7-11 = racist

No. I bet if 7-11's had featured Jim Crow, everyone'd be all over it. This is humor at the expense of racial minority.

Shut the **** up. It's people like who who've taken political correctness too far. It's not even funny any more.

I fail to see how that's racist. It's just a person with a dark skin. Why does no one react when it's a white guy being portrayed like that? How would you react if the guy was white instead? If you thought that was okay, then you're clearly the racist here.

It's just a black man and he's no different that other people.
No one cares.

Right, because Apu isn't black, Mexican or Chinese.

Apu's a disgusting ethnic stereotype and his stupid accent is highly fake too, voiced badly by Azaria.

"I didn't hear anyone complain" != "no one complained". It's just that, well, you're not Indian.

Apu is a stain. A taint, if you will, as the Daily Show calls it. And comparing WASP "stereotyping" to Apu-- you've got to be joking. How many white people do you know personally vs. how many Indian. So which one becomes the stereotype?

Man I've never heard so many half-assed justifications for a Li'l Black Sambo character. Apu's offensive as hell. Get over it.
Right, because Apu isn't black, Mexican or Chinese.

Apu's a disgusting ethnic stereotype and his stupid accent is highly fake too, voiced badly by Azaria.

"I didn't hear anyone complain" != "no one complained". It's just that, well, you're not Indian.

Apu is a stain. A taint, if you will, as the Daily Show calls it. And comparing WASP "stereotyping" to Apu-- you've got to be joking. How many white people do you know personally vs. how many Indian. So which one becomes the stereotype?

Man I've never heard so many half-assed justifications for a Li'l Black Sambo character. Apu's offensive as hell. Get over it.

There are plenty of stereotypes in The Simpsons. What about the fat incompetent police chief who spends all day eating doughnuts? You don't see the members of the police complaining. Sometimes people are made fun of, regardless of race. Get over it.
Right, because Apu isn't black, Mexican or Chinese.

Apu's a disgusting ethnic stereotype and his stupid accent is highly fake too, voiced badly by Azaria.

"I didn't hear anyone complain" != "no one complained". It's just that, well, you're not Indian.

Apu is a stain. A taint, if you will, as the Daily Show calls it. And comparing WASP "stereotyping" to Apu-- you've got to be joking. How many white people do you know personally vs. how many Indian. So which one becomes the stereotype?

Man I've never heard so many half-assed justifications for a Li'l Black Sambo character. Apu's offensive as hell. Get over it.

The people offended by this seem to be the only people who can't get over it.

People just need to learn to take jokes at their expense in stride. Stop bitching, get over yourself, nobody cares about you enough to agree with you.
Get over it.
Ironic that you're telling us to get over it when you're the one throwing a shit fit about the whole deal. You get over it.
There are plenty of stereotypes in The Simpsons.

Apu is unique. He's not only the worst racial stereotype, he's the only one about a small, relatively new minority.

Millions of Americans have met cops. Very few outside major cities have met Indian Americans.
People just need to learn to take jokes at their expense in stride.

With that attitude we'd still be brushing with Darkie toothpaste and watching minstrel shows.

Listen, some stuff is cool. Apu's way over the line. He's a blackie/greaser/beaner/ching chong stereotype for Indians. And besides it's just poor quality, lazy comedy.
Ironic that you're telling us to get over it when you're the one throwing a shit fit about the whole deal. You get over it.

People are so annoyed to discover that the lovable character they've known for 19 years is a racist stereotype. Surprise! It's been right under your nose this entire time.

You just don't get it if you're not directly affected. That's your right. But don't go around telling people to shut up when they've been mocked with the idiotic, fake Apu accent their entire life. That's just ignorant.
Sorry, I still don't give a shit about Apu.

And Bobsil, gtfo. You've got no business on this forum. You signed up just to join this ****ing thread. No. One. Cares. Get lost.
People are so annoyed to discover that the lovable character they've known for 19 years is a racist stereotype. Surprise! It's been right under your nose this entire time.

lolz. :rolling:
Why the hell are people just NOW bitching about Apu?
ffs, The Simpsons have been around since 19-f*cking-89.

If you're just getting offended by it now, go back into your hole and cry... nobody wants to hear your bullshit.
With that attitude we'd still be brushing with Darkie toothpaste and watching minstrel shows.

Listen, some stuff is cool. Apu's way over the line. He's a blackie/greaser/beaner/ching chong stereotype for Indians. And besides it's just poor quality, lazy comedy.

Damm now a want some Darkie toothpaste that would be awesome. Anyway people like this are the reason those lollies 'fags' had to be renamed 'fads' I'm sick of them, especially because most of them are 12 year old girls, I don't get offended by the term 'whitey' because it's funny just like 'curry muncher' get over it and learn to laugh at yourself... TOOL.
People are so annoyed to discover that the lovable character they've known for 19 years is a racist stereotype. Surprise! It's been right under your nose this entire time.

You just don't get it if you're not directly affected. That's your right. But don't go around telling people to shut up when they've been mocked with the idiotic, fake Apu accent their entire life. That's just ignorant.

There was a time when I saw a kid drawing a swastika, or something along the lines of, "die [insert race here]" written on walls, or listening to music where they say, "black power", "white power", or hearing kids talk about how great Hitler was, or how stupid, fat, and lazy white people are, etc., for ****ing infinity. KKK members can legally organize and walk down the street in full uniform, and still have all the same rights and protections you do, and like it or not, that's America.

I can remember probably 1000 racist things I've seen or heard in the past year, many directed at me. You know, I used to get upset at that stuff. When I realized it was just ignorance, or they feel that way for a reason that I will never know, I decided I wouldn't get upset anymore. I don't. It doesn't bother me at all.

You are getting upset purposefully. You chose to be offended. Perhaps you want to make a big issue where you are right, and everyone else is wrong. You want people to feel sorry for you. You would like to make people realize your race is equally important and want to share with us all the wonderful things they have done for humanity.

I emplore you to watch "Mind of Mencia" and "The Chappele Show", on comedy central. Those shows will desensitize you like the rest of us.

Sorry, but you get no sympathy. It's not illegal, so there will probably never be a stop to stereotyping or racism. Ever. If you don't like it, then stay away from people that offend you. Leave if you want. It's a free country.

BTW, stop being a hypocrite. "Darkie? Sambo? Beaner? Ching Chong" Can't you make an argument about how much you don't like stereotypes and racism without using them so much? Don't you realize you are the worst culprit here?

Apu is loved by all. How could anyone not like him?
People are so annoyed to discover that the lovable character they've known for 19 years is a racist stereotype. Surprise! It's been right under your nose this entire time.

You just don't get it if you're not directly affected. That's your right. But don't go around telling people to shut up when they've been mocked with the idiotic, fake Apu accent their entire life. That's just ignorant.

Everybody's known that Apu was an intense stereotype from the first day the cartoon aired! You'd have to be retarded to think otherwise!

It's free speech though, and that's all there is to it. Ignoring how stupid you are for being offended by Apu, whenever you see Apu on television, it's on Cable. And cable isn't public, nobody is forcing Apu upon you.

So no matter how much you hate Apu, he isn't going away, because the companies can do whatever the hell they want on private airways.
People are so annoyed to discover that the lovable character they've known for 19 years is a racist stereotype. Surprise! It's been right under your nose this entire time.

Are you kidding me?

Exactly what Sinkoman said.

How could you think that we didn't know Apu was a stereotype? ITS A GIGANTIC IN YOUR FACE STEREOTYPE. What do you think we are, the stereotype stupid Americans?

The entire show is based on making fun of Americans. Without showing how stupid, fat, and lazy Homer is the entire time, the show would have almost no content.

I heart The Simpsons.
It's ****ing racist promotion, that's what it is.

Light-hearted humor? That's what disturbs me the most. That exploiting racial stereotypes for the sake of humor should be taken lightly is disturbing.

Hell with it, let's bring back Jim Crow -- that was funny at the time, too.

give me a break, you havent a clue ..every character in the simpsons is a stereotype

oh btw are you knghenry?
You don't understand what racism is.

As with everything, the actual meaning of racism has become diluted and lost all power.

What's actually racist about Apu? he works in a store? He has a PhD in computer science? He's polite? He speaks like English isn't his first language?

None of these issues are racist. Give it a rest.
OH NO! PEOPLE ARE MOCKING THE VOICES OF THE INDIANS! This has NEVER been done before! Quick, lets over-react, and make it sound like someone just lynched a black person!!
Ignoring how stupid you are for being offended by Apu, whenever you see Apu on television, it's on Cable. And cable isn't public, nobody is forcing Apu upon you.

So no matter how much you hate Apu, he isn't going away, because the companies can do whatever the hell they want on private airways.

That is not entirely true. Fox is also broadcasted as local channels on public airways (along with ABC, NBC, PBS, etc.), as in Fox 35, Fox 15, Fox 5, etc. depending on your area. Some cable or satellite companies can also include your area's local channels with their service.
Oh, for f*ck's sake, it's the SIMPSONS. I despise racism even more than most people, but this isn't a racial powerplay, it's just a f*cking marketing ploy. Lighten the f*ck up.

I read that as Aslan. :LOL:

They make more fun of British people than any other race in Simpsons. I have never seen one complaint.

On TV at the moment is an advert for the frankly shoddy looking film, Hairspray. In this trailer, a black woman says "If there were any more white people here, we'd be in a suburb." Surely if this comment was role-reversed, it would be racist? I'm pretty sure some people in some minorities, make something of nothing.
Whether it's racist or not depends on whether it's trying to establish a sense of superiority over someone. Apu has a set of simple, superficial, mildly funny characteristics, like his catchphrase, which give him an endearing identidy that people relate to quickly. i.e, a stereotype. Even if people start associating these characteristics with Indians in general, it's still not properly racist, because they're not trying to grind them underfoot or give them a lower place in society. Like Stern said, everyone in The Simpsons has a stereotype; it makes for easier and funner watching.
At worst, Apu might make people regard Indians as cute.

