a Bold True, sad yet supriseingly hopefull outcome for '04 HL fans


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
made by planethalflife's own fragmaster

Happy New Year and stuff!

Our New Year's resolution? Try to be a little nicer to Valve. Sure, they've made a whole ton of mistakes this past year and did an absolutely horrendous job with PR, providing accurate release dates, network security, launching Steam, and marketing but... hey, nobody's perfect, and whining about it won't help. Hopefully next year around this time we'll be talking about all the Game of The Year awards Half-Life 2 has won. :)

THAT right there is exactly what ive been thinking and hopeing, that valve messes up but in the long run ITS BETTER they learn progress and make bigger and better software pactches

summary for me: 04+HL2 = :afro: :afro: :afro: .... valve has ALOT ALOT ALOT up there sleve and I know you guys wont be disappointed!!!!

so bravo to valve for makeing steam a stable community for us loyal hl players and modders and finally

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO THE WHOLE FORUM!!!!! :afro: (belated) sory :(

o well my hl spirits are again through the roof and my expectations for valve are high as ever... brace yourself fanboys... you WILL NOT be dissapointed!

-looks at old hl2 media-..... prays for sdk

CRAB-///// signing out! :imu: :cheers: :cheers:
sounds like he's trying to make up for all the crap he's said. Maybe just found out he wont be getting any exclusives or free ahead of time final copies to review

I hope Valve remember who stuck by them and who didn't.
Fenric1138 said:
sounds like he's trying to make up for all the crap he's said. Maybe just found out he wont be getting any exclusives or free ahead of time final copies to review

I hope Valve remember who stuck by them and who didn't.

Yup so true..
It must be hard to walk for the Valve people with Fragmasters arm halfway up their ass.
Jeez what an asskisser suddenly.
WHen you first say something negative, and then positive, ( because of new year = new chances) you're suddenly an asskisser? That's bs..

(btw I didn't agree with the negative things he said.)
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
made by planethalflife's own fragmaster

Happy New Year and stuff!

Our New Year's resolution? Try to be a little nicer to Valve. Sure, they've made a whole ton of mistakes this past year

Oh thats rich comeing from him, it's his fault so many people hate valve and it's his fault so many people hate him. He made the mistake of opening his big fat mouth and saying HL2 was delayed in his own horribly arrogant way then shifting the blame to valve whenever someone told him to STFU or provide some evidence of the delay.

He made it worse by winding people up then when the game was delayed broadcasting the fact he thought valve had done a terrible job and should have had some kind of punishment cast upon them. people attack valve because they defended the sept 30th release date against Fragmaster who was then proven right by the company they were defending. If Fragmaster had kept his big mouth shut, then the situation wouldn't be so bad.
How very hypocritical, I especially love the part where he's encouraging everyone to be nice to Valve, like he's the true epitome of perfection or something.
Remember when lots of people were against Steam for stupid reasons and there was a petition? The petition was full of stupid things that were easily addressed if you just did a little research. Yet, Fragmaster posted a link to the petition on Planet Half-Life. I remember being angry about that. He could've easily done some research and then posted how the petition was wrong, instead he seemed to agree with it.

PHL is dead, and is making people think that hl is dead too.
<Raises hand> What does "P" stand for?
And yes Fragmater is a bit of a nob. Except after the delay was announced. Then he was actually very curteous and mature.
Can you just imagine what it would have been like for him if he wasn't?
el Chi said:
<Raises hand> What does "P" stand for?
And yes Fragmater is a bit of a nob. Except after the delay was announced. Then he was actually very curteous and mature.

p = pure methamphetamine (i am fully aware I spelt that last word wrong, so no need to point it out :)
I heard so many horror stories about this Frag dude I decided long ago it wasn't the forum for me.
P is Pure Methamphetimene(sp?) or Pure Speed.

And everyone that has posted here so far apart from Xenome is a moron. Fragmaster is trying to apologize for treating Valve like crