90nm Athlon 64 Performance and OCing


Aug 22, 2003
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For those of you thinking about getting a Socket 939 90nm CPU, such as an Athlon 64 3000+, 3200+ or 3500+, here are a few benchmarks. Link

Seems like a nice buy especially for OCing. ;)
Some good improvements for a slight boost in performance.
90nm A64 (DH8-D0) has these improvements over the 130nm (DH7-CG):
- improved DRAM page closing policy
- improved memory addressing with graphics cards using main memory (eg. integrated cards) as frame buffer
- memory controller power reductions (DDR receivers go off in default)
- memory power consumption reductions (CKE pins disconnect)
- second write combining buffer
- SAHF and LAHF instructions are now supported in 64bit mode

They added the AMD FX53 (2.4GHz-1MB) and the Intel 560 (3.6GHz - 925X) for a good comparison.
that athlon 3000 is overclocking like mad 45%!!!!

I havent tested my 3500 out yet intensively but I have been able to get to 2.4 easily. I think I will max out at about 2.5-2.55 assuming its 130nm. If its 90nm I think I will be able to get to 2.65 because its a better hs then anandtech.I still having troubles figuring out wheter mine it 90nm or 130nm. Sisandra thinks its 90 and cpuz thinks it 130.

Sadly had I known this befor I put on my new heatsink I would have checked the numbers.
Just remember they picked a board and memory that can handle that kind of OCing.
good to see these cpus beating out the FX's that badly when overclocked. even if you have to get expensive ram and board, cooling, it still saves a whole lot of $ from getting an fx-53 or fx-55. im tempted to go this route soon.
It costs $158 here :D, it will be out in a few days and I'm sure going to be one of the first that gets it (it will be out of stock in a day or so) ;)
I regret going for intel p4 in my upgrade. When I upgrade again in a couple of years, who knows, I might go for AMD. I should have done it this time ..
Asus said:
Just remember they picked a board and memory that can handle that kind of OCing.

I know my board can definatly handle the overclocking but I am having troubles with the memory. I will post more latter with more details to see if anyone can help me but right now i got to go to work.