6 punks vs 1 skater - warning language


May 25, 2003
Reaction score

This video isnt a google video/funny video or a flash so it doesn't need to go in the sticky thread

Ok some skater kid starts arguing with some loud mouth little kid and then ends up fighting some other kid. The skater starts winning and then the kid whose losing gets his people to help him out.. what a completely unfair fight.

i saw this at school the other day, made me fall out of seat laughing at the puny wigger trying to start shit.

I ****ing hate little pricks like that. If ever a kid like him started shit with me, I'd **** him up so bad. That is the one and only thing I hate.. Little ****ing pricks who think they are all that..
If that kid tried that at my school, he'd be out in a second.
Oh, wow. If some little shit came up to me talking like that, he'd be down.
Man I'm not usually the one who always says "oh i would kick that kids ass" but seriously omg that kid in the XXXXL white shirt who was talking all that smack "oh ima give u a free shot" *PAP* right in the jaw...
In a situation like that? A few swift kicks to the groin, a knee to the solar plexus, some fingers in some eyes, I predict a swift, brutal, soon-to-be-over fight.

Whether or not it earns you "street cred", who really cares. You can't just take crap like that.
If I were in this situation, I'd rather go with the "Sir, due to my exceedingly great scope of homosexuality, I'd be in no advantageous status to engage a formal struggle for domination with you. Thank you and have a good day." Then walk away like nothing ever happened.
It amazes me that a war can be fought in the name of freedom, where thousands of innocent people die needlesly and yet this scum of human kind is allowed to live.

It's time we had a culling.
Quite frankly, I'd snap in a situation like that. I'd rip that little shit's throat out.
I would've broken that little kids nose(one in the white shirt 10 times to big) then knocked fat boy out.

One of the reasons when I turn 21, I am getting a concelled(spelling?) gun license and arming myself. Sick of little thugs trying to act cool like that with their "posse." A bullet in there leg will make them realize next time not to **** with people.

Oh and I couldn't stop laughing at the kid saying he busted the skater in the head with a gun, LOLOLOL.
If that happened around here someone would die because of it afterwords, not kidding. That's why that kind of shit only happens with the 'wigger' types, can't walk the talk when shit actually DOES go down.

Sometimes you know, it pays to know people. I'm glad I do.
God, I hate wiggers. Why TRY to be "ghetto"? Since when is poverty cool? As soon as that little punk ass in the white shirt said I wouldn't do anything, his little ass would be down for the count.
losermeetsworld said:
God, I hate wiggers. Why TRY to be "ghetto"? Since when is poverty cool? As soon as that little punk ass in the white shirt said I wouldn't do anything, his little ass would be down for the count.
Meh, you gotta learn to ignore punk little kids.
But man, sometimes I wish I could get in a real fight. :( Being the quiet, reserved guy doesn't help me in that area.
I'd steal his pokemon cards...he looks old enough...then he'd break down..NO YOU TOOK MY CHARZARD!!!
If that happend with me and the people I know, it'd last two seconds because everyone would gang up on the instegator. Were better then those people.
MiccyNarc said:
Meh, you gotta learn to ignore punk little kids.
But man, sometimes I wish I could get in a real fight. :( Being the quiet, reserved guy doesn't help me in that area.
Man no you don't. Unless you mean like friendly boxing. Happens a lot here. Not 'boxing' with a ring, but like a prearranged fight for the sake of it, has rules but it's like a street fight. They're friends and it's usually bet on. No dirty stuff, doesn't make sense too because you're not really trying to **** up the other guy too badly, only enough to win.
watching that got me all riled up. I need to go find me some wiggers...
If you've got some intuitive friends then all it takes is a meaningful glance or a quick flick of the head/nod. Then you waste the stupid little kid knowing your friends have your back.
I have never seen wiggers try to act so tough, oh my.. quite disgusting.
i'd just walk away, people can see shit all day along and it doesn't affect me. And if you're going to fight somebody, i mean really fight somebody, don't be so clean about it. Go for the balls, grab hair, use your knees/elbows, throw them around by their clothing, poke their eyes out, i mean shit, if your gonna go then go.

