5 Days until release. Why isn't there more hype?

I think everyone is still hyped its just you can't feel it cause its soo close yet still far away. Once the game comes out its going to be insane, everyone will freak! I know i will, im actually thinking about driving around downtown screaming OMG HALF LIFE 2 is OUT!!!!!!!!! maybe in the mall or someplace with lots of people so I can make a complete ass of myself :D
I suppose Ive lost the hype because Im sick of waiting, being told total BS and I literally am not exited anymore I think HL2 and I auto think 'meh' just not that bothered, to the point where I work from home and I wont play it till I finish work instead or my origional plan to pretend to work all day and play
Icewind said:
Radio538 just had a commercial.(radio538 is most popular radiostation in the Netherlands)
Radio 538: "De confrontatie is over 5 dagen...Half-Life2"
Which means.. "The confrontation is in 5 days..Half-Life2"

they actually DO advertise O_O
LOL, that's cool! But I never listen to 538 :(. I always listen to XFM (www.xfm.nl). Maybe we get tv commercials too, when Far Cry was released there was a commercial too, it's not always about console games.
I barely payed any attention to hl2 last year, even after the leak. And I've started monitoring the game closely since july. So there werent so many delays to me. so i'm pretty hyped and didn't have to suffer the many delays
i think there have been too many delays to be hyped, i still want it, but now im in a "i'll belive it when i see it" mode...

longest 2 weeks in history eh? (from when i got my countdown timer)
Jiffra said:
Reactions have been rather muted so far for this game. With this game so close to release, you'd think there'd be a little more hype :/

well u really can't blame them, now could u? :p
i mean theres been a few times now that Valve has said they'd be releasing something (SDK in April anyone?) and eventually it got delayed.. now the circumstances may be different but pple are still cautious.

anyway i think Monday we will see this place buzzing almost as much as it was around September 2003 ;)
OMBHALFLIFE2WILLBEOUTINAFEWDAYSAHHHHHHHHH is probably the feeling everyone will be getting in a couple of days here
I don't think anyone really questions our hype. But what about the teeming masses for whom HL2 is "just another game?" Let's compare this launch to Doom III's. D3 had tons of print ads, tons of previews on gaming sites and most importantly tons of banner ads, so it's always in front of someone's eyeballs.

For HL2 there have been some good previews, but none that were as showcased as much as D3. I remember seeing one or two print ads, but even those might have been ATI ads, so I don't know if that counts. And I've only seen the one Gamespot ad as far as internet stuff goes. Pretty pathetic. As anyone with at least a little business sense knows, word of mouth is most useful after a product is launched. Before then you need a tidal wave of publicity to generate that initial interest. I think Vivendi/Valve are overestimating HL2's general appeal. Fanboys have never driven the market and I think they'll find that out after a couple of months when the game disappears from the popular view. I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't look good for now.
don't forget the mainstream public and the casual gamers... they haven't followed this game like you guys, so this will be totally fresh and new to them when they finally get to play the game or hear about it. so perhaps there will be a lot of hype generated as new players discover the game, just like happened with hl1 in 1998
ohh im hyped
whenever i am pisserd off at somethign i go meh
hl2 tuesday
I'm actually quite pleased with the reaction on the forums. With more hype, loads of threads would appear saying nothing but 'OMG!! HL2!!11!' and we don't want that.

Im pretty hyped when I think about HL2 and CS:S. I don't like to think what the forums will be like when its released....

If it were up to me id probably shut the forums down for a week to get people to calm down. But them i'm mean.
I think that people have been waiting for the game so long that they dont even believe its coming out soon. Its probably mainly a subconscious thing. I mean I dont really feel hyped but it is HL2 i would have thought i would be. I really think its just taken so long the hype has sort of died. Its kind of a good thing really because if you dont hype somin, as you usually think somin is gonner be better than it turns out if you do. Reviews say its more than expected though, which is abit wierd. I think people will be hyped up on monday.
Jarman said:
We've just been waiting for so long that we can hardly believe it...

you know what? you're probably right. half life 2 will finally.. finally.. be released! after all these years, this huge, so high anticipated game makes its way into our hands. people, wake up, it's no dream! the matrix has you.. uhm.. i mean, half life 2 :p

think back to last year. we didn't know poo about this game. does it exist or not?? all gamers wanted it (but actually, we all knew it would be in the making), a sequel to the awesome half life. that would be the bomb. i remember, when the first screenshot of half life 2 got released. it was a scan pic, where you could see the combine soldier and the ant lion in this "orange - map". voodoo extreme newsposter turned crazy. :D that was the moment.

e3 2003 was all about half life 2. it stole every other game's show in every aspect.

half life 2 needs no ads-action. it speaks for itself. :) that game is going to hit.. hard.. very hard

but i think the "storm" is rolling in within the next days. gamespot review tomorrow, or what?
last year it had already been announced as delayed. what do you mean noone heard of it
:bounbe: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

is that enough hype

btw i am really excited, i remeber when we had 28 days, now its in less than a week!!!
Halo 2 is calming my hype until it is unlocked.
No hype for me, it'll be back again about Christmas time (the same time I'll be back here after Tuesday)