Have said all that... making all the Indian guys dress up as Apu is going a bit too far, IMO.
www.dictionary.com said:
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Does any part of that definition lend traits to the situation at 7-11? No? **** off.
And Bobsil, gtfo. You've got no business on this forum. You signed up just to join this ****ing thread. No. One. Cares. Get lost.

As a Half Life 2 player, I resent that. Now go ignore this thread like a good forum n00b.

Why the hell are people just NOW bitching about Apu?

Indians have been bitching since day one, thanks. But making Indian employees dress up as Apu with an Apu nametag and say a racist catchphrase in a fake accent is beyond the pale.

I don't get offended by the term 'whitey' because it's funny just like 'curry muncher'

Tax your unicellar mind for a second and see whether there's any difference between insults aimed at a white person in a white country and a 0.67% of the population minority in a white country.

You are getting upset purposefully. You chose to be offended.

Insofar as I like to shop at a store which greets me by mocking my race, sure. Seriously, are you people for real? A little too much Big Lebowski with a side of Friday?

Everybody's known that Apu was an intense stereotype from the first day the cartoon aired!

Thank you. Racist from day one.

The entire show is based on making fun of Americans

EXCEPT for this one main character who is based on making fun of a minority whom most Americans have never even met in real life. I mean I get idiotic questions like "do your people ride elephants to work" from white-collar tech workers.

oh btw are you knghenry?

Troll problem I take it? :) No.

What's actually racist about Apu?

Lessee... he talks in a fake accent that started with the Brits and Peter Sellers and has been used (inaccurately) to mock Indians for well over 50 years. He's a convenience store owner, which along with cabbie is the top East Coast Indian stereotype (unlike in Silicon Valley). He rips off his customers: 3rd world stereotype. He has 8 kids: 3rd world. His last name is made up foreign-sounding gibberish as are some of the names of his family members. Lazy, cheap ethnic stereotyping like the worst of Mencia.

But you should be asking what's racist about having Indian 7-Eleven employees forced to don the shirt, don the Apu nametag and repeat the top racist catchphrase against Indians (along with the geographically challenged "Go Back to Iraq") for their paycheck.

He has a PhD in computer science?

Apu was given a backstory only because the team realized over time how this crude Apu was and how it would play now that there actually are a couple million Indians in the U.S.


Tell you what, buddy. Move to Japan for good, get a job at a convenience store and spend 8 hours a day greeting your customers with 'I'm a stupid gaijin.'

it's just a f*cking marketing ploy

It's a large company spending several million dollars to spread a crude ethnic stereotype, whether on purpose or not. And they're well aware of it as some immigrnat franchise owners (both Indian and non-Indian) complained. They're just calculating that Indian-Americans will stay quiet.

ITT troll is in OP.

Camper at spawn point 2.

Apu has a set of simple, superficial, mildly funny characteristics, like his catchphrase, which give him an endearing identidy that people relate to quickly.

Ethnic caricatures either make you laugh at the ethnicity or fear it. This is the first kind.

That "endearing" catchphrase is the first thing jackasses throw in your face -- if they've gotten past "you must be Iraqi/Arab" first.
You nappy-headed hos.

btw, my girlfriend is indian and I wubs her.
You nappy-headed hos.

7 - 11 = racist, anyone who disagrees with that is an idiot. Prove to me mathematically that 7 - 11 != racist and I will eat my hat.
4 is racist

Also, anyone who finds that offensive, is a douche and needs to take life less seriously
Simpsons is racist towards americans. Thanks to that show I now think all americans are obese, stupid and lazy.
Bobsil, i'm half Filipino. Over here, the great majority of Filipino immigrants work in the landscaping industry.

People tell me, to my face, to go cut their ****ing grass, ALL THE TIME. But unlike you, I DON'T TELL THEM TO SHUT THE **** UP, BECAUSE I REALIZE THAT THEY'RE JOKING.
Oh please, I cant believe people are so politically correct nowadays. Who cares about stereotypes! I'll bet you'll all get a laugh out of this: My grandfather who I never met is a 100% native american alcoholic wife beating dumb ass and my grandmothers father was a scotch-irish, whiskey drinkin motherf*#^@r until he died. Can you say: "as stereotypical as a black man walking down the street with a 2pc and a biscuit or a Mexican mowing grass?" We're all mixed up in a stereotype (everyone!) all you can do is laugh at yourself whether your a white guy who eats mayonnaise on white bread, a black guy who like all of us loves f#*%# chicken, or an Indian who speaks with an Indian accent. Peace..............
Hang on, is it making all employees dress as Apu, or all Indian employees?

You shouldn't really care. If some ****er comes up to you and says "hey slit-eyed gook/nigg*r/uh....hadji/whatever(sorry for lack of knowledge about racial terms) you should smile politely and bash the ****er with your baton. Or spray him with mace, whatever suits you.

I seem to have digressed from the topic....... :p