It took me a while, but here's something pretty cool. This is what happens when you make a large metal, spikey mace, chain it to the roof of a really large room, then push it off a ledge so that it swings into a pile of 75 (5x5x3) zombies. :thumbs:
www.infernolabs.co.uk/files/Mace.wmv 15mb, 1:51, streamable.
Too bad my PC cant really handle it, the framerate dropped down to 3fps. If someone with a 6800 wants to see what its like (and get a video...) then let me know and I'll post the BSP.
www.infernolabs.co.uk/files/Mace.wmv 15mb, 1:51, streamable.
Too bad my PC cant really handle it, the framerate dropped down to 3fps. If someone with a 6800 wants to see what its like (and get a video...) then let me know and I'll post the BSP.