General sentiment in here - X800 Pro or the 6800 GT?

X800 Pro or the 6800 GT?

  • 6800 GT

    Votes: 79 47.9%
  • X800 Pro

    Votes: 57 34.5%
  • Equal or performance differences hardly matters

    Votes: 29 17.6%

  • Total voters
Raziel-Jcd said:

Umm no not if he can get an X800XT PE. Don't be impatient and get a 6800GT when you can get an X800XT PE if you just wait a little bit.
Nope can't afford a $500 card, I'm going for the $400 card, and seeing as the GT is better than the X800 pro Nvidia it is.
bosox188 said:
Nope can't afford a $500 card, I'm going for the $400 card, and seeing as the GT is better than the X800 pro Nvidia it is.

Don't make up your mind until the week you purchase it. Drivers have a way of changing performance numbers dramatically. Not to mention that certain ATI features (like 3Dc) have yet to be used in a game yet, so performance in games can change dramatically.
Yeah I know the time between now and Christmas that could change but as of right now it's 6800GT.
I want to start seeing some 3dc bencmarks. It sounds like a great technology but I think ATI is losing some potential customers buy not having any games that support it. I think Half life 2 will be the first but That is months of still.
whats this card going to be able to do (X800XT PE) and its a ati right? when is it supose to come out?
WAITn4HL2 said:
whats this card going to be able to do (X800XT PE) and its a ati right? when is it supose to come out?

It's been out for a while, best card you can get right now. Though in the other thread you mentioned not waiting for the X800XT PE to come in, but 6800 Ultra is barely slower.
Probably the X800 Pro (check around) although my 6800GT says 350Watts as the Min.

It would probably work but just would not be recommended.
Some sites say 300w for it, it should be fine as the psu is an Antec Truepower.
Im trying to chose between a 6800 GT and a X800 PRO also, still can't choose :S

I'll just wait some more
blackeye said:
I want to start seeing some 3dc bencmarks. It sounds like a great technology but I think ATI is losing some potential customers buy not having any games that support it. I think Half life 2 will be the first but That is months of still.

This may be a stupid question, but what is 3DC?
[Dragoon] said:
This may be a stupid question, but what is 3DC?

It is a compression scheme that ATI came up with that offers better IQ with similar file sizes.

I voted 6800GT as I LOVE mine worthy every penny.
[Dragoon] said:
This may be a stupid question, but what is 3DC?

3Dc is a way of compressing normal maps. A normal map is a graphical technique to make a low geometry object appear that it has a significantly higher amount of geometry.

Games like Far Cry, Doom 3, and the upcoming HL2 use normal maps. The benefit of 3Dc is that it will compress these normal maps which use a lot of memory bandwith in modern 3D cards.
Ok I just made my decision and ordered my XFX 6800 GT.

Should be coming in tommorow :D
3DC to me at least is like the Divx and MP3 of game textures, small sizes but still high quality. At least until something better comes out.
Just to let you know, there already is a standard for comressing textures but 3Dc offers a better compression and allows for better performance. Think of WMA vs MP3 (or Ogg Vorbis).
Ah, didn't know that. Well I like MP3 a lot more than WMA.
Yeah the alternative to 3DC is DXTC 5 (I think that is right 99% sure) which is what Doom 3 uses. Pretty similar really but 3DC is slightly higher quality.
X800XT because of the whole texture compression technology for me.
I have finaly made up my mind.. I think im goning whit at
Sapphire X800 XT , i think it pretty similar(or better, i hope)
than the 6800 GT.. in prize to... something like 440 dollar..
(atleast its the same prizes in sweden) =P

But i guess i dosent matter.. :rolling:
Over here the X800 XT is much more expensive then the 6800 GT
Does anyone have any experiences (good or bad) with flashing an X800 Pro VIVO to the X800 XT (or XT PE)?

If so what brand of card did you use?

I'm about to take the risk tomorrow by buying a Connect3D X800Pro VIVO (i here the Connect3D and Powercolor cards have the highest success rates) and want to be sure that i'm going to be able to flash the bios ok. Here we see the 6800GT beating the X800XT Platinum Edition in a few benchmarks! Also I have one that is clocked to Ultra Specs with no problems and I am running Doom3 at 1280x1024 with High settings and 4X AA & 8X AF smooth as can be! Not bad for under $400.... Oh and The Counterstrike Source Video Stress test I can run at 1280x1024 with all settings maxed including AA & AF at around 120FPS!
ap90033 said: Here we see the 6800GT beating the X800XT Platinum Edition in a few benchmarks! Also I have one that is clocked to Ultra Specs with no problems and I am running Doom3 at 1280x1024 with High settings and 4X AA & 8X AF smooth as can be! Not bad for under $400.... Oh and The Counterstrike Source Video Stress test I can run at 1280x1024 with all settings maxed including AA & AF at around 120FPS!

We're talking about the X800 PRO, but the X800 XT.

The 6800 Ultra is dealing with the X800 Xt, and the 6800 GT is dealing with the X800 pro.
Thought I should share this... as said in the PCGamer Article regarding the steps to improve fps in Half-Life 2, "The x800 is faster in Half-Life 2 by roughly 20 percent - the 6800 supports standard full precision, but it's more optimal with partial precision. The x800 is designed for full precision from the gorund up." Gary McTaggart Valve Software's resident tech guru

The original question was, "Please share your thoughts on the latest generation of graphics technology - NV40 (GeForce 6800) and R420 (Radeon X800). Is one technology better than the other in Half-Life 2? By how much? Why?"

So this tells about the 6800 vs. x800... they speak of nothing about the 6800 GT. They either say the quote because they've been under Ati stress lately since of the promotions and ATi XT ID's or this is really true.
where just going to have to wait 3 weeks and see. But I suspect we wont see a huge difference. Maybee 10% ATI has gone quiet about their HALF LIFE 2 promotional stuff in the last couple months.
Looking for the new Gigabyte 6800 GT card online, but can't find that sucker anywhere. I hear it is a VERY good card, and since I own a Gigabyte motherboard, figured i'd keep it all in the family. Anybody know where I can find this card?
In the main discussion forum a thread was locked right when I was replying concerning the 6800GT vs. X800Pro. I replied because of the statements that the X800Pro is "much better" and such. Here was my response:

FiringSquad, Xbit, Hardocp, Tomshardware, Anandtech, etc... will probably do some HL2 tests when it is released.

As for stating that the X800Pro is better than the 6800GT, from what we know so far this statement is Wrong.

While CS:S (which runs on the Source engine) runs best on a Radeon 9xxx series compared to a FX 5xxx series, when it comes to the current generation--specifically the 6800GT and X800Pro--the 6800GT is ahead by an average of almost 10 frames per second at 1600x1200 with 4x AA and 16x AF.

Cobble 1600x1200 with 4xAA / 16AxF
GT: 83.9
Pro: 70
Difference: 13.9

Aztec 1600x1200 with 4xAA / 16xAF
GT: 52.4
Pro: 41.8
Difference: 10.6

Dust 1600x1200 with 4xAA / 16xAF
GT: 62.6
Pro: 49.2
Difference: 12.8

Italy 1600x1200 with 4xAA / 16xAF
GT: 53.2
Pro: 50.8
Difference: 2.4

Every test Firingsquad did favors the GT over the Pro. The average difference is 9.925 frames per second in favor of the 6800GT. And since the 6800GT also does well in DX9 and clearly outperforms the X800Pro on OpenGL, it would seem at the $400 price range the 6800GT is a better buy.

We will have to wait to see HL2 in motion, but from what CS:S shows, the X800Pro is not faster than the 6800GT in most cases--the opposite is true. And what would you expect? The 6800GT has 16 rendering pipelines, while the X800Pro has 12.

Note: The X800XTPE does better against the 6800Ultra at times in HL2, although it seems at 1600x1200 with AA/AF on the 6800Ultra beats the X800XTPE more times than not (at least in firingsquads tests).

For the record, the X800 and 6800 series of cards are all excellent cards and none are really a bad investment. But stating that the X800Pro is much better than the 6800GT, specifically in Source games, is not jiving with the current evidence.

When HL2 comes we shall know more.
*Unstickied* Tis' alright Asus, this thread had a good career!

Excellent analisys acert!
Champ said:
*Unstickied* Tis' alright Asus, this thread had a good career!

Excellent analisys acert!
Aye, there will be a new wave of stickies soon enough. ;)
i finnally got my x800 pro for 369.99....hehe im so happy, but im broke for now and i owe my dad 280 for my broken cpu i had to replace and for the router :angry:

but overall im okay, the card is running fine and is pretty good so far
this says it all:

im getting a 6800(Normal) 128MB in a week (Hopefully before HL2 :D) for £170 (about $300)
as far as the high end cards are concerned both companies are faily equal
the x800 xt may slightly out perform the 6800 ultra but it is also slightly more expensive (£310 compared to £280)
I'm an ATI fanboy so I voted for the X800Pro, but from the benchmarks it's obvious that it gets beaten by the GT. I don't think it makes that much of a difference. They are both good cards.