5 Days until release. Why isn't there more hype?



Reactions have been rather muted so far for this game. With this game so close to release, you'd think there'd be a little more hype :/
As soon as it is unlocked people will go crazy. I know i will.
Word of mouth is a wonderful thing. That's how this game will sell.
right now people are doing all sorts of stuff to waste time.
im so bored right now :(
2005? that soon?
I heard HL3 is planned for 2010 and then will be postponed till 2020 cause of a new leak :p
If there is one thing this forum needs, it's more hype.
I was hyped for 30th september 2003. Now I'm just glad the game will come out... also still couldn't get hold of a decent 6800 GT, grrrr. Guess I'll have to play it on a ti4600...
We've just been waiting for so long that we can hardly believe it...
I think the general public hype is like the boy who cried wolf. Alot of people lost interest by the false release dates over the last year or so.

My interest was huge 1 year ago but now I feel nothing at all.
dude, im stoked. i was stoked a year ago, and im stoked now. the wait has sucked, I'm only worried that I won't get any school work done once it does come out. ooooh boy, i can only imagine some of the amazing things they are going to do. I looked at some of the scans from certain magazines and books, though i wish i hadnt, i can only imagine what is going to be in this thing!
This is gonna sound strange but HL2 dosent need any sales hype... Its HL2 for christ sake..Any uninformed gamers will certainley remember the first HL and remember how good it was.. The company name ValVe and the product HL2 gamers know what they are going to get it will just sell like crazy dosent matter what happens.
halo 2 killed it, think about it, more people have an xbox then they do a hl2 worthy pc......xbox=150 bucks pc=1000ish bucks.....get over it
Halo 2 killed HL2 ..i think you over estimate Halo 2 (i love it).. but i dont think Halo 2 could even steal part of HL2s fire.
no but still people go crazy like halo1 never even existed... they just get the same some new weapons.. new gfx on new maps thats it... i dont understand what makes halo2 or halo1 something different then any other fps on the market.
We just want the damn game. Doesn't help thinking about it and talking about something you can't play and discuss. Plus nothing really left to talk about until the game is in our hands. It has all been talked to death.
Jiffra said:
Reactions have been rather muted so far for this game. With this game so close to release, you'd think there'd be a little more hype :/

I have just had a lot of chocolate, going thorugh sugar crash.

And besides how can you tell theres not a lot of hype, you can't here people scream for joy..

I think there are more people anxious to see if everything goes according to plan. Lets hope for a large queue at GAME stores around the globe
yep i agree lets see what happens when HL2 Acctualy hits the stores see what happens to the halo 2 crowd after a month or so. like ive said i love halo 2 but HL2 is to big.
My hype is nearly gone, since I'm bored out of my mind waiting for the game to be released.

Wait until next week. The forums are probably gonna explode.
Shadow-warrior said:
I think the general public hype is like the boy who cried wolf. Alot of people lost interest by the false release dates over the last year or so.

My interest was huge 1 year ago but now I feel nothing at all.

I feel exactly the same. My hype and interest died after the third delay. and i dont think it will ever come back :(
Folks have been hyped since April 2003, so the enthusiasm has waned a bit, and understandably so. But don't worry. Come the morning of November 16 and I'm sure the hype-meter will go into overdrive.
I don't know why, I'm not as enthusiast as when they released CS:S on Steam... I don't play this game anymore anyways... :(
On monday you'll see. But after all, it's the path that leads to the goal, not the goal itself, that is important. ;)
yep i think alot of peeps are bored waiting like me. 1 year ago this game was trully revolutionary but since then weve had, far cry,d3,gta sa and halo 2.

my hype-ometer is at zero and tbh im going to be in a really crititcal frame of mind when i first play it. Valves fault. :p
All the hype shifted to Halo 2...and when people play Halo 2 and go..."why isn't this game as good as it should be??"....Alot of people will shift their hype to other games..like Half-life 2.

But if you ask me...you don't need hype for Half-life 2. I've learned a hard lesson and that's not to judge a game on it's hype. Look at Halo 2 for example.....the hype was massive, more than anyother game....and look what kind of game it really turned out to be...a disappointment. Half-life 2 should not have that much hype...the less hype it has...the more better I feel.
Radio538 just had a commercial.(radio538 is most popular radiostation in the Netherlands)
Radio 538: "De confrontatie is over 5 dagen...Half-Life2"
Which means.. "The confrontation is in 5 days..Half-Life2"

they actually DO advertise O_O
ill be in school when it comes out....ill be sure every last person in my school know that !!!!!HALF-LIFE 2 CAME OUT TODAY OMG!!!!! thatll be enuf hype for it...
i think many of us still cant realize just how soon the game will be in our hands.
DigiQ8 said:
me 2
but not as much as the old days
yeah, especially once they announced no multiplayer. i think that alone SHOULD have lowered their review scores but the cs fanboys (reviewers) thought that was a plus for some reason. i think valve is basically saying the majority likes cs so screw the minority that hates counterstrike, their voices will be drowned out. and that pisses me off :frown:
not enough hype ? NOT ENOUGHT HYPE ? i havent slept in weeks and if you would look closely at me you would see that i am floating almoast an inch above the ground