99% proof of extraterrestrial life.

99% proof lol. Surely its either proof..or not proof? How can something be half proved?
Janet Reno said:
There ain't no aliens.
Thats kind of close minded to think that. The universe is so freaking big i cant describe it, I definatly believe in aliens. The only thing i want is for them to publicly greet us. (yeah it seems far fetched but what if our two societies combined....)
B.Calhoun said:
Thats kind of close minded to think that. The universe is so freaking big i cant describe it, I definatly believe in aliens. The only thing i want is for them to publicly greet us. (yeah it seems far fetched but what if our two societies combined....)

Is 'Infinate' the word your looking for?
Just listening to the way he talks you can tell its fake
I support the Disclosure Project 100%. I've donated some money and hope to become a part of the project soon through their Volunteer Program. :thumbs:
Personally according to me there is more for a chance for there to be extra-terristral life than there not to be.
Maybe one in a trillionth chance for a planet to have life?
that would mean.
(Considering our galaxy has an average amount of stars)
Like lets see theres a few hundred billion galaxies out there x 200 billion planets..hmm Well thats alot of planets right there!

All i'm saying is that there could be multiple universes(as there is a planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, ?something bigger?, ?something bigger?.
200,000,000,000 planets in our galaxy alone.
"World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 1997: 205.: "Studies of distant space with optical and radio telescopes indicate that there may be about 100 billion galaxies in the universe.""
200,000,000,000 x 100,000,000,000 = an estimate of the amount of planets. Your saying that only 1 out of all of those have life. Life could mean unintelligent, a planet or anything.

Those who think we are the only people in the universe are...dumb according to me.
20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Thats a shit load of planets. If only 1 has life on....well thats damn suprising. Plus there is probably more, and the fact that there might be multiple universes(Like there are multiple galaxies). We might just not be able to see them yet do to the vastness of each universe and how long light takes to reach things and how small they would be.

Yes the universe is expanding thus if there is 1 then there are probably new galaxies being created every day! Why is everything expanding? Everything has a red shift If I remember correctly. Red shift means its going away. While blue shift is coming closer.

Red Shift:
in astronomy, the systematic increase in the wavelength of all light received from a celestial object; it is observed in the shifting of individual lines in the spectrum of the object toward the red, or longer wavelength, end of the visible spectrum. The effect was discovered by V. M. Slipher of Lowell Observatory. Some red shifts are the result of the Doppler effect , i.e., of the relative motion of the earth and the object away from each other. However, all distant galaxies show a red shift proportional to their distance from the earth as a result of the general expansion of the universe (see Hubble's law ); the most distant known galaxies have red shifts that indicate they are moving away from the earth at speeds approaching that of light. Red shifts are also produced by gravitation in accordance with the general theory of relativity . Because of the strong gravitational field, the frequency of the light emitted by atoms in a dense, compact star will be lower and the wavelengths consequently longer; such effects have been observed in white dwarfs . See cosmology .

I dont know...dont listen to me ahhh!
Good job Minerel. :thumbs:

We're finding new planets all the time. However, most of them up to this point have been Jupiter size. There could also be some planets in these solar systems that we haven't detected yet through parallax or what have you. Theres 200+ billion stars in our galaxy alone. There's life somewhere in there.

If you are interested in the whole idea of the probability of other intelligent lifeforms, take a look at the Drake Equation.

Humans have been around for a very short time. Some civilizations could be at least a billion years older than us. So I'm sure their "technology" far surpasses anything we could have come up with. The benefits of making peaceful contact with ETs would be the greatest thing to happen to mankind, ever.

I think its worth pursuing.
kingthebadger said:
would be nice if we could meet other species tho :p
...and have sexual...

Oh wait...forget I said that.
I agree. You MUST watch this in it's entirety. The theories of mass and inertia cancellation are not unlike noise cancellation techniques in which an inverse of the incoming waveform is combined with the original to give a resultant null.
This video contains testimony by some VERY solid witnesses.
I watched the entire thing and there are a lot of credible witnesses. Unfortunately, the current Administration probably wouldn't allow hearings seeing as the Bush and Cheney families have ties to the energy business(oil). :flame:
hmm... I kinda interested in this until someone said that we made a faster-than-light spacecraft. ha. ha.

like someone else said...
And 400 people is proof to you? There are millions of evangelical christians out there that will "testify" that you must accpet Jesus as your personal savior or else you'll be eternally damned.... There are millions of athiests who will testify that there is no God.... that isn't proof.

And if there was any serious truth to this, the major news media would pick up on it... they're not total idiots.
SidewinderX said:
hmm... I kinda interested in this until someone said that we made a faster-than-light spacecraft. ha. ha.

like someone else said...
And 400 people is proof to you? There are millions of evangelical christians out there that will "testify" that you must accpet Jesus as your personal savior or else you'll be eternally damned.... There are millions of athiests who will testify that there is no God.... that isn't proof.

And if there was any serious truth to this, the major news media would pick up on it... they're not total idiots.

ABC I think, or some major news, is going to air a special on this in Feburary featuring The Disclosure Project on these issues. Btw, http://www.disclosureproject.org/TranscriptGeorgeNooryInterviewOct282004-part1.htm this interview might answer some of you skeptics concerns/questions on why this hasnt been made public yet. They are still in the process of make a replicate of these Zero Point Energy "generators", as evidence.
I need to see it to believe it ('it' being alien life), but this is still pretty interesting.
P-Lo said:
ABC I think, or some major news, is going to air a special on this in Feburary featuring The Disclosure Project on these issues. Btw, http://www.disclosureproject.org/TranscriptGeorgeNooryInterviewOct282004-part1.htm this interview might answer some of you skeptics concerns/questions on why this hasnt been made public yet. They are still in the process of make a replicate of these Zero Point Energy "generators", as evidence.

Exactly. I also read that ABC is doing a special on the Disclosure Project. :thumbs: Should be interesting.
aliens have already been prooven...those who
have seen the nasa videos know what im talking about.

what convinced me of no current -intelligent- life was fermi's paradox, it states that because there are so many many planets and they've been around for so so so long, that our galaxy should have been swept through by a group of exploring aliens, dozens of times. say it takes, 100 million years to send out exploration ships, which build permanate bases, which send out more exploration ships, that do the same, say it takes 100 million years to conquest through our galaxy, and say each intelligent life form is a couple hundred million years apart. there should still be tons and tons of evidence of galactic conquest, as in organization. some type of organization in our galaxy, and yet, though all of out research, and scanning, we've found absolutly nothing. now there are logical explanations of why this galaxy has not been conqured dozens of times, i mean, maybe they're incapable of leaving their planet, or they just dont think the way we do, as in, they do not care about expanding. but could all of the previous life forms just not carred? so, now i will try to restate the paradox in a simple matter.

There are billions of stars in our galaxy alone.
each star is capable of supporting a planet with energy.
say, 1 in 100 million planets are completely incapable of supporting any form of life.
all, or most of the life-capable planets support life forms (i.e. single celled organisms)
1 in every few hundred thousand life-planet's life evolves to, or past, our level, and are willing to expand into the galaxy.

now, you break that down into alot, but thats still alot of planets that have evolved life, willing to expand.

now lets say it takes 5 hundred million max years to sweep through the galaxy. of course alot of them will die out but if they can get enough life out there, it will be self perpetuating. (and we should see some sort of organization out there)
the galaxy is thought to be 16-20(?) billion years old
life should have swept over this solar system several times by now.
but there is no real evidence whatsoever of alien life, or organization, out there. here's a quote.

"""there are two observational or, if you like, experimental facts: 1) the age of the Universe is T = 10^10 year, 2) a specific time t of exponential development for our civilization is of the order of some tens of years. For the sake of simplicity it san be adopted t = 100 years which is obviously an overestimation. A gigantic dimensionless number characterizes the growth of a technological civilization over the time of existence of the Universe:

K = cxp(T/t) =/= 10^43,000,000 (!)

It is enough to say that the theoretical physics never dealed with so great dimensionless numbers. For example, the full number of elementary particles in the Universe looks ridiculously small -- 10^80 . Fermi himself exclaimed: "If there were anywhere space civilizations, their spaceships would have been in the solar system long since'' (I don't guarantee the exactness of the quotation). Naturally, this number is so gigantic that any unknown intermediate factors are unimportant. Really, it can be confirmed that probability of absence of "space miracles'' in our Universe is 10^-43,000,000 , i.e. is equal to zero! Nevertheless, nobody has discovered them even after 20 years of searches. On the contrary, a Giant Silence of the Universe has been revealed. The world without miracles is incredible but it exists -- that is the paradox. """

Please do not just scroll by this.
Osymyso said:
and yet, though all of out research, and scanning, we've found absolutly nothing.

Unless you are within the highest military division, I dont think you know what government knows.

But i will comend you on your points, although I definatly believe in aliens and I support trying to make contact however mankind can.
Osymyso, interesting read. Im still trying to wrap my head around that one. :p

You said the following: "the galaxy is thought to be 16-20(?) billion years old"

-Did you mean to say universe instead of galaxy? From what I've read, Astronomers and Cosmologists estimate that the universe is between 12-15 billion years old. I believe our galaxy formed shortly after though.

You also say: "life should have swept over this solar system several times by now."

-Perhaps. But does that mean that all intelligent life has swept through our solar system. Maybe some have come and gone and others are just barely making the rounds?

Another quote: "but there is no real evidence whatsoever of alien life, or organization, out there."

-Thats also debatable. There have been hundreds of thousands if not millions of witnesses(credible) to the UFO phenomenon. Not only that but there are also photographs, video, radar data, and other documents stating otherwise. While no one, at this time, can produce a body or piece of an alien craft, i believe someone has access to those resources. Through testimony and witness corroboration, I think we can build a strong case supporting the UFO/ET situation.

This subject should not be disregarded as scifi mumbo jumbo but rather treated as a real case. In some cases, physical evidence is lacking but a conviction is still made based on a combination of witness testimony, veracity, and circumstantial evidence.

Mathematicians, while extremely smart, do not contain all the answers to difficult questions. I think we should use their formulas as a base of knowledge and then build off of that. Their solutions are not the end all be all. There's still much to learn.


EDIT - here's a link on the age of the universe. Age of the Universe
calhoun, why should we assume that the government would censor evidence that could be billions of years old, it is clearly logical to prevent mass hysteria when someone spots a ufo, but some sort of organization millions of miles away, possibly billions of years old. they would not.

"I dont think you know what government knows." are you referring to our government alone? as other countries are doing similar invesitgations of the galaxy, and have found nothing.

Everyone take a look at this site, it shows the amount of time a galactic exploration would take, and the amount of the galaxy we've thoroughly searched.


everyone please look at that site it has alot of information

B.Calhoun said:
Unless you are within the highest military division, I dont think you know what government knows.

Why does everyone think our government is the end-all be-all? There are billions of other people on this planets, hundreds of governments, and millions of scientists and researchers... You think that our government would be the *only* people to have an inkling of this?

Yes, there have been unexplained lights and whatnot, but it's much more plausible that that is a secret government project, as opposed to keeping the existence of aliens away from us.

"-Did you mean to say universe instead of galaxy?"
no, as we have searched neighboring galaxies it would be near impossible to tell if there was intelligent life. so instead of making the statement 'there is, and has been, no intelligent life in the universe' i simply confine it to the milky way galaxy.

"-Perhaps. But does that mean that all intelligent life has swept through our solar system. Maybe some have come and gone and others are just barely making the rounds?"

we should see some sort of evidence of their 'sweep' perhaps a way to gain energy from a star to fuel their exploration, they build a shell around it to gather all it's energy (dont hold me to how possible that is, it's just an example.) we should see some evidence that they were here, or in neighboring solar systems.

"-Thats also debatable. There have been hundreds of thousands if not millions of witnesses(credible) to the UFO phenomenon. Not only that but there are also photographs, video, radar data, and other documents stating otherwise. While no one, at this time, can produce a body or piece of an alien craft, i believe someone has access to those resources. Through testimony and witness corroboration, I think we can build a strong case supporting the UFO/ET situation."

i understand that, i said 'real evidence' as physical evidence, like a spaceship crashing into new york city (or something along that) as apposed to single sightings, who knows what explains the videos. but if there are alien speices close enough to us to fly down and make contact for atmost a few hours (sometimes seconds) there should be a permant base in the solar system, as a trip from a neighboring solar system just to fly into our atmosphere for an hour, and then fly away is just uterly ridiculus. now, im not ruling out the possibilty of very very advanced technology, but it still seems ubsurd to travel that far just to stay for an hour. now, i know that simple sightings should be taken as real evidence, but you can never know the credibility of it.

