5 new gameplay videos

I reckon that the detail he knows about Alyx is probably slightly more interesting than the lint on her jacket! Otherwise, they wouldn't have mentioned it.

You know, the HL story keeps getting more and more interesting. LaidLaw is a demi-god.

Hell yeah, man that spoiler creates a shit load of more questions *drool*. Maybe the G-Man will use Alyx to get Gordon to cooperate with him again or something? THE OPTIONS ARE ENDLESS! well they aren't but there are still a lot:E
I don't know where to start, or even if I should start :D *Watches the videos over and over*
The "New" vehicle looks almost exactly like the old buggy, but bigger and with stuff on it. Oh yeah and the sequence with the house being obliterated is obviously scripted so I'm not impressed. The only thing that I did like was the wide outdoor environment and the Hunter, but still only one new enemy come on!
Man,I have no words for this.....I am speechless. I can't wait for it.
The "New" vehicle looks almost exactly like the old buggy, but bigger and with stuff on it. Oh yeah and the sequence with the house being obliterated is obviously scripted so I'm not impressed. The only thing that I did like was the wide outdoor environment and the Hunter, but still only one new enemy come on!

There is just no pleasing some people, you lot need to get your priorities right to be quite honest...
There is just no pleasing some people, you lot need to get your priorities right to be quite honest...

It's cool to hate.

"I'm on a HL2 fan site but to show how meta and cool I am, I'm going to say I don't like it"
It's cool to hate.

"I'm on a HL2 fan site but to show how meta and cool I am, I'm going to say I don't like it"

Ouch you got me:rolleyes:

Shift said:
There is just no pleasing some people, you lot need to get your priorities right to be quite honest...

Oh really, and what is it exactly that I should be prioritising? The story?:dozey:
A HL2 hate site could easily be a Halo fansite, therefore there are many HL2 hate sites.

In the same way this is a Halo hate site or a doom 3 hate site, people need a dedicated hate site for HL2.
Oh, and at the end of the Portal testing you will be....minced. As in chopped up.
"If you become light headed from thirst, feel free to pass out."


Edit: I got a very clear shot of who you are, but I can't take screenshots of a movie D:

He looks a bit like gman tbh. I don't recognize Kleiner in it.
i never thought I would ever say 'meh' about a halflife product
but it's all so unoriginal - vehicle ramming soldiers? done. extended gunship fight? done done and done again. fighting antlions in enclosed spaces? done to death.
To be fair, they might not want to show you all the new and exciting and completely different stuff they've got (not read thread yet).
When you first killed that grub I think it said "stealth" instead of "sex". Because after killing one or stepping on one the hive senses harm coming to its larvae. So they are there as a kind of security device for the hive. Thats what it looks like to me anyways.
Oh, and at the end of the Portal testing you will be....minced. As in chopped up.

I thought it said missed :x

hool10300 said:
When you first killed that grub I think it said "stealth" instead of "sex". Because after killing one or stepping on one the hive senses harm coming to its larvae. So they are there as a kind of security device for the hive. Thats what it looks like to me anyways.

I thought it said sense there aswell.
These are the clearest shots I can get of the character in Portal.


Did anyone see/hear that Icthy (I swear it was an icthy) in trailer 1. Jesus, I'm so happy I could wet myself! In fact I will!
Thanks, I was gonna post these. He really looks like a younger G-Man.

If it turns out that the character is indeed G-Man then it just confirms a little theory that I've been thinking about. What if the G-Man really is human, this is after all a story with multiple Universes so maybe he is from another world inhabited by humans that are much more advanced then us.
Don't think so.. The current G-man doesn't look minced.

OK it's his long lost brother then. In an earlier image didn't it show that the character had a bald patch, the G-Man isn't bald.
But does that make sense?

"As part of a previously mentioned required test protocol, we can no longer lie to you. When the testing is over, you will be missed"

Actually, it makes sense either way. If it was minced, I would agree. It's a top secret research facility, why wouldn't they kill the test subject after he knows so much about the project? Maybe it is death row prisoners, and they say if you make it through alive, you can live. I dunno..Minced wouldn't be my word of choice there though..Missed does actually make more sense than minced...
Right, missed is more psychological, they said minced, I'd just stop doing the tests, but missed means either they are going to kill me, minced or not, or they will simply miss me after I leave. Much more brain-terror.
so....portal actually has something to do with the Half-Life story? Because i read that the Portal Gun will apparantly expand the options for Valve in Episode 3 and in future Half-Life games.
Portal stuff

A lot of speculation has been going on about the character you will play in Portal. That's because it has been confirmed that the portal will take place in the halflife universe. But that doesn't necesalery mean that the character is a known individual in the hafllife universe! (unless i missed some news, in that case flame me!)

First off all there were rumors about prof. Kleiner being the playable character. How does that make any sense, Kleiner is al little wimp that only does science. No way he could be capable of enduring such deadly test, even if he was younger. Besides, i don't think just a bald spot on his head could be proof, a lot of people have bald spots on their head.

Than there is the G-man rumor. I find this quite unlikely. G-man is, next to Gordon, the most important character in the halflife universe. He is so interesting because of his mystique and sinisterness. No way Valve is going to screw that up by putting him in some sidegame (which doesn't mean i don't like portal, matherfact i get a boner just thinking about it :LOL: ) in which he is a testsubject toting a huge portalgun. That just doesn't make sense.

Of all the rumors about the character we will play i find shepard the most likely but i still doubt that too. Anyways, kleiner and g-man rumors are bullcrap.
The "New" vehicle looks almost exactly like the old buggy, but bigger and with stuff on it. Oh yeah and the sequence with the house being obliterated is obviously scripted so I'm not impressed. The only thing that I did like was the wide outdoor environment and the Hunter, but still only one new enemy come on!
Of course they've only shown maybe 2 new enemies. They're not going to just reveal everything right away. Also, Atomic_Piggy. Which part of video 1 did you hear/see an Icky? I CAN'T SEE SHIT!

/me calms down
This is worrying, I didn't even notice any building falling apart. o_O
Of course they've only shown maybe 2 new enemies. They're not going to just reveal everything right away. Also, Atomic_Piggy. Which part of video 1 did you hear/see an Icky? I CAN'T SEE SHIT!

/me calms down

If someone can show me that Icky I'll shut up about the new enemies, if not well... RANT RANT RANT:flame:
Hm... Just watched it again. I can't tell. Looks like gibs/antlion corpses falling in and floating around, can't really tell.
In all fairness, video 3 just looked like Water Hazard except in a buggy... but then the fast zombie jumped INTO the car and I was back to OMFG!! again.

The Antlion nest thing looks sickeningly awesome, too. Can't wait for this game.
Despite not being a huge fan, I can't deny that EP2 looks bloody fantastic.

There, I said it.