50 Cent - the game

Zeus said:
"clickity...click clickity....clank....the money goes into my piggy....bank"
That's probably one of the more terrible and egocentric lines I've ever encountered in a song.
Is there going to be a level where he plays at Reading Festival and gets owned by numerous bottles thrown at him, til he has to leave the stage because everyone hates the bastard and his rubbish music? :|

And yes there was definate clippage in that breakcase. how poor. :smoking:
crushenator 500 said:
Wow, I just saw him on the new simpsons.. :eek:
He's everywhere!

Over here in forum-land we have a name for people like that: Attention Whores.
bliink said:
Over here in forum-land we have a name for people like that: Attention Whores.

isin't that the same name for people who spew one liners in bold text :p

Unless this game comes with enough warm water to fill a bathtub and a razor, I don't see how it will be worth getting.
Does it end with a scene like this:

'Head' (guitarist from Korn) writes a song from God to 50 - either listen and join or walk away and take shot 10 (as said in the song)...
I thizzle I might rent 50 cizzle the gizzle if it is good enizzle and I hizzle some good thizzles about izzle in some gaming magazizzles.
I can see the thuggy freshmen / sophomores at my school,
Totally loving this game and treating as if its their bible.
Despite how horrible it looks/is.
Most of them hated GTA3 / Vice City...Yet LOVED San Andreas...Go figure?
(not dissing SA, I love it too.)
if he actually gets a talented team to do this, it could turn out good
And then that will signal the time when I must rise up and take my responsibility as the harbinger of the apocalypse.
although you know that you can survive at least nine shots :D

[Edit] Argh!!! Went up to civilian without even noticing... :dozey: