9800 pro 128 mb vs 9800 pro 256 mb



Whats the difference between them, and is it worth the $100 difference? :O
The difference is more RAM ;)
You won't see a boost in performance in games (in general), the extra RAM will help processor higher resolution textures. VALVe has an update planned for HL2 in which they will release hi-res textures that'll take advantage of 256MB cards.

In short: No, it's not worth the extra $100, seeing as how that pushes the card up to $300 (give or take), and you can get a better card for that price (X800 SE [when it comes out], 9800XT [assuming the price drops sometime soon], etc)
Well, the difference is more ram but the ram is also _slower_. I run a 9800 pro 256 DDR-II and I've had really great performance out of it. Granted I don't play alot of high end games (I've demo'ed max payne 2, frycry and had them run great). The only difference between you and me is that, I bought my card when the 9800 pro 256 was the top card to buy. Now that you have the option of buying the 9800XT or the X800, I would wait for the X800 to come out and the XT's price to drope. I was even considering selling my 9800 pro 256 so I could get a X800... Dunno if I'll do that though.
the higher-res textures aren't worth $100, imo. but that's all the extra ram does...so it's up to you
Deja vu.
The difference between them is...well...one has 128 MB and the other one has 256 MB.
Maskirovka said:
you should not buy the 128-bit 9800p...or the 9600xt. do it right and get a 256-bit 128meg 9800p...such a steal at $200
Where exactly did you find that 256-bit 128meg 9800p for $200? The cheapest place I found it was pricewatch.com at $261.79.

BTW: I like your signature. Very clever.
User Name said:
Where exactly did you find that 256-bit 128meg 9800p for $200? The cheapest place I found it was pricewatch.com at $261.79.

BTW: I like your signature. Very clever.

sig's from here: http://www.homestarrunner.com/tgsmenu.html
i think it's #3 or #4...and i guess you'd probably die of thirst before starving...lol

newegg.com has the 9800p's for $206-7
personally i'm going to get the MSI card.


it's only $5 or 6 more and it's the retail version...and it has a sweet heatsink that covers not only the GPU but the RAM as well.

incidentally, this is the first 128 meg 9800xt i've seen...

still isn't worth the extra money...since you can put the 9800xt bios on the 9800pro and overclock to xt speeds...i bet the MSI card overclocks well...though i haven't been able to find a review :\
Maskirovka said:
sig's from here: http://www.homestarrunner.com/tgsmenu.html
i think it's #3 or #4...and i guess you'd probably die of thirst before starving...lol

newegg.com has the 9800p's for $206-7
personally i'm going to get the MSI card.


it's only $5 or 6 more and it's the retail version...and it has a sweet heatsink that covers not only the GPU but the RAM as well.

incidentally, this is the first 128 meg 9800xt i've seen...

still isn't worth the extra money...since you can put the 9800xt bios on the 9800pro and overclock to xt speeds...i bet the MSI card overclocks well...though i haven't been able to find a review :\
Thanx. I'll probably order this. I'm upgrading from an Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 and I hope it serves me well with Doom III and Half-Life 2.
User Name said:
Thanx. I'll probably order this. I'm upgrading from an Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 and I hope it serves me well with Doom III and Half-Life 2.

why not just spend $3 more and get the MSI card?...free games...retail box...looks cooler...probably OC's well with that nice heatsink/fan...MSI = quality.
Maskirovka said:
why not just spend $3 more and get the MSI card?...free games...retail box...looks cooler...probably OC's well with that nice heatsink/fan...MSI = quality.
Uumm...because the one I'm looking at has 256-Bit, has a faster refresh rate with 85Hz, supports OpenGL®2.0, and has a faster memory speed with 680 MHz and a faster clock speed with 380 MHz. So, in comparison with the MSI, the one I am getting is much better.
User Name said:
Uumm...because the one I'm looking at has 256-Bit, has a faster refresh rate with 85Hz, supports OpenGL®2.0, and has a faster memory speed with 680 MHz and a faster clock speed with 380 MHz. So, in comparison with the MSI, the one I am getting is much better.

i wouldn't say "much" better...

the MSI card is 256-bit

does your monitor support 2048X1536? i hope 1600 x 1200 85Hz is good enough

the clock difference is like 3 Mhz...and i bet it overclocks better...

the opengl 1.5 vs 2.0 isn't that big of a deal...

though all these 3 differences together does make me think twice...and i don't need the bundle at all.
The Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB is $ 349.99 CDN.
The Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB pushed the Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB to 349.99 $ CDN.:D
User Name said:
So, which one are you going with? The MSI or...the other one.

lol i have no idea :)

i dunno...i think i want to try to softmod mine with the XT bios and OC it to XT speeds...and i read that the sapphire model in question now uses the R360 core and the XT PCB, and people are having lots of success with the bios/oc

also, they have a refurbished version of it at newegg for $170 shipped...the $40 savings is attractive since i just shelled out $320+ to fix my car :\\\\

i'll think about it a bit more...i posted on a few forums to see if anyone else has or knows much abou the MSI card...if nobody bites i'll just get the sapphire.