...i've never been in a straight up fight like that :( (or is it :) ?)most of my fights have been me getting the drop on somebody and then pinning them (wrestling team/dorm wrestling which is tap out or pass out) before they had a chance to really fight back...does that make me a jerk?

THAT said, i would never get involved in somebody else's fight, unless there was a chance for serious injury. Everybody needs to get beaten up every now and then.
I dreamed about me getting in a fight with about 5 18 year olds and I won.
That video is disgusting, I never really get into fights, I always try to run away from them. But that's starting to annoy me to hell, because I've got long hair in front of my eyes and people start calling me 'doggy', 'ape' or 'Samson' (<a TV show here.)
I would have walked away and gone home, grabbed my machine gun and came back and blew them all way. Next life they will think twice about starting shit.
xcellerate said:
i'd just walk away, people can see shit all day along and it doesn't affect me. And if you're going to fight somebody, i mean really fight somebody, don't be so clean about it. Go for the balls, grab hair, use your knees/elbows, throw them around by their clothing, poke their eyes out, i mean shit, if your gonna go then go.

...i've never been in a straight up fight like that :( (or is it :) ?)most of my fights have been me getting the drop on somebody and then pinning them (wrestling team/dorm wrestling which is tap out or pass out) before they had a chance to really fight back...does that make me a jerk?

THAT said, i would never get involved in somebody else's fight, unless there was a chance for serious injury. Everybody needs to get beaten up every now and then.
If I'm in a fight it means someone's not going to be leaving standing. You don't fight for honor or garbage like that, if someone starts something, if I've got a knife or something else on me it's going into them. People don't really tend to mess with me because I'm a pretty big guy and people I've associated with on occasion have given me their blessings and protection.
RakuraiTenjin said:
If I'm in a fight it means someone's not going to be leaving standing. You don't fight for honor or garbage like that, if someone starts something, if I've got a knife or something else on me it's going into them. People don't really tend to mess with me because I'm a pretty big guy and people I've associated with on occasion have given me their blessings and protection.

I am a lot the same way...however if its a good friend of mine I wont go all out unless he is.

I usually do cheap crap like kicks to the balls, shine, eye gouging, sand to the eye, making their nose bleed and all kinds of fun crap like that. My philosophy isn't to win, but to make sure they don't leave un damage :eek:
When viewed that video my computer frooze, and I was forced to restart it.
I wanted to have been their, so I could smash that idiot's head with a blunt object.
If I was there, I would've shown all of them what an internet tough guy I can be. I would've broken all the bones in that one guy's body with one punch, then totally beat off his six friends using my awesome martial arts skills and then kicked the little kid to the moon, because I'm that awesome on the interweb.

Some of you guys, seriously. :LOL: Not trying to say I doubt any of you could've done any better (frankly I don't care whether you could or not; I'll hold to my skepticisms), but it's hilarious to hear people talk about it all hypothetically on the internet anyway.

And really, who gives a shit what a little kid says? He's a punkass little kid, Jesus. If you go around fighting with everyone who talks shit about you, you might not live very long (please nobody respond to that with, "Yes I would 'cause I'd beat the crap out of everyone!"). And nobody fights with honor these days anyway. These people are nothing but whelps who can't fight without their pack (fighting being a figurative term; what occurred in that video was nothing more than a slap fight). Better to just walk away and not waste time on mongrels.
The influence of rap on our youth. :rolleyes:
Poor guy :(
Very fair fight, wasn't aggressive at all and then he gets attacked by six assholes :(
What I would do is completely break the ****er's neck (or at least do some kind permanent damage) and when they start coming in packs, just fight as dirty as possible. (Which reminds me, at the end of the vid when that white fag is very close to that other guy getting harassed, I actually yelled "OMFG ELBOW THAT ****ER IN THE FACE". lol :p

But, as OvA said, the first thing I would try to do is walk away. But if they persist, I won't have any other option than to fight.