7 Hour War


May 31, 2006
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Well, here's my first crack at Half-Life 2 fanfics:

Hour 1: "Yo, Chuck man, what's been up with you, huh? We haven't seen the enemy, but you look like you've been through hell! Tell you what... once we beat bac these alien bastard's good ole' Uncle Jack will buy you anything ya like! How's that sound, eh?" The two men rode inside an armored american LAV. The apc wasn't very comfortable, and Chuck was starting o drift into sleep. His friend since boot camp, and supierior officer Staff Sergeant Jack Michaels, had woke him up, handing him a filled canteen. Chuck grabbed it and sipped slowly as Jack continued to the rest of Chuck's platoon wihin the APC.

"Aiight, what command has been stressing to me, over and over again, is that we have to find a way to deal with those damn flying gunships. Late yesterday they came through what's being codenamed: Portal Delta in Houston, Texas. That's our objective, though it is one hell of a long ride from Fort Hood. Ok, so the deal is, our main armor and chopper battalions will just shell what's left of the city. Once they see fit, infantry and and light armor goes in. We're not sure what were up against fella's.... I don't know what to say, these bastards are pretty rough..." More than 100,000 troops from across the southern united States were on their way to Houston's Portal Delta. They Combine had been pouring in since the night before. They tore the city apart massacing everyone that stood in their way, and even those trying to escape. The city's skyline was in view now, the convoy was passing through back roads, since the combine destroyed all the major highways.

"Wait... we don't even know what they look like? What good will that do us?" corporal Tucker, spoke with a slight shudder of fear. He as Chuck looked about the faces in the APC, all had a blank expression, either holding back pure anger and hatred, or fear. The APC commander spoke to the platoon almost screaming over a loud roar emminating from the outside.
"Alright guys! We got a hell of a mess here! Oh my God! What the hell is that thing!?", he dropped the radio as the APC made a ard right off the road into the cover of some trees. The APC stalled, once they got it started again, it followed behind the others along a sort of dirt road. The men inside could hear the tearin of metal and the firing of the tanks, then all of the sudden a blue beam burst through the front of their APC, completey vaporizing the two crew members sitting in its path.

"Go, go go! Get out! It's gonna blow!" Shouted 'Sarge', they hustled out of the APC into a crator hat was made in the ground. A loud sort of foghorn blew deffening the platoon. Chuck grabbed for his rifle and checked how much ammuniion he had. "A full clip" he told himself breathing heavily. He grasped every bit of courage he had and looked above the crator's walls o see what was anihilating them.

"What the f...!" Sarge was silenced by a nearby explosion. There towered at least 100 feet in the air, some sort of three-legged beast resembling a spider. A large cannon on its underside was the cause of the blue beam. The tanks were doing nothing to it, and it would simply run foward and impale the unfortunate crewmembers with spikes on the bottom of their feet. There were four of these monstrosities marching out of the city towards Austin, the state's capital.

"Guys!" Sarge shouted over the overwhelming roar of weapons. "There! Into the sewer!" He pointed to an exposed sewer tunnel that was burst open by the 'cannon'. Only eight of them were left following the unveiling of another disasterous weaapon the Combine had. The chin guns on the 'striders' spewed a seemingly infinate amout of plasma rounds on the unprotected infantry. Just as they ran into the cover of the sewer, Chuck turned around and witnessed large crab like flying beings drop at least 4 more striders right in the middle of his Division.

After running down the sewers for a good thirty minuets, they stopped for a rest below a manhole. Sarge motioned for Tucker to go up and have a look. As ordered Tucker dropped his rifle and slowly climbed up the ladder. As he removed the manhole he gasped and slide down. Falling against the sewer wall he began to cry to himself. The men, knowing that they weren't going to like the topside more than the city sewers, simply sat down in the filthy water and rested. Chuck being as curious as he was, slipped up to see what had broken Tucker.

Just as Tucker did, Chuck held back his fear. They were near city hall, and on it was a large blueish-gray metal building hat was.... Constuctuing itself upwards. There were those 'striders' all around it, and as Chuck looked up, he saw his 'objective'. The tower was directly below a large swirling orange cloud that seemed to change in size as more and more of the flying beings poured out of it. He slowly closed the manhole cover and slid back down.

"We're not going up there..." he said quietly to his squadmates. They were all obviously distraught, save for Sarge who was still standing strong. He pick up his pack and rifle and motioned down the sewer.

"No we're not, but we can't stay here... It... It doesn't feel right... As if there is more danger down here than topside..." Not a moment later, there was a faint buzzing coming from another branch of the tunnel. They could make out a red light, searching, it seemed, for anything in the sewers.

"What the hell is that thing?" Tucker said standing up with his gear. The thing's red light shone directly on them and a little alarm went of. It hurled itself toward them as they stumbled and started off in the oppisite dirrection.

It flew in front of Tucker as he swatted it away with the but of his gun. The thing made a little explosion as it slammed against the tunnel wall. Tucker walked over to it's remains and lifted a small blade.

"This little shit was going to try to hack us up... I hate this city, always have, I WANNA GET OUT OF HERE!!!!" Tucker screamed. Chuck jumped on him, and covered his mout.

"Shut up man!" more of the small alarms sounded faintly down the tunnel. they saw the distant red lights and began sprinting away. After another good run they came across a wall in the sewer. made out of boxes and metal lattice fencing. The buzzing sounds were getin louder and louder and the lights became clearer and clearer. Sarge banged on the door until a woman pulled him and the rest of the squad through. She shut the door just in time. The sounds of the robots rying to cut away at the other side we loud and intimidating.

"Manhacks... the Combine flooded the undeground just yesterday with these things..." the woman moved the hair out of her face and flipped a switch illuminating the underground flood drainage area. Both ways in and out were heavily blockaded with all sorts of material.

"What the hell is going on out there?" She asked.

oh man... that didn' sound too good... a little bit too cliche lol! Well... i'm sure i'll get better at it... maybe make it a little bi more enjoyable and entertaining as soon as a i know more about the half-life universe. THANKS!
i just noticed something... the paragraphs get smaller as it goes on! hmmm... it's because of the dialogue isn't it? Well, i would rather it been in .doc form since it looks nicer and i have spell check, but i guess i'd have to make my own site and upload it, so that's not too good. Anyway, i'm really facinated by what happened in the 7 Hour War, I mean, in HL2 a couple of RPG shots could take down a Strider and gunship! So what would incindiary tank rounds and cruise missles do? it seems as though what the Combine did, was cut the jugular, or if i was right, that they built Citadels where portals opened (i'm not too sure about that now). Of course, Valve gives us little clues as to what happened the 20 or so years that Gordon was in Stasis. So i guess that leaves ample room for the imagination.