"This subject should not be disregarded as scifi mumbo jumbo but rather treated as a real case. In some cases, physical evidence is lacking but a conviction is still made based on a combination of witness testimony, veracity, and circumstantial evidence."

i agree, however i dont think it is fair to base the existance of aliens from eye witnesses and recorded 'encounters' (i.e. cameras, radar) when there is no logical explanation of how they got here.

and i thank you, satch, for reading my post.
calhoun, why should we assume that the government would censor evidence that could be billions of years old....

I'd like to take a stab at this question.

-Our government hasn't been the most honest group of people in the world. While this would be a major discovery in human history, some might think that it could endanger those that are in positions of power. Unfortunately, the people that are in these postions are also those that control the vital information. Its not that hard to understand that the people in power want to stay in power.

For example, lets take a look at the energy industry. That single industry produces a lot of money. Possibly well into the trillions of dollars. The President and the Vice President were at one point or another involved in that very industry(fossil fuels). Now consider the possibility that some new technology, alien in origin, comes along and replaces the need for your vital product that made you a multi-millionare. Would you want to give up your "empire" so easily?

Now lets dig even deeper. Those same people that made millions in that industry are now making laws and are in very high positions of power. They are our Presidents, VPs, Senators, Congressmen, etc. So you are putting your faith in these people to disclose information that would essentially put them and their supporters out of business.

Long story short: they're not concerned with the betterment of our society, just what makes them the most money while keeping themselves up at the top.
we should see some sort of evidence of their 'sweep' perhaps a way to gain energy from a star to fuel their exploration, they build a shell around it to gather all it's energy (dont hold me to how possible that is, it's just an example.) we should see some evidence that they were here, or in neighboring solar systems.

Not necessarily. Imagine telling a police officer in the early 1900's that we'd be able to tell who committed a murder just by their saliva, hair, etc. (DNA testing) They would have never believed it. So, perhaps their(aliens) method of testing is as easy as "scanning" the planet. Taking temperature readings, chemical readings, and optical readings. Look how much we can learn about a planet or star without even setting a probe down on the surface.

If you look at some advanced ancient civilizations, you'll see a correlation with their religion, structures, pictures, and their interest in astronomy despite the fact that they were half a world away. (Mayans and the Egyptians) Now, Im not saying that they were 100% both in contact with aliens but I think its something thats worth looking at. That may be the evidence of a "sweep".

Think about it though. We are trying to figure out an alien civilizations meanings. Its all a guessing game at this point. Hell, we have a hard enough time trying to figure out eachother here on Earth. :p

but if there are alien speices close enough to us to fly down and make contact for atmost a few hours (sometimes seconds) there should be a permant base in the solar system, as a trip from a neighboring solar system just to fly into our atmosphere for an hour, and then fly away is just uterly ridiculus. now, im not ruling out the possibilty of very very advanced technology, but it still seems ubsurd to travel that far just to stay for an hour

I know its hard to believe. Im not so sure that I believe it myself but I'm gonna bring it up anyways just for the sake of debating. :p There have been witness testimony from people that have said that there are structures on the Moon. Again, Im not so sure I believe this but Im willing to at least keep an open mind about it. In addition to that sighting, there has also been a recent discovery by the Cassini probe. According to a witness at Lockheed Martin, they saw a picture of a craft near Saturn. Now its possible that they are using planets as stepping stones to Earth.

These stories are so difficult to believe but you have to ask the question, "what if?" What if there was some truth to these witnesses statements? What? Why? How? What are the implications? I don't know but its worth investigating.
it would put them out of business, if they did not use this alien power. however, having trillions of dollars under their belt, im quite sure these large corperations would by the ones who used the technology, so if it was more profitable than fossile fuels, they would switch to it.
i'd like to take the liberty of pointing out a glaring error in the logic that spawned this thread.

if this conference was in may of 2001, why would it get little coverage because of something that was going to happen four months later?
satch919 said:
That may be the evidence of a "sweep".

i dont think so. if they were here so incredibly recently, as 4 or 5 thousand years, i think we'd be able to tell, easily. as in, strange elements in the soil, that should not be there. and assuming that the life forms are similar to us, with a very short attention, and lifespan, i dont think they'd be able to stand the hundreds of years in transit from solar system to solar system. i think it would be more like self-reproducing, autonamous robots. (if anyone has read manifold: space, then you know what im talking about.) that would slowly go from planet to planet spreading around the solar system.

now, i've seen all the stuff about aliens with the egyptions and other ancient civilizations. and i really cant explain it, but i dont think it's enough evidence to prove fermi's paradox to be incorrect.
Choscura said:
i'd like to take the liberty of pointing out a glaring error in the logic that spawned this thread.

if this conference was in may of 2001, why would it get little coverage because of something that was going to happen four months later?

that was already posted, thanks though
please don't double post.

anyway, why would these sitings and events only happen with 1-2 people at a time?
Osymyso said:
it would put them out of business, if they did not use this alien power. however, having trillions of dollars under their belt, im quite sure these large corperations would by the ones who used the technology, so if it was more profitable than fossile fuels, they would switch to it.

There's a whole lot of information behind the technology. Apparently the energy systems that were reversed engineered takes in energy from its surroundings and uses it without producing any harmful byproducts. These devices are self contained and could be used for houses, cars, computers, etc. Knowing that, how would the corporations take in a steady income if the energy didn't need to be produced by a powerplant or fuel? While it would benefit the environment, they wouldn't be making money anymore. Money is more important to them than doing the right thing. We're talking about corporations that screw over their customers and employees just to make more money even though they're filthy rich. (Enron is a prime example)

Why do you think there hasn't been a huge move to develop cars that run on electricity? The fossil fuel industry has so much power and influence on politics. We could develop electric cars if we were really concerned with the environment and had the necessary resources.
SidewinderX said:
anyway, why would these sitings and events only happen with 1-2 people at a time?

They haven't always been with only one or two people at a time. Ever hear of the Pheonix Lights incident. Do a Google search for it. It was reported on the news and seen by thousands of people. There's Kecksburg, Rendlesham, Roswell, JAL Flight 1628 Over Alaska and various other incidents that had multiple witnesses.
"Why do you think there hasn't been a huge move to develop cars that run on electricity? " im glad you brought that up, it's simple. fossil fuels are still profitable. they will continue to use fossile fuels, while devolping electric fuels so they can make the switch when using fossil fuels is unprofitable. watch, in say.. 30-40(?) years, when fossil fuels become much more rare, and ultimatly, much more expensive, they will switch to a cheaper electric to make money.

now, i dont think you understand what i meant. given the unlikely situation that we will be able to, not only understand, but develop this ancient alien technology, just by viewing it through a telescope, i think the huge corporations, with all the money, would use the alien technology if it was easier. who else has the money to reverse engineer, and then market something like that?

____ Edit

yes, i am well aware of the phoenix lights incedent, as i live in phoenix, but i didn't see it, as i did not get the news of its arrival untill it had already left. what a pity.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I dunno...Lots of room to expand :)

nobody ever considers this... I think we were once a great civilization and started similarly (i'm an atlantis type) and that we continuosly cycle when we use up too many resources universally space time itself literally collapses and the spark of life is injected once again and we start over.. this is like trillions of years with human evolution and technological revolutions in mind. I do not rule out extra terrestial life as we could simply be far away, or be ignored for observational or regulations that say first contact with underdeveloped planets is wrong (what book is this from?). Anyways theories rush through my head. (nevermind not book StarOcean for ps2 lol)
or be ignored for observational or regulations that say first contact with underdeveloped planets is wrong

Thats definitely a possibility, I'm not gonna dispute that. If you were an advanced civilization and you knew that underdeveloped planets were reckless and hostile, would you want to make contact with them? Probably not.

Good point. :cheers: