6800 vs X800 (new)


Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Well...nvidia has new drivers that allow for trilinear filtering to be turned off like ATI is retail and this is what it looks like now.


Im more focused on the 6800 GT vs X800 PRO because they are cards that are'nt the most expensive but offer alot of bang for the buck overall and the 6800GT is looking to be the best ...it out performs the X800PRO in every game just about except at 1600x1200 in farcry but then the nvidia pulls it back at 2014 (or whatever)....both cards are one slot, both cards need one molex connector and both cards cost roughly the same price (in UK) 6800GT £284 but gainward and leadtek are releasing theres very soon. probably will be £300 and X800 PRO £305 .... discuss :p
Looks like ati x800 is a little behind but where was the x800xt ?
But sinse hlaflife2 and stuff is coming with ati i will buy ati.
the 6800 gt looks like a good buy. I wish those bencharks had the x800 xt though.
It certainly looks like the GeForce 6800GT is the one to go for in the cheaper bracket.
The x800pro and 6800GT seem to be very close in performance.... i guess it all comes down to pricing and availability.
I dont think they had the XT because these were all retail boards, running proper retail drivers ...i figure the ULTRA was in there because Nvidia have something to proove on their cards and test, because the last drivers sucked for nvidia, where as ATI already know their cards are running uber on their drivers ;)

I get payed 1 week on friday, i hope the 6800GT is out by then (they have 5 days on ebuyer UK site) because im in need of a new graphics card even though i have'nt got any graphically demanding games except farcry lol but it will be nice to play my games with aa/af :D
man those are some awesome scores for splinter cell for both the cards. id love to be able to run Pandora tomorrow at 1600x1200 at 80fps!
Sorry if this in kinda OT, but what's the Nvidia FX equivelant of say, a 9800pro? I mean in power, not pricerange.
ooooh - i'm tempted by the 6800 GT :)

(if money was no option i'd get a X800 XT tho)
I've got my eyes set on a X800pro. Image quality is everything to me.
I'm surprised by the high speeds achieved in HL2 with the 6800Ultra though,
it's slightly faster than the X800Pro.
yea...the 6800 ultra is the x800 xt equivilant. that doesnt surprise me one bit i would hope nvidia isnt THAT far behind in speed.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
I've got my eyes set on a X800pro. Image quality is everything to me.
I'm surprised by the high speeds achieved in HL2 with the 6800Ultra though,
it's slightly faster than the X800Pro.

I dont want to start an ati vs nvidia fanboi's thread but id say nvidia is well on par with ati in image quality with the nv40 ;) the only problems nvidia have are performance drops at high AA/AF compared to ati but they are mainly AA/AF settings you would'nt use in the latest best graphics games.

HL2 may be an ati game but it does'nt mean Valve will screw over half the pc population, maybe more because they have nvidia's, they would be burning money if they made HL2's compatability with nvidia's crap. Same for doom3 and ati cards.
Bad^Hat said:
Sorry if this in kinda OT, but what's the Nvidia FX equivelant of say, a 9800pro? I mean in power, not pricerange.

The FX5950 and 9800Pro are probably the closest you're going to get, performance wise. In my mind, the gap was pretty much always marginal.

Also, nobody come and live in New Zealand - The 6800GT will be around $930, and the X800Pro will be around $975-1000.
Saw this yesterday. If money is no object and your not bothered about the lack of PS3.0 or onboard video encoding then the X800 XT is the card for you. Its just the fastest thing out there right now. However if you're on more of a budget the 6800 GT is the smarter choice to go for over the X800 pro.
nvidia is supposedly gonna gonna release more drivers that increase performance very soon. they have a developer only driver (61.51) out, but its not ready for public. should be interesting on how well these new drivers boost nvidia performance.