A 10 year old's artwork

CREMATOR666 said:
yes, I think v are, back to the imposter girl, then :P
Just think...today she is the child prodigy. Tommorow she may turn up in a photo with George Bush posing as a daughter :O
Druckles said:

Maxi, you mean home educated. I wouldn't be suprised if she was because of the attitude she is going at it from. I was brought up in a Christian home and expected to behave Christian, but I have no idea what I think, and I definitely don't produce my art on a theme like that. That child must've been brainwashed
Lol, people, you may read my comments :)
brainwashed is not exacty the word, she has been 'genetically manipulated ' is more like it. :D I'm obsessed with combines :P
I used to do religiously themed art when I was younger...I'd like to think it had lots of skill in it as well, though compared to my suff now its rubbish :P It wasn't all "Isn't Christianity great!" (Though perhaps some was) it was just stuff that I found interesting, of which most was Christian. I certainly wasn't brainwashed...

But I have been genetically modified :O
What, to a sparrow? :P

I don't do anything really based on a theme, it's all usually just effecty and if anything is leaned towards a more depressed side, but I doubt it
I want to punch her in the teeth and then she won't be smiling anymore. (The girl that 'paints')

FAKE! I believe Dark Elf... As if she painted the lion at 7...
No way thats real. For example, when you look the art "she" did when she was 5, its not possible, because all children are physically clumsy, so its impossible to have that good visual understanding and a hand-eye coordination for such young. Biological fact :)
I´ve never heard of such thing, no matter how many historical art books I´ve read, none of the old great masters have ever been able to do anything like that so young...especially humans
wow that girl is really bloody amazing at painting, but can she do a finger painting? :)

anyway good for her :thumbs:
The Dark Elf said:
It's one thing to call her bluff as a fake, because she is.

But to call it crappy art when it is clearly very good. Thats taking the piss IchI. Gonna have to ask you to prove you can do better now. Sorry.

as I said she has good skill, but the paintings are crap... I don't need to prove it because its my opinion.
I seriously doubt that the girl draw those pictures, her face looks too...shocked. (at her parent's talents) :P
Think the amount of fame she has received, and the money she gets of those paintings. Seems like her parents have found a clever/coarse way to fool some gullible people/religious Christian fanatics, and get rich and famous of from it.
When I browsed the page, I got the impression that if you really believe in god, youd believe shes blessed and that she made those paintings..
But hey, if its real (and its not) I would be damn impressed.
I wouldn't say its physically impossible, have you seen some of the things autistic children can do? Now that is amazing. One child was taken for a helicopter ride over London, and when he got back to the ground he drew out a completely accurate 'map' of everything he had seen.
Originally posted by farrowlesparrow
I wouldn't say its physically impossible, have you seen some of the things autistic children can do? Now that is amazing. One child was taken for a helicopter ride over London, and when he got back to the ground he drew out a completely accurate 'map' of everything he had seen.

yeah but that is a disease and not really any skill but I see what your saying.
MARVEL at how the real paintings aren't actually hanging in the Louvre or Tate modern surrounded by lasers because of their importance

A miraculous phenomenon of intelligence SO GROUNDBREAKING that the girl isn't in some top secret lab having needles poked into her brain by American ex-UFO investigative scientists to try and find god's genes that he obviousy forgot one day and left lurking there

MIND BENDINGLY AWESOME enough that dad has to advertise NO WHERE ELSE but on the inta-ma-web, the ONLY REALIABLE source of truth and honesty on the planet*

*according to Jake, chapter 3 v.12 of the brand spanking newest testament
Well sarcasm is all well and good cr0m, but there are many great artists who never get their work exhibited behind laser beams. I know a few who are extremely talented, and are just unknown.

solid snail said:
yeah but that is a disease and not really any skill but I see what your saying.

Autism is a disease yes, but that doesn't mean other people cannot have the same skill...the potential is in human beings, but it doesn't often manifest without certain side effects.

My brother's fiance as asperges syndrome, which is like a tame form of autism. She is extremely bright, she knows more languages than I can remember...the disease doesn't make her smart, but its more of a side effect of it. Her brain developed one way and that meant certain parts of it were...not neglected as such, but you get the idea. She just has difficulty relatng to what other people are emoting, but shes learnt to spot the signs now...

anyway, enough about her :P
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well sarcasm is all well and good cr0m, but there are many great artists who never get their work exhibited behind laser beams

Absolutely. And then there are the picassos and hockneys of the world who draw shite and sell it for millions. But that girl is neither, what she claims to do is an impossibility, one of the most earth shattering miracles since the days of jebus. That surely would warrant more publicity than selling prints (notice no originals are for sale) on the web for extortionate amounts of dollars.

check out another genuine miracle of the internet: http://www.alexchiu.com

Like a lot of modern artists, these bozos make money out of gullibility. Scams yes, but technically not illegal as people give their cash voluntarily based on a need to believe that there is something deep and mysterious going on behind the scenes.
All you need to succeed in this line of business is no guilt whatsoever, or insanity to the point of actually believing your own fantasy. I suspect mr. chiu has a nice big pick-n-mix bag of both.
Dude, that is the WORST website I ever seen in my whole, pathetic life :D
Cheers to Alex Chiu, the man who found the way to 'eternal life' Jeez, gimme a break :P
Burn them all on the e-Stake ? :o
( means the paintings dont wanna set a lil girl on fire do i ! )

waste of fire :o
There's one big flaw in that Jesus painting.

He wasn't white, he was Middle-Eastern.

But other then that, i'd say she's a freak. Total freak.
"It was God's timing; I had been looking for a Jesus model for two years, and I could not find the right face. Then one day I asked my family to pray with me all day. We petitioned God to send the model right through our front door. The next day a tall carpenter came in. He was so humble, and I was surprised that he agreed to model for me. But a week later he called back to say that he was unworthy to represent his master.

We all prayed together again, and a few days later he called back to tell us that God wanted him to do it, but he had to cut his hair and beard in three days. So we took a few pictures and I studied his face for a long time. After dozens of sketches, I started painting. It took me 40 hours to finish the first Jesus painting –The Prince of Peace-- and I still remember I lost four teeth in that time!"

Something about that story seems so...fake. Along with everything else on that website (I think the religion angle really cheapens the whole thing).

I have my doubts about this girl as well. I'd like to see some proof.
qckbeam said:
"It was God's timing; I had been looking for a Jesus model for two years, and I could not find the right face. Then one day I asked my family to pray with me all day. We petitioned God to send the model right through our front door. The next day a tall carpenter came in. He was so humble, and I was surprised that he agreed to model for me. But a week later he called back to say that he was unworthy to represent his master.

We all prayed together again, and a few days later he called back to tell us that God wanted him to do it, but he had to cut his hair and beard in three days. So we took a few pictures and I studied his face for a long time. After dozens of sketches, I started painting. It took me 40 hours to finish the first Jesus painting –The Prince of Peace-- and I still remember I lost four teeth in that time!"

Something about that story seems so...fake. Along with everything else on that website (I think the religion angle really cheapens the whole thing).

I have my doubts about this girl as well. I'd like to see some proof.

It doesn't seem like her parents have taught her about humility...

The whole "I don't think any of this of my own skill, God does it." thing may seem like she's being humble; but then you have to realize that her bragging about skill in art (if any such skill actually exists for her) would be far more preferable to the "LOOK AT ME! GOD LOVES ME MORE THAN YOU BECAUSE HE GIVES ME MONEY AND IMPOSSIBLE TALENT AND MAKES PEOPLE DO WHATEVER WE WANT WHEN WE ASK HIM!" that is behind nearly all of her statements.

God sent her the model she was looking for indeed :rolleyes:... Maybe God should stop sending tsunami's to Indonesia and impossible talent to rich ten-year-olds and try throwing a little bit of food at the starving people.

Don't get me wrong, I definately believe in God; I just think he's not nearly as "involved" as many people would like to believe he is.

**EDIT** Oh yeah, let's not forget that she's American, Christian, a good little girl, has blond hair and blue eyes, and is very pretty as well. IT'S THE SECOND COMING PEOPLE!! QUICK! GET BART OUT OF THE HOUSE BEFORE GOD COMES!!
I don't think a girl like that could have many friends... Who wants to listen to some little girl brag about her painting skills? It's like listening to a CS-kiddie.

There are just so many things wrong with this picture (pun!)...you would think she would grow up to be a serial killer or something..

"God made me do it."


I think her "god" is Satan...
Solo art exhibition at the age of nine, at the Lyman/Timber Stand Gallery, Sandpoint, Idaho

Hmm, that's where I grew up and lived until four years ago. I still visit regularly and my parents live there. Kind of odd that I never heard of her or that show. I've been in that gallery too.

If she's for real I would have liked to have seen it.
I really don't know....i'ts way 2 odd...i think it's a hoax....and a really big one. :|
probably fake... but if it's real, she must be the second child because the parents gave their first born to satan!
crushenator 500 said:
Oh wow, what idiot would be stupid enough into buying that shit... :|

There are enough idiots in the world to make him rich.

Apparently if you prove they don't work by dying while wearing them, you get a refund.

Sounds like a bargain to me, I'll have one for each finger :dork:
CR0M said:
There are enough idiots in the world to make him rich.

Apparently if you prove they don't work by dying while wearing them, you get a refund.

Sounds like a bargain to me, I'll have one for each finger :dork:

From the site:

Based on experiments and testimonials, I believe I have a cure to aging, diabetes, asthma, heartburn, cancer, etc.

Hehe, for some reason I find the "etc" extremely funny.
You know that Alex Chui guy? Erm... how does he actually get away with that? That sounds like the biggest hoax since the moon landing (joke btw, don't take it literally)