%50 of the people will buy the wrong version..


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
%90 of the people that will buy HL2 probably dont even follow it online, so they will have no clue. They will just wait for the release date and go and get it. I can picture it now..

"wtf this game doesnt come with multiplayer?"
I'm sure there'll be something on the box that says "single player version" or some such, and if they don't see it, than that's their fault
Ah yes, but they won't know there is different version Fob.
Originally posted by DrEvil
is it 50% or 90%. really, i want to know.

He said 90% of the people that buy the game DONT follow these forums, which he is right, and 50% of those people that buy the game will buy the wrong version.
people who are too stupid to buy the right version don't deserve to play online.

hey look, a way to weed idiots out of online gameplay.
Originally posted by SilentKilla
He said 90% of the people that buy the game DONT follow these forums, which he is right, and 50% of those people that buy the game will buy the wrong version.

Yeah I saw that, I'm just bitching around.
not 50% but a good number will

one of my good friends, who is by no means dumb what so ever, had ordered it on IGN and just told me today he was going to cancel his order and pirate the game cuase he was pissed off at what valve was going, with this multi player and steam and all that.....

and only after me explaining 3 or 4 times that you can still buy it like hl1 multi and single for 50 bucks, and get FREE UPDATES did he decide to wait and see what happens..

man people are pissed off at this stuff... and IGN seems to be displaying information that single and multi are two seperate things and you ahve to buy them both seperatly....... and that no updates are free and no mods are free. and cs2 and dod2 and tf2 should be free... by what i keep hearing.
It's 50% people will not care for this thread.35% that cares but is to lazy to type a reply.15% will just flame me for this reply.But really I think it's stupid to make diffrent versions of hl2.They should just stick to one version and make it easier to buy so there is no confusion.
90% of the people here don't care

all i care bout is if i get the right version...don't care if some moron buys the wrong version and whines bout it
Originally posted by Tr0n
They should just stick to one version and make it easier to buy so there is no confusion.

oh i agree sir... after see'ing my friends reaction i was shocked and thought what people of lesser intelligence are thinking. its not good not worth it.
I care, I care about valve... I want them to make all the money they can. But then again, the morons might buy it twice... Whoa! Good thinking Valve. Sneaky Bastards.
Originally posted by rootbin
people who are too stupid to buy the right version don't deserve to play online.

hey look, a way to weed idiots out of online gameplay.

:LOL: I never thought of it like that, rootbin.
Yes, because Valve will put both versions IN EXACTLY THE SAME BOX! With no description on it! A big black box made of pure, unadulterated confusion!

50% of people in this forum will make up statistics just to have something to talk about.
:cheese: If you can't work out which version has multi(probably clearly labelled in big bold letters for the not so sharp), how will these people actually play the game at all.....get Mom to install it?
-Mom, the computer's not working?
-You have to switch it on ,Dear.
Originally posted by Shockwave
%90 of the people that will buy HL2 probably dont even follow it online, so they will have no clue. They will just wait for the release date and go and get it. I can picture it now..

"wtf this game doesnt come with multiplayer?"
First of all, clueless people deserve what comes to them. Secondly, Gabe has said that those with the single player version will be able to upgrade it to the full version via Steam. The cost will be roughly the difference had they bought the full version in the first place.
your 10 times more likly to die in a car accident then in a plane crash...


....carry on
well if this does happen i will do my bit i am working in a pc shop and i will stay at games section and will tell em all about wat has happend and i will make sure they get the right version :)
box will probably say: Contains Single-player
and an other: Contains Single-player and multi-player
or something like that.
However I think the shops in my town in Holland only sell one version. We'll see. But if they only have the SP version, I'll get back some other time.
Originally posted by zdub
your 10 times more likly to die in a car accident then in a plane crash...


....carry on

That's because I'm 10 times more likely to be in a car than a plane

Yet another brilliant, revolutionary idea from Valve that some people are snubbing immediately because they have no faith. This is a good idea, not (JUST) for selling more units but to provide a tiered price structure to make it cheaper for certain audiences. Valve aren't money leeches, and they definitely aren't stupid.

"More On Half-Life 2 SKU
9/3/2003 19:32 PST | Half-Life 2 | by redef
GNS Project received (from Gabe Newell) another piece of info regarding the different Half-Life 2 SKU’s. This quote explains it all:
For people who buy the less expensive version, they can always upgrade to MOD and multiplayer using Steam. The price difference will be about the difference there was between the two versions.
The theory is that it helps out retailers like Walmart who have very broad reach into customer bases that don't care about multiplayer and who are very price conscious. Rather than having to wait a year for the product price to come down, there's a special version for them on day one. "

I think this finally will end all the damn discussion about this.

How can you be so stupid that you take a box that says "Single Player version" or something like that instead of the box next to it that says "Single Player and Multi Player version"? :)
Originally posted by rootbin
people who are too stupid to buy the right version don't deserve to play online.

hey look, a way to weed idiots out of online gameplay.

OMG you might be on to something online gaminig could beginto be...well...fun!
It isn't Valve's fault that people have their heads up their asses. Dumb f*cks should learn how to read.
Christ, some people are ****ing stupid. If you can't read then its your own fault. PErsonally i dont care if someone stupid shit picks up a wrong version.

The Key here is reading, learn to READ so many people have jumped at valve for making the game P2P, when its not.
Actually was'nt it stated by gabe that if you bought the sp only version, you could actually pay the last $20 (i'm taking it that the sp ver. costs $30 and the sp/multi $50) and upgrade the sp to multi (succesfully unlocking the multi part over steam i guess)
Even if someone accidently buys the SP only version, they still have the capability to "upgrade" to have MP as well.
So everything should work out....unless that person who buys SP only by accident doesnt know how to use a computer either lol
man some people hear ae being mean instead of calling them all idiot and its there own fualt help em out
It is true that most HL gamers don't read these forums or other HL forums. If you picked an average CS-kiddie from a server I bet 20 bucks that he wouldn't even know that HL2 is going to be released soon
Originally posted by cueball
man some people hear ae being mean instead of calling them all idiot and its there own fualt help em out

Helping them out? Sorry but there is no cure for stupidity.
If you make a fairly large purchase, any thinking person will atleast read the boxcover of the game before buying. Their own dumb fault if they still screw up.
Actual studies prove, that actual studies actually prove something.
90 % of the buyers of HL2 are not watching this forum?

There are about 250 active topic readers (correct me if i am wrong). That means that Valve will sell 2500 cd's. I don't think so. They worked 5 years on this game. When they sell 2500 cd's they will be on the street.

"Half-Life has won more than 50 Game of the Year awards from publications around the world and has sole over 2.5 million copies worldwide." - gamezone.

That means that we are just a little bit of the half-life 2 buyers.

Even if there are 100000 active halflife2.net forum readers, this % is crazy.

(srry for bad english:eek: )

:dozey: euhm, what?....I had nothing to do.:cheese:
Personally I think it would be f*ckin hilarious if Valve DIDNT lable the boxes, and you just had a 1 in 3 chance of getting the version you wanted. Haha casual gamers getting the collectors edition and all the cool stuff and thinking wtf? And hardcore CSers crying cuz they got the SP only. Id laugh my ass off.
Originally posted by Bass
Personally I think it would be f*ckin hilarious if Valve DIDNT lable the boxes, and you just had a 1 in 3 chance of getting the version you wanted. Haha casual gamers getting the collectors edition and all the cool stuff and thinking wtf? And hardcore CSers crying cuz they got the SP only. Id laugh my ass off.

Until you see you got de SP only also