9/11 Memorials and Specials driving me insane.


sad but true
Obviously then people want to watch it. Because a recent poll send 90% of Americans view Sep. 11 as the biggest historic event in their lives. And it is one day it "hogs the airways." And you can expect this for many years to come. I am sure that for the years after Hiroshima it hogged the airways on the anniversaries. But 62 years later, people barely talk about it. It is going to be discussed for years to come.
And look how ****ed up Japan is for it...
Obviously then people want to watch it. Because a recent poll send 90% of Americans view Sep. 11 as the biggest historic event in their lives. And it is one day it "hogs the airways." And you can expect this for many years to come. I am sure that for the years after Hiroshima it hogged the airways on the anniversaries. But 62 years later, people barely talk about it. It is going to be discussed for years to come.

It's not one day. It's been a huge focus on the history channel and discovery channel for nearly the past week. And those are just the two stations I've been watching.

I'd also like to say that the 90% of Americans in your poll are too localized for their own good. I'd say the greatest historic event in MY life to date is the collapse of the Soviet Union... ending the Cold War which threatened to destroy the entire world if things escalated out of control which on several occasions we were only minutes from.

I think there's a place for memorial for every tragedy or great event, big or small. However, I'm not a staunch supporter on devoting huge resources to do this, especially in a manner that further promotes conflict abroad. And as people already said... it's used by many people and groups as a buzzword for further support in Iraq and elsewhere. I think in the process of that, it's lessening the tragedy.

Anyways, that's the last I'll say on the subject for now.
because you're obviously anti-american

is calling somebody anti-american some sort of insult or were you just pointing out the fact...because you're allowed to live here even if you don't like it.
is calling somebody anti-american some sort of insult or were you just pointing out the fact...because you're allowed to live here even if you don't like it.

neither ..it was directed at raziaar not you ..oh and I'm not american
My spanish teacher was in Spain when the 2004 Madrid bombings took place. She said there was a subtle difference in how the population reacted. In America, we reacted with anger and hatred, wanting nothing but to bomb the mother****ers who did this to us. In spain, the mood was much more somber, and they simply paid respect to the victims. They viewed it as a day of tragedy and loss, whereas many Americans view 9/11 simply as a day we gained a new enemy.

I believe we should never forget the lives lost, and pay tribute, not use it as a political platform.
My spanish teacher was in Spain when the 2004 Madrid bombings took place. She said there was a subtle difference in how the population reacted. In America, we reacted with anger and hatred, wanting nothing but to bomb the mother****ers who did this to us. In spain, the mood was much more somber, and they simply paid respect to the victims. They viewed it as a day of tragedy and loss, whereas many Americans view 9/11 simply as a day we gained a new enemy.

it led to the landslide victory of the Zapatero government who ran on a platform of bringing the troops home from iraq ..so it wasnt all rememberence
My spanish teacher was in Spain when the 2004 Madrid bombings took place. She said there was a subtle difference in how the population reacted. In America, we reacted with anger and hatred, wanting nothing but to bomb the mother****ers who did this to us. In spain, the mood was much more somber, and they simply paid respect to the victims. They viewed it as a day of tragedy and loss, whereas many Americans view 9/11 simply as a day we gained a new enemy.

I believe we should never forget the lives lost, and pay tribute, not use it as a political platform.

Okay... sorry I know I said that's the last I was gonna say, but I have to slip this in too.

That's exactly the type of remembrance and ceremony I would support. The kind that strictly pays homage to the victims and lives lost. Instead, all these shows I see focus 10% of their efforts on that subject, and the rest branches off into the war on terror, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea even at times. I mean come on...
I am not angered by memorials in the least. For ****s sake, 3000 people died. I still want to cry every time I see the planes hitting the towers.

Even if people make it out to be a bigger deal than it is, I can pretty much understand why... and I don't see how anyone could justify being annoyed or angry about it. Deal with it.

(note that I'm not referring to the "LOOK WHAT THESE TOWELHEADS DID TO US, ITS TIME TO KILL ALL THOSE JIHAD MOTHER****ERS" type things, just the actual "in memorandum" events...)

That's what reminded me what day it is. I lol'd.

And today while buying something, my total came to $9.11
If that's an official promo, then Dawkins is one sick bastard.
It's not exactly an official promo but it's from his website.

Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let's now stop being so damned respectful!

* Richard Dawkins, when asked how the world had changed following the September 11, 2001 attacks
It's not exactly an official promo but it's from his website.

It's using a terrorist attack as a marketing tool (because the flyer IS marketing. If he wanted to broadcast a message, he wouldn't put his book on it nor the "bestseller" stuff which just screams BUYBUYBUY).

It's just sick.
So Dawkins is using 9/11 to sell books, basically? Yep.

Cyanide and Happiness comic made me laugh.
Obviously then people want to watch it. Because a recent poll send 90% of Americans view Sep. 11 as the biggest historic event in their lives.

I would say that was because the mass media allowed the scene of devastation to be viewed from multiple angles and perspectives, compared with before where news wasn't 24 and wasn't ready for everything.

It's also the event that lead their country to war in at least two different other countries and the event that defines Bush's presidency. It's also the most recent historical event, so of course people are going to say it's the biggest (most people's lives are relatively uneventful).

A lot of people died, from murderous extremists. It's inexcusable. It deserves to be remembered. I don't hold it against people for having memorials on the 6th anniversary. They should do that, if it's an event that deeply affected them.

However it should be put into context with the rest of the world, and other problems which trouble Americans:

I don't mind. I find it interesting.

I just watched a documentary on the "falling man", a picture taken during 9/11 that is sure to become one of the most remembered in all history.
Hey guys, why was the world trade center so mad???

Because they ordered a pepperoni pizza and got a PLANE!

*slaps knee*
okay that was a little mean
It's using a terrorist attack as a marketing tool (because the flyer IS marketing. If he wanted to broadcast a message, he wouldn't put his book on it nor the "bestseller" stuff which just screams BUYBUYBUY).

It's just sick.

I don't think its sick, I think it's one of the most inspiring advertisements I have ever seen.
So when politicians do it it's sickening, but when an author does it it's inspiring? Interesting.
Hey guys, why was the world trade center so mad???

Because they ordered a pepperoni pizza and got a PLANE!

*slaps knee*
okay that was a little mean

Anything else like this in here and it's getting closed no questions asked.
However, what happened wasn't any worse than what goes on frequently in other parts of the world. We just live a very sheltered life.

So, our terrible experiences are nullified because of us not living amungst every 3rd World Country on the planet to witness they're wrongs or rights? Atrocities of war should never be scaled up one another or down. This is'int a global popularity contest -- we've had our bad experiences, so has the world. Yeah, we could move on but why should we forget when something terrible happens to use as a nation?

I mean Christ, if Iran can't drop what happened to the Mufti and his temple mount 60 years ago in Palestine and the Russians 400 years ago in Chechnya with the Cossacks, then I'll be damned if were not entitled a griefing habit.
at the risk of being flamed I really want to say that considering that the latest big attack the USA have suffered prior 9/11 is the pearl harbor attack them is not weird that americans seems to "overreact" as you all said it

though the real fact is that this is something never done before so sure that adds more relevance to it
3,000 people died that day. We have one day to remember those people and honor them. We're so sorry that we took up a few hours of your television viewing.
3,000 people died that day. We have one day to remember those people and honor them. We're so sorry that we took up a few hours of your television viewing.

Sorry, one day? Since when two weeks of celebrations and self-pity become one day?

Unless you Americans have invented some sort of time compressor.
Sorry, one day? Since when two weeks of celebrations and self-pity become one day?

Unless you Americans have invented some sort of time compressor.

3000 people died. Can you imagine 3000 people? They all had families. Friends. Lovers. I'm not American but the least we can do is honor those innocent people who were murdered by some ****ing freak.
3000 people died. Can you imagine 3000 people? They all had families. Friends. Lovers. I'm not American but the least we can do is honor those innocent people who were murdered by some ****ing freak.

I can imagine 23,000 people methodically executed and buried in Katyn by the Soviet Union. THAT is worse.

Especially due to the repercussions the Katyn massacre and associated labour camp interments and gulags have - our society is crippled to this day by the loss of a majority of our elite being shot.

Nobody honors our dead.
Piggy got cut. -__-

But countries feel their own wounds worse...

However, 9/11 won't have a destructive effect on society like the actions of the USSR had.
Sorry, one day? Since when two weeks of celebrations and self-pity become one day?

Unless you Americans have invented some sort of time compressor.

Self pity? No one here is ever saying "Poor us". The United States is a superpower where not many bad things happen. This was a terrible day where the nation was shocked with realization that we weren't as safe as thought.

There is no self pity, only rememberance of the day and the 3,000 people that died, which surely effected over 100,000 other peoples' lives.

You sound extremely bitter with "You Americans", and I'm sure in most countries, an event where 3,000 people die and two vital buildings are destroyed in a single day will get mentioned on the annual week of which it happened, especially in a country when something like this simply does not happen.

Why are you so bitter towards this? People died, and it makes us feel better to honor them. Maybe stop watching TV and do something else?
I'm bitter about it because I'm supposed to mourn 9/11 but no one gives a damn about Poland and OUR dead.

Which is amplified by the completely unfair treatment of our soldiers after World War II and yielding to Stalin at every. Single. Step.

Which all contributed to the screwed up state my country is in today.
It's using a terrorist attack as a marketing tool (because the flyer IS marketing. If he wanted to broadcast a message, he wouldn't put his book on it nor the "bestseller" stuff which just screams BUYBUYBUY).

It's just sick.
Movies, music, other books and documentaries are sick too?


Is Oliver Stone sick bastard too?
o yes indeed yesterday was september the 11th..imagine if the tsunami earthquake happened yesterday..
I can imagine 23,000 people methodically executed and buried in Katyn by the Soviet Union. THAT is worse.

Especially due to the repercussions the Katyn massacre and associated labour camp interments and gulags have - our society is crippled to this day by the loss of a majority of our elite being shot.

Nobody honors our dead.

Er...screenies or it didn't happen :p

Seriously though I have been ownd.
Movies, music, other books and documentaries are sick too?


Is Oliver Stone sick bastard too?

Are you a professional moron? Or a gifted amateur?

Dawkins' book is very, very remotely connected to the WTC. This movie is ABOUT WTC. See the difference?
And dawkins isn't trying to sell something to make money, the flyer is about the danger of religion not why you should buy his book, it doesn't even mention it.
And dawkins isn't trying to sell something to make money, the flyer is about the danger of religion not why you should buy his book, it doesn't even mention it.

Well... honestly? It does basically say "Buy my book".

It has a picture of his book on there, and other than the twin towers everything on there is about his book.
I saw a bit of Fantastic Four on Jetix (It was either yesterday or today, my memory is bollox) and it had the world trade centres in it. D: