5.1 headphones for HL2


May 1, 2004
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can someone recommend some 5.1 headphones so I can hear HL2 with 5.1 ssound in headphones. does anuone here have any experince with these type of headphones?
Do they make surround-sound headphones?

Like with back/front/left/right/center sound?
Natan said:
can someone recommend some 5.1 headphones so I can hear HL2 with 5.1 ssound in headphones. does anuone here have any experince with these type of headphones?

Do you have six ears?

Lots of 5.1 headsets can be found on newegg.com, and I imagine lots of other online stores.
Dario D. said:

Lots of 5.1 headsets can be found on newegg.com, and I imagine lots of other online stores.
....such as these
I just did your shopping for you Natan, now you owe me! :P
yeah, the Zalmans are the best around right now. I got a pair (reeeeally cheap- 50 dead presidents) and they sound great. The 5.1 is done perfectly.
I love my Zalman surround sound headphones, get em, get em now.
i tried the zalmans, stay away from them if you have the least concern about sound quality. putting 5.1 on such crap speakers has as much sense as putting dual 4 inch pipes on a honda.
I <3 my Zalmans, and I think the sound quality is fantastic as far as I'm concerned.

I would like some more bass though...
If you want 5.1 headphones get the zalmans. If you realy want 5.1 in a headphone you probably dont care that much about quality.

That said, speakers are the only true way to do 5.1.
thanks for all the repley's. I;m on a budget so I might get the Medusa or the gainward sound explosion. :)
how much of a difference does 5.1 make in hl2? Is it really immersive? I imagine it would be pretty awesome in Ravenholm
J_Tweedy said:
how much of a difference does 5.1 make in hl2? Is it really immersive? I imagine it would be pretty awesome in Ravenholm

it is awsome
I have some 5.1 headphones, but no 5.1 sound card :(.
mortiz said:
I have some 5.1 headphones, but no 5.1 sound card :(.

:sleep: that sucks
get one they are not that expesnive .
you can a Soundblaster 5.1 Crad for 40-120 bucks :thumbs:
I lie, I do have a 5.1 sound card, but it's in my other computer.
I got the Listen-to-believe USB-M 5.1 Surroundsound Headset, and they sound great. But, don't get them beacuse they suck.
J_Tweedy said:
how much of a difference does 5.1 make in hl2? Is it really immersive? I imagine it would be pretty awesome in Ravenholm

It makes a BIG difference. Finding noises (e.g. Combine coming at you in one of several directions) becomes very, VERY easy, and also hearing sounds go *WHOOSH* by you is super cool!
Ive not tried any of the other 5.1 speakers but I do have the medusa ones and I think they are brilliant. They really do make a difference in HL2 and mods.

But if you currently are using some sort of 200 quid headphones from some quality company like Seinheiser or Grado or something and expect sound quality to be just as good with any 5.1 headphones then think again - because it wont be.
5.1 "headphones" is a bunch of bunk. First off they'd have to have 10 wires going to them to be 5.1 which is impossible. Secondly theres no possible way to recreate the sound dynamism a listener experiences with real 5.1 on a set of headphones.

That being said, I have 5.1 on my home theater setup, and I also have a set of real good stereo headphones but I forget the brand. Anyway the headphones are more immersive and actually have a better sound quality than my home theater. On the flip side, the home theater has an advantage of being real 5.1 so I truly hear stuff going on all around me and the entire house rocks with explosions, gunshots, etc.

Anyway save your money and buy just a good set of stereo headphones, and you'll be very happy. Dont waste your money on something that doesn't even work like it claims.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a 5.1 headset (with a microphone)?
FireCrack said:
They do have 9 wires going into them, dont be so ignorant.


Heres a good quote that I found by doing a quick google search for "5.1 headphones":

"For a retail price these are definately not worth the money. The sound quality is just not good enough. Yes, you get the effect, but my Sennheisers sound better by 100 times. No amount of EQ fiddling could get these Zalmans sounding to my liking.

Maybe Zalman will do something in the future to improve the sound quality of these headphones? I personally would not buy these until such improvements have been made, OR you simply don't care too much about quality - perhaps your existing pair of headphones are not too great either? "

It's funny I found this quote because the exact pair of headphones I bought are the Sennheisers, which I said in my original post sound better than my 5.1 home theater. Anyway that was my whole point, instead of paying extra for "5.1 headphones" put that money towards some good old fashioned headphones, and you'll thank yourselves.
More quotes:

I initially decided to test UT2004, and when doing so found the Zalmans to be quite pleasing to the ear. Surround wasn't as evident as I had hoped, but there was a certain "depth" to the audio, which enabled me to detect when there was an enemy shooting at me from an unseen location, but couldn't really discern whether that was to my side or rear.

Features & Specifications
-Real Surround Sound field close to a complete multi-channel speaker system
( notice it says 'close' and not "Real Surround Sound Field" )

While the idea of having a surround sound system wrapped around your head is quite a neat idea, it does have some drawbacks. In order for surround sound to work properly, most surround sound theatres usually have their speakers placed a fair distance away from the listener. This allows the theatre to truly enclose the area with "surround sound". By placing the sound sources so close to the ear, there are no vibrations that travel through the listener, so the feeling of "home theatre surround sound" becomes lost.
While using these headphones to replace equivalent 5.1 surround sound systems is impractical, for all intents and purposes, they are excellent for moments when you are restricted to using a headset, like deathmatching during a LAN party. Sure, you won't get the bass of a powerful howitzer ripping through your body, but you'll definitely be able to hear and quite often accurately point in the direction of where that footstep, gunshot, or any other sound came from. They are also great for listening to music as well, instead of relying on regular 2-channel headphones.

And here, just to prove everythings not negative about them:

What I've found to be quite interesting while playing was if I were to listen intently to detect the direction of an incoming sound, that I would have great difficulty doing so. However, there is enough significant difference in its sound so that your unconscious side still triggers your reflexes to point you in the proper direction.

They offer something very novel, in a package useable by almost everyone and at a price which isn't too high. In all of the tests carried out the Zalmans performed admirably - only with a slight hiccup in the music tests. They're not perfect - but they're a brilliant first attempt at such a product, and I have no doubt at all that they'll get better with newer revisions and competition in this fledgling market.

If you listen/watch/play late at night or in the presence of other people, then the Zalman headphones offer true surround sound capability in a headphone. They wont replace sophisticated 5.1 systems with dedicated subs and amplifiers, but they were never meant to - and at £60 who would realistically expect them too?

Anyway I hope this helps you guys and people do their own research and make their own decisions. I was never meaning to flame anyone for buying these headphones, like I said, i was on the line myself, but after reading tons of reviews and talking to other audio guys like myself, I saved the extra $$ and bought some good old stereo Sennheisers that work great. The extra money that I saved I put into buying my 5.1 home receiver. Of course if your not a real audiophile or you need to be keep the house quiet, these probably work great at delivering a 'surround' experience.