


Am i the only one with 512MB but having the hard drive in panic of always loading stuff ?? everytime there's a sound the hard drive panic and the game freeze.. everytime i pass a door same thing again !
i'm on a fresh install.. defrag done after the install was complete.. i play CSS without problems
Same for me.
I have 768 ddr and hard drive is going mental all the time(defragging as I write this)
sound seems to be the main culprit.
Any ideas anyone?
I know 2 things that will help,

1) Drop detail settings,and possibly resolution by a notch.

2) get more ram.

I am 100% certain it is a ram issue as whenever you get stutters and freezes such as when going into a new area,or opening a door,its because you dont have enough ram,that hard drive "thrashing" as its called are textures being loaded from windows virtual memory,which is very slow,rather than from you fast ddr ram.
And besides, having more RAM makes for better visuals.

1GB gets you the highest detail textures. 512MB will knock you 1 mip
level down.

You'll probably need more RAM soon enough anyhow.