80s music


Dec 4, 2004
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What do you guys think of 80s music? Some say its the worst ever, some say the best. I love some 80s songs, hate others. What 80s songs do you guys like/hate?
Love most of it

Hall and Oates
Mr Mister

Just to name a few, it's very positive music, at times very cheesy but I really enjoy it probably more than any other decade :thumbs:
80's is amazing, brilliant music.
This decades music is showing to be the poorest in all honesty so far.
i like most 80s rock and some of that New Wave stuff from the GTA Vice soundtrack. Id take any song from the 80s over todays "music"
I just hope the music gets better towards the end of the decade.
80's music was, in general, awful. Mainstream, anyway. There were some awsome 80's bands that paved the way for indy rock and the grunge movement of the 90's (the Pixies leading the pack). But the synth lines and big hair and 3 minute guitar solos...instant ear ache.
Some of it's good for like party music and stuff, but I'd never listen to it by myself.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Soundtrack

That's all I can say.
I think that the majority of 80's music sucked, but there's some thats pretty good. Not much, though.
joule said:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Soundtrack

That's all I can say.
This poster just won the thread, can't argue with that :thumbs:
meh there's a ton of 80's music I'm sure most of you have never heard of that's quite good ..not the same rehashed 80's sound like "tainted love" or "flock of seagals" real bands like Fishbone, 24-7 spyz, The Selector, the jam, the specials and others
the ultimate 80's song is:

You're the Best - Joe Esposito

from the karate kid soundtrack. what a way to sum up 80's music in one song, it has everything! cheesy inspirational and motivational lyrics, background sythesizers, that unmistakable electronic drumming, cheesy over the top guitar solo...what more could you want?
SearanoX said:
Depends on what you consider hair metal. If you're talking about garbage like Poison, Motley Crue, etc., then I can identify, but there were some great bands that fall under the "hair metal" category...Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Overkill, Crimson Glory, Judas Priest, King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, and Manowar are all perfect examples of bands that have had poor image but some phenomenal music.

...Who the hell would consider them hair metal? Hair metal was usually like a popish metal with really stupid lyrics. The other bands were original, amazing bands.
hey the way i feel...

The 80's made u feel happy and made u wanna have fun wit your life. Im compairing it to today's band's because i dont think they have that escence anymore. (with the exception of greenday, the darkness and som select others. IF i forget them i am sorry)

Iknow its kinda dumb for me to catorgize the 80's like that. But thats how i truely feel lol


Mike :afro:
Yeah well im torn. There was some of the most crap music in history during the 80's but still, there were a lot of cool bands too.

Motley Crue < teh gagging :dozey:
the 80's was more than craptastic bands like Haircut 100, Thompson twins, SoftCell etc ..new wave wasnt the only genre ..punk, ska, alternative etc ....Jesus and Mary Chain, The Sundays, the Cure, the Smiths, Skinny Puppy etc ..the underground bands made the most impact musically ..but they're still virtually unknown ..everybody remembers Depeche mode Boy George, Duran Duran but there were many cult bands that sounded unlike anything that was popular at the time

btw I find odd that so many of you like Iron Maiden (one of my fave bands of early 80's ..went to see them twice).
CptStern said:
btw I find odd that so many of you like Iron Maiden
I don't see why...? :E their just such a awesome metal group.

and by the way, The Vixens were poo too (hawt though). But there was good music that we havent talked about, like Kool & The Gang!
CptStern said:
the 80's was more than craptastic bands like Haircut 100, Thompson twins, SoftCell etc ..new wave wasnt the only genre ..punk, ska, alternative etc ....Jesus and Mary Chain, The Sundays, the Cure, the Smiths, Skinny Puppy etc ..the underground bands made the most impact musically ..but they're still virtually unknown ..everybody remembers Depeche mode Boy George, Duran Duran but there were many cult bands that sounded unlike anything that was popular at the time
The Pixies, Husker Du, The Replacements, R.E.M. Hells. Yeahs.
SupremePain said:
I don't see why...? :E their just such a awesome metal group.

ya it's just that they were popular before most of you were born ...I certainly think they're awesome

DeusExMachinia: Pixies rule!!!
Hall and Oates has to be my favorite 80's group, then it would be Foreigner, followed by Guns n' Roses
Dalamari said:
Hall and Oates has to be my favorite 80's group


she's a maaaaneater!!!!

...ummm they have good hair :E
SearanoX said:
As far as I know, they all had big hair and wore spandex at some point in their careers. That's generally what the mainstream consider to be hair metal, and I agree to a point, as hair metal is defined mostly by look, though the shitty music most certainly doesn't help.


SearanoX said:
Skinny Puppy is excellent. Too bad their reunion album wasn't quite up to the stuff they did in the 80's.

I agree

SearanoX said:
They're making a comeback after a pretty shoddy 90's. I also find that there are a lot more metal fans that show up online than there are those that appear in real life.

ya, you cant tell but I'm wearing my headbanger metal outfit ...something like this guy

does anyone know those two guys that played electronic music? one guy sang and the other was a dj, one of them was blond and they made music videos with a lot of special photoshop-like effects

and i don't know if this is an 80s song but i like the one that goes "but i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more... etc"
I love the 80's and 80's music, back then the pop, rock and rap actually was good. :D
I like some of the metal, rap, punk, industrial acts that came from the '80s, but the rest is purely camp appeal. :D
CptStern said:
ya it's just that they were popular before most of you were born ...I certainly think they're awesome

Not necessarly, they're more popular now then they were in the 80's.
Vice City OST - all of it ...

Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Nena - 99 Red Balloons
Video Killed The Radio Star

...the list goes on.
SupremePain said:
hahaha i remember seeing a video with those guys and going "Why the hell am i watching gay porn?"

Also... the 80's were the years Metallica actually made good music. :cheese:

agreed on both counts

btw did you know Stryper is a "christian metal" band ...pretty hilarious if you ask me
Sonic Youth
Dinosaur Jr.
Tom Verlaine's solo work(from the band Television, yes check them out)
The Pixies

My 80's list is limited :[