99% proof of extraterrestrial life.


Jun 24, 2003
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This post is about a something, wich is probably a big change in history.

It's about a press conference given in may 2001, by dr greer and several witnesses. It almost didn't get any media coverage, due to the terrorist attacks in 9/11 probably.

They speak on: The ufo matter.

This is the result of a 8 year research.
They obtain various official documents wich back up all they say, and they have 400 (!) witnesses who worked in the CIA, marine, navy, airforce, or elsewhere in the usa government, and they want to share with everybody the things they've learned and seen about ufo's, and how the usa government is keeping things secret. These are professional people, and some of them had acces to classified things regarding ufo's.

They're willing to testify about it in congress, under oath.

I think this should NOT be ignored, and everybody should watch this video, covering the press conference, in the national press club in washington:
It's a video of the whole press conference, it's one hour and 50 minutes long, but WELL worth watching.

Beginning speech: There are more things between heaven and hell, then any of us have accepted, and I have the witnesses and the documents to proof it.

I was stunned. I think you'll be, too.

(tried to explain this the best I could, but I think you should just watch the video)

Site: http://www.disclosureproject.org/
Xenome said:
It's about a press conference given in may 2001, by dr greer and several witnesses. It almost didn't get any media coverage, due to the terrorist attacks in 9/11 probably.

Good use of logic there, lack of publicity because of something which was going to happen 5 months later and could not have been predicted......
Murray_H said:
Good use of logic there, lack of publicity because of something which was going to happen 5 months later and could not have been predicted......

Yea, well that's my own presumption, just watch the vid.
How to open the videofile? You made me curious :p
2 hour video, starting with an actor singing? I should take this seriously why?
great idea Murray_H. Lets all say something annoying and negative instead of getting excited on this possible change in the history of science

Shuzer, what the hell? I don't see a singing actor...unless you mean the guy who talks at the beginning.
Until some alien wants to come down and shake Kofi Annan's hand, I don't actually care.
Tredoslop said:
Shuzer, it starts with an actor talking about stuff, but not singing.

He does start singing too, though. "i was an understudy to... " then he sings.

Sorry. I'm not watching 2 hours of that. If aliens did exist I wouldn't be finding out from some obscure 2001 video.
Shuzer said:
2 hour video, starting with an actor singing? I should take this seriously why?

Or look at it this way...

Why shouldn't you take it seriously *taps nose*

Wait...That doesn't make sense.
/me cries
/me cries
/me cries
/me cries

Anyway, Im gonna leave it playing in the background for a while and see what I think.
what a nice and positive start this thread got
Seppo said:
great idea Murray_H. Lets all say something annoying and negative instead of getting excited on this possible change in the history of science

Yes it is a wonderful idea......

If it were important as it is made out to be, don't you think everyone would have heard of it before now?

All I'm saying is that the lack of familarity with this conference can't be due to the September 11th attacks, it's not like the news was running '5 months till the big day kids' stories 24/7 leading up to that date.
Watch the whole video, THEN judge.

Dr. Greer and other people who did the research will lose their license to do their job if it will seem that they lie.

They are not clowns lol, all witnesses have worked for the usa goverment intelligence, or in military, and Dr Greer is also the be respected at least I think.


Even if Dr.Greer and all these 400 people lie, I think it's logical that there is extraterrestrial lifein this BIG universe..
I think this just proofs it, for the people who need that proof.
I understand what you are saying Murray_H, but think of the stigma attached to UFOs...Personally I doubt its true, but its still interesting to listen too.

Having said that, some of the things sounds a little fantastical really.
Considering how big the universe is, it would be a pretty big waste of space if we were the only life around.
I'd like to watch it, but I really have not got enough time, if the original poster or anyone else could make a short summary of what evidence their is and the main gist of the conference I would be grateful
Bah Xenome I hate to break it to you but that video is old and so is the website. There's no chance it's all true, it's all "make-believe."
Murray_H said:
I'd like to watch it, but I really have not got enough time, if the original poster or anyone else could make a short summary of what evidence their is and the main gist of the conference I would be grateful

If you can't watch it as a whole, just watch the beginning with the introcuding 'actor' and then dr.greer, until the first witness. Or maybe hear some witnesses. Witnesses at the end are most impressive imo.

Also watch the end, starting with 1 hour and 34 mins, where the press and people can start asking questions.
Murray_H said:
I'd like to watch it, but I really have not got enough time, if the original poster or anyone else could make a short summary of what evidence their is and the main gist of the conference I would be grateful

Well there seems to be a lot of waffling (talking about nothing in particualr, and using big words), and the basic theme is that we as a race need to come together and become peaceful. We shouldnt "weaponise" space because the aliens wouldn't like that, and we need to release all the secret technologies that the government are holding back. As for evidence, well I didn't watch it all but they kept bringing people on with fancy titles like "I was previously a Head Director and the FAAAH AF GH"
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well there seems to be a lot of waffling (talking about nothing in particualr, and using big words), and the basic theme is that we as a race need to come together and become peaceful. We shouldnt "weaponise" space because the aliens wouldn't like that, and we need to release all the secret technologies that the government are holding back. As for evidence, well I didn't watch it all but they kept bringing people on with fancy titles like "I was previously a Head Director and the FAAAH AF GH"

Dunno what's fancy about that, they just say the job they were doing at the time..isn't that important..?

It aren't big words, they are words wich can be backed up by the witnesses and documents they have.

Btw the witnesses in this press conference only tell a glimpse of their story, and it are only 10 witnesses or so in the press conference.

Nice summary for some1 who was only watched the introducing beginning lol :p


Btw they say that the US military already studied and understand the anti-gravity technology, wich the other species use for transport vehicles. They've studied extraterrestrial material for 50 years now, according to witnesses with acces. ( it can be proved that these witnesses worked there at the time)
We dont need proof that Aliens exist, its pretty obvious due to the infinate amount of space for planets/systems/universes to exist in.
Well I never said it was going to be an objective summary, or for that amtter, a summary of the whole thing ;)

Here is an interesting thing to point out....

Alll these people are listening out for aliens, but really what are the chances?

Think about it, we have been pumping out high powered radio signals for less than a century, and already we are moving over to new ways of braodasting, such as digital which is bounced off sattelites. That means, that for a hundred years maybe, we will be sounding off to the universe, and then suddenly it will stop. Now if you applied that to aliens, there is gonna be a hundred year window for us to hear them....Its not likely they would cross over considering the size or the universe and how old it is. As for them visiting us, well it would either take a really long time to get here (why would they visit in the first place? Planets are nothing more than shadows from neighbouring systems) or even if it did take a long time they owuld either say "hello" to everyone, or keep themselves hidden. Now, a race of aliens that can travel here within a relatively short period of time, is probably going to be able to outsmart some dozy farmer in the American midwest who claims to have seen aliens. If they wanted to see humanity like that, they would go to where its most concentrated anyway, like such as the major cities.

Basically, what I'm saying is...Who cares?! Its either so unlikely that it hasn't happened, or the universe is populated by billions of different species of alien, and there is nothing we can do about contacting them unless they want to be seen so lets give it a rest and put our minds towards more productive things.
Tredoslop said:
Considering how big the universe is, it would be a pretty big waste of space if we were the only life around.

yes but with using that same logic, the chances of every running into another race is next to nil ...think about it ..we've only had global communications for less than a 100 years (the signals only left our solar system a couple of decades ago) ...while our galaxy is billions of years old ...for all we know there could have been an alien race in the next solar system that went extinct 100 million years ago
Pff some1 watch the video, then ill come back in two hours, and share thoughts :)

ok .. i'm about a quarter into this thing.

But how is this proof?
It's a lot of people giving statements, but i haven't seen a shred of evidence as of yet.
Synthaxx R-or said:
ok .. i'm about a quarter into this thing.

But how is this proof?
It's a lot of people giving statements, but i haven't seen a shred of evidence as of yet.

Well I think 400 witnesses ( of wich 10 or so in this press conference) who worked in intelligence, CIA, military, airforce, navy, marines, etc, who are willing to testify in congress under oath, sharing their 'ufo incidents', and documents , is kinda proof.
They are the officials who have seen or heard it all.

What would you call proof? An alien sitting in front of you, right on your monitor? Because that's the only way to really proof it.
But 400 insiders saying it, is the same to me.

Now let's hope it will come to this congress hearing where all details will be shared.

Remember: This is only a press conference, to let people know of this case.
This is some info out of dr.Greer's book:


It's about the Alien reproduction vehicle, as it's called.

In the book Disclosure government witnesses tell the story of how recovered extraterrestrial technology was back engineered with off-the-shelf technology to build the Alien Reproduction Vehicle or otherwise known as the ARV. This Alien Reproduction Vehicle is not only capable of space travel but it is in fact capable of faster than light travel.
SO many people took my post seriously.. I'm ashamed :eek:
And alot of you missed the bit where he started singing? Hrm.

I watched 10 minutes of it, but had to stop. It seemed a bit too campy..
Xenome said:
This is some info out of dr.Greer's book:


It's about the Alien reproduction vehicle, as it's called.

In the book Disclosure government witnesses tell the story of how recovered extraterrestrial technology was back engineered with off-the-shelf technology to build the Alien Reproduction Vehicle or otherwise known as the ARV. This Alien Reproduction Vehicle is not only capable of space travel but it is in fact capable of faster than light travel.

Hey! He ripped that title from that book by Michael Crichton where Michael Douglas gets sexually assaulted by a woman and nobody believes him, so he has to use futuristic technology to clear his reputation.

For shame, Dr. Greer. For shame!
Watched 9 minutes already and honestly the guy sounds crazy but ill watch the whole thing to see the proof.
good watch, im about half way through atm.
I allways thought that the goverment knew more than it was letting on.

The truth shall set you free
I currently discovered a video about ufo's in mexico from may this year, and it also came on the dutch news, but english ppl can't understand Dutch :\

anyway, a mexican journalist saw 8 lights in the sky. Now you could say: he faked it, but mexican defense also released a video of it, from one of their planes. They can't explain it.

The pilot screamed: We're not alone, this is so bizarre!

CNN wrote that Lt.Mario Adrian Vazquez, who handles the Infra red instruments, confirms that the object are very real. He knows for sure that the recordings are not manipulated. "when the jets stopped to follow the objects, they dissapeared".

I guess these things only reach the news when goverments release something..but the fact that they did, says that even they admit this was unexplainable.

( for interested ppl: http://files.fok.nl/x-factor/mexufo.wmv )


to the person above me: Dunno wich vid you watched, but this vid is ALL about 'aliens', didn't you hear the witnesses talking?

BTW: To all people not seeing this as proof, 400 inside ppl willing to testify in congress: The only proof for you is an alien headcrab on your monitor :p
Note: All quotes come from their website.

These things are all the same and sadly, it's pretty apparent that this fits the usual pattern of these kind of things from what they have to say on their website. Read on....

That this is the most classified, compartmented program within the US and many other countries;

Funny, how they can talk freely about it then.

Ok, so first they introduce some unknown factor (Aliens/UFO's in this case, thus providing the mystical/unexplainable ingredient they need), then go on to promise a technological utopia that promises to provide free energy, solve world hunger, and fix the environment (Thus providing the bait to get people interested.). Though of course they don't bother to explain any technical details about these amazing perfect devices that will fix everything. Hence the reason for the UFO crap in the first place. It allows them to make claims without any proof or evidence since it's from an "Alien civilization" and thus probably far to complex to explain to us.

Sheesh, give me a break.

Oh, and it's nice and convenient that in the last 50 years or so we've come to completely understand this Alien technology so completely that they are confident of replicating it and mass producing it for the world at large. Let's ignore little facts that mankind, which barely had a working computer 50 years ago somehow has managed to completely understand and build alien technology hundreds of years in advance of our own capability.

And let's not forget something that they nicely gloss over in their brave talk of a new world. Seriously, what do you think would be the result of these kind of technologies becoming available? World peace like they claim? Or do you think that every government on Earth might just want to get their hands on this for military and defense purposes. In today's world climate it would most likely result in an arms race and the technology would be milked for all it was worth by every military on the planet. No one would want to fall behind since that sort of technological edge could spell disaster for a government left behind. I'd say we'd be lucky if we survived the introduction of these devices let alone go right into achieving some sort of world utopia. Heck they even admit the possible devestation such technology could wreck:

Obviously, any civilization capable of routine interstellar travel could terminate our civilization in a nanosecond, if that was their intent.

And what is there plan to prevent such a thing from happening? Well rest assured they have a good one:

the international community must mature to a level of competence to ensure their exclusive peaceful use.

Oh, I see. I'm sure we all agree how mature the international community is right now. I mean just look at the reasonable and peaceful way we've all dealt with the Iraq situation. I'm sure once everyone realizes how silly they've been for the past several hundred years all the countries will pull together, have a nice group hug, and decide to get along in light of what these technological wonders have to offer. Yep. Sure.

And then we have this:

It is true that our great diplomats and wise elders, such as Senator Pell, President Jimmy Carter and other international leaders have been specifically and deliberately prevented from having access to or control over this subject. This is a direct threat to world peace. In the vacuum of secrecy, operations supervised by neither the people, the people’s representatives, the UN nor any other legitimate entity have taken actions that directly threaten world peace.

Wait a minute. So the president isn't in on it, congress isn't in on it, the UN isn't in on it. So who are these mysterious people, who apparently don't answer to anyone in the government, that control access to these UFO's. Oh, it's a "secret" organization" I'm sure. You know, the one that sends black helicopters out to spy on your movements when you drive to work. Let's see if we can't get some more information on this group of dastardly people hellbent on keeping the world from it's rightful utopia. Ah, here's a better description of them:

To leave this in the hands of a clique of un-elected, self-appointed and unaccountable covert operations is the greatest threat to US national security and world security in history. Eisenhower was right, but nobody was listening.

Ooh, it's getting more mysterious now. Queue X-files music......


This then is the greatest challenge of the current era. Can our spiritual and social resources rise to this challenge? Nothing less than the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance.

Well, I'm not sure where spirtuality came into play in all this, but they sure do play for keep don't they? Heh, makes me feel all tingly inside knowing the "destiny of the human race hangs in the balance." It's like reading a newspaper add in a late night B-movie flick.

Well, I could probably go on and on and given a bit of time one could continue to poke holes in their logic all day long. But I'll end here for now so I don't get too boring. If you want to skip over my ramblings I'll put the most important part here:

Life is complicated. When you put 6 billions lives on one planet it get's really complicated. We have a lot of very complex problems, which will require matching complex solutions. Nothing is ever simple in a world like ours. Human nature practically dictates that it cannot be. So what I'm trying to say is that when someone offers simple, sweeping solutions that promise to fix all our problems with very little effort or work involved it's practically always lies (even if they have good intentions).

If it's too good to be true it invariably is.

In the beginning of this post I said these things are all the same. What I meant is that no matter if it's the promise of some magical form of "free" energy, a secret carborator that does 200 miles per gallon, a religious cult that promises you everlasting happiness, or a conspired alien coverup that will solve all the worlds woes, they're all the same. They're all people grasping desperately at simple solutions to complex problems. Sadly, in the real world if a solution is actually worthwhile it's going to need a lot of hard work to implement. Such simple, wonderful solutions promised by some are not to be had. So in the end, I'm saying be wary of a free lunch, for if it's really worth eating it's probably worth paying for it.

Alright, that's as philisophical as I'll get today. I promise. I just wanted to add that I meant no offense to anyone by the somewhat saracastic and contemptuos tone I took when discussing this organization. It was not directed at anyone who believes what they say or disagrees with me. It was only directed at the organization itself, since these things always annoy me to no end. So sorry if I seemed rude in ridiculing their ideas. I didn't not mean offense at all.

(Hmm, wonder if anyone will actually read all that.:))