched bandwagons to be part of the "cool club" here, and made out like you thought this guy was an idiot all along too. If you really thought this guy was an idiot, you wouldn't have given him all your info. Yes, you are as transparent as a piece of glass.

Come to think of it, on another note - if the point of the club is to be anonymous, why give out any personal info at all? And how does it work in the adolescent cesspool called school, where some kid could beat up another kid, not knowing that they're actually "best buds" in anonymous. Would be funny if it was you and your new friend though, especially as you'll probably be the only two members. Sounds like you and your "mate" haven't quite thought this thing through, have you captain.

I think hes refering to his own cellphone number, which the guy can see when he recieved the phone call in the first place.
I think hes refering to his own cellphone number, which the guy can see when he recieved the phone call in the first place.

I wouldn't bother even deducing it for him, the guy is known for being a complete douche to other forumers. He is the likes of Shasta.

Anyways, get him slaughtered. I want to sit back and watch these idiots destroy themselves like they always do.
I wouldn't bother even deducing it for him, the guy is known for being a complete douche to other forumers. He is the likes of Shasta.

And like Shasta, I have him on my ignore list.
Call him a newfag, and explain rules 1 and 2.