9/11 Memorials and Specials driving me insane.

I'm bitter about it because I'm supposed to mourn 9/11 but no one gives a damn about Poland and OUR dead.

Which is amplified by the completely unfair treatment of our soldiers after World War II and yielding to Stalin at every. Single. Step.

Which all contributed to the screwed up state my country is in today.

I don't care if you give a damn about September 11th or the people that died in the attack, but you clearly appear to care that WE care, which is patently ridiculous. No-one is asking for you to mourn. There's no reason to be bitter about it.

I personally will mourn equally the unfair death of every person in the world from every country, but that's just because I'm an exceptionally empathetic and emotional person, especially when it comes to death.

You feeling angry that people are mourning 9/11 victims but not Polish victims of whatever tragedy is justified I suppose, but not to the extent that it means you can disrespect 9/11. At that point you just become a hypocrite.

Honestly, we don't care if anyone who isn't American mourns or not, because it's a purely American thing. What RJMC said is right - things like this don't happen here. When they do, it's a big ****ing deal. Not to mention that my uncle used to spend about half of his business days in and around the World Trade Center complex and I was terrified he was dead the instant I walked into class and saw the aftermath on TV.
Maybe we should lock this thread.

I didn't make this thread with the intent of saying that mourning and remembrance is wrong, merely that at some times it's excessively done for the wrong reasons.
I don't care if you give a damn about September 11th or the people that died in the attack, but you clearly appear to care that WE care, which is patently ridiculous. No-one is asking for you to mourn. There's no reason to be bitter about it.

I don't care that you care, because it's not what I care about. I care that I'm apparently supposed to care.

I personally will mourn equally the unfair death of every person in the world from every country, but that's just because I'm an exceptionally empathetic and emotional person, especially when it comes to death.

Here we differ. I have a Vonnegut approach to death in general, and my major gripes are the historical consequences of events. And effects on society.

You feeling angry that people are mourning 9/11 victims but not Polish victims of whatever tragedy is justified I suppose, but not to the extent that it means you can disrespect 9/11. At that point you just become a hypocrite.

I'm feeling angry at the lack of perspective. 9/11 was not an event that had a destructive effect on American society. Katyn and similiar were major factors that contributed to the destruction of the upper echelons of Polish society and echo to this day.

Honestly, we don't care if anyone who isn't American mourns or not, because it's a purely American thing. What RJMC said is right - things like this don't happen here. When they do, it's a big ****ing deal. Not to mention that my uncle used to spend about half of his business days in and around the World Trade Center complex and I was terrified he was dead the instant I walked into class and saw the aftermath on TV.

If only more people shared your view.
Movies, music, other books and documentaries are sick too?


Is Oliver Stone sick bastard too?
That movie was horrible. But using the death of 3,000 people to sell a book to support atheism (I would assume, since I've never read it), is a LOT different than a documentary. The movie is about the actual event. The book appears to tie 9/11 in for shock value to make sales. Yes, the ad is sickening.
It's not shock value as such. 9/11 was what first made a lot of people realise that religion isn't necessarily a good thing.

I don't see how it is sick to say this is what the world could be like without religion.
Those buildings in that poster totally are not to scale. Look at the width; you could only fit like, eight people side-by-side in them, tops.
They're also not even there. I don't mean to alarm you but you can draw black buildings in Photoshop quite easily these days.
No you can't, you liar. I've been to a photo shop before and all they do is develop prints.
I'm bitter about it because I'm supposed to mourn 9/11 but no one gives a damn about Poland and OUR dead.

Which is amplified by the completely unfair treatment of our soldiers after World War II and yielding to Stalin at every. Single. Step.

Which all contributed to the screwed up state my country is in today.

... I could counteract this with an equally irrelevant argument...


Okay, now heres why I say that.

1. I feel that the trade center collapsing should be remembered, but we shouldn't force it down other nation's throats. And we don't do we? I don't think so, but I'm not about to ask Poland to stop and remember every little detail about MY nation's personal tragedy.

2. I know that World War 2 was horrible, and I know that Stalin was a sick bastard, even more so than Hitler, but somehow Hitler outweighs him at every turn. It's because Hitler's actions started a war on a global scale... and I don't even remember if Stalin had some nation revolt against him... But maybe if it was such a big event for your nation they WOULD remember it. Or maybe it's just that nobody cares anymore. I know we don't have a day where we honor the lives lost in Korea, other than the relative holidays Veterans day, and Memorial Day, and those don't even focus on the Korean War. But many many many more American soldiers died in Korea than died in 9/11, yet 9/11 is still more popular. Things move on, the clock's still ticking.

3. Whoever from America, or your country that told you to honor 9/11, punch them in the face. It's not your burden to bear. It's ours. It's like me asking you to wipe my ass cause I can't reach... What?! No! That's your shit! Keep it away from me... Okay, well, maybe not EXACTLY like that, but it conducts the same feeling.

And to tie up any loose ends, the war will effect many nations, yours might be one of them, but it's not a direct effect.

And 9/11 should be a remembrance day for those whom feel effected, but we shouldn't boast it. it's irresponsible. "We have the worst terrorist attack in history happen to us. :imu:"

Yeah? That's nice. Well, you know Germany? Their nation survived the Holocaust, and Hitler's moronic beliefs that he forced on others. And billions of people died for no good reason. We didn't help until one of our many ports was attacked, and we used our most powerful weapons to do it, killing millions more. Hows that for terrorism?

And, if you didn't look, I live in the united States, and live here, and always have, and I'm every bit as Red, White, and Blue enthusiastic as Uncle Sam, but we're too selfish in our own ways now. It makes me sick sometimes...

This is marked in relevance by Lord FagBallz, stealer of hopes, dreams, and testicles.
You know, it's the lack of memorials here that drive me insane. Almost no press coverage for the tiny memorial service for the guys that died defending our waters in 2002. Non for any of the dozens that died in the late 90s while in combat with North Korean special forces.

Seriously, I envy you Americans. Sure, we're prolly way more nationalistic, but it's still worrying that we could just ignore the people that died in tragic events, much less those who died in the defence of their country.
The book appears to tie 9/11 in for shock value to make sales.

This has nothing to do with shock value. If a book decrying nazism had a graphic photograph of Belsen on the front cover, nobody would bat an eyelid.
They caused it, they won't let you move on till they've got as much as they can from it. The 'terrorists' in Iran are next up.
Yes, the ad is sickening.

Right, so its okay to make a game or film about world war 2, where millions died but use an event that you saw in your life means you can't. Right, your so much more important. Don't be stupid, the moment you say that that advert is sickening you automatically have to applay that to every horrific event in hostry ever made into a book, film, game, etc. lest you be a hypocrite.
Even if there was no religion there would still be crazy people. There's no problem with religion,

disagree ..from fanatics killing individuals for slights against religion to ant-abortionist bombers to the movement to do away with evolution in schools ..we are better off without religion

but if you think god is telling you to kill people you are insain.

May be better off without the religious crazies... but I honestly don't think the number of global crazies would have diminished a whole lot.
this was posted on one of my war gaming forums, It slightly pisses me off

"September 11th. Seven years ago, this was just any day, but on that evil day six years ago, it became infamous for all history. For the first time in history, the American people were attacked on their own soil. 3,000 men, women, and children were brutally murdered by nineteen people who represented the the large group of peple who hate with every fiber of their being the American people. They will, and did, stop at nothing to destroy every living one of us solely because we are Americans. For that reason September 11th can never be a normal day.

Three thousand innocent Americans killed simply because one group of people thinks that every person who is not a Muslim, or every infidel in their terms, must be converted or annihilated. They, in cold blood, murdered three thousand civilians, destroyed both a center of commerce and a government building, and defied every code for military action ever written. That was an act of war by any standards. Justly, we can go to war with these people who attacked us on our own soil. And what do we do? We sit around like little scared children.

In grade school, when the class bully knocked oyu around and you cried to your mother, did he stop? Did he stop when you left him alone and tried to avoid him? No! The only way to end his reign of terror was to stand up to him, show him you were not afraid, and if nothing else worked slug him. He would not listen to reason, he would ignore your whimpered pleas for mercy, and he refused to submit to the proper authorities. It is obvious that the same applies to the Islamofascists. They did not listen when the honorable George Bush attempted to be diplomatic with them. They refused to abide by any UN resolution, and they certainly did not leave us alone when we tried to ignore them - look what happened six years ago. We can't cower in a corner and hope they will go away, because just like the bully they won't. They will taunt us, denounce us, and kill more of the women and children of this country if we leave them alone. Therefore, the only solution is to attack them and eliminate them to defend our citizens.

But no, the American people are "war weary," even though none of the war weary have actually been to war. In our prosperity, we have become sissies! We are so used to having our every want catered instantly that we can't stand a lick of sacrifice. When the war got the slightest bit hard, we wanted to get out immediately. Where did America's backbone go? This can't be the same nation that sacrificed 50,000 men in one day to begin the destruction of Hitler's evil regime. This can't be the same America that stared down the evils of communism. This can't be the same America that sacrificed thousands of men to become the light of freedom and truth in the modern age. This is not the same America. This has become a completely different nation.

We are so used to our freedom, we forget it came with a very heavy price tag. In the War for Independance, thousands of Americans lost their lives to end the British tyrrany. We bought our independence - our freedom - for a very large sum of human lives. In the war of 1812, we defended that freedom with more of the same currency. In subsequent wars, or youth proudly defended the greatest natio the world has ever known. And now, not three hundred years later, we are too cowardly and pampered to stand up again and preserve the one light of hope and reason that our world has left. We are too much of wimps to stand strong and declare that his is America, the world's sole superpower, and anyone who dares to kill three thousand of our citizens in cold blood has Hell to pay. We are such ninnies that we can't defend the freedom that this nation stands for.

In this day and age, the absolute outrage of 9/11 is being denied. "It's not that bad," declare journalists. Many in the media deny it. It doesn't seem posssible that merely six years after the most evil act in our nation's history we can say "it didn't happen." Movies about the act are too hard to watch for our lily-livered people. We can't bear the tension, experts say. Hell, we SHOULDN'T bear it. We should be destroying the people who committed this atrocity, but instead we'd rather deny the atrocity. I will not forget. I will always remember that on this day, six years ago, three thousand were killed for the sole reason that they were Americans. I will never forget that day when nineteen men attacked us in our homeland. I will always remember, and for the sake of those three thousand dead, I will do everything in my power to end this threat to the American freedom.

America currently has two choices. Either it can support it's president, end the war, and eliminate the terrorist threat to freedom, or it can watch as the entire western world unravels."

lol10chars :P
Look how he twisted the true meaning of Christma- I mean, look how he effectively gave us two choices, forgetting we have about infinity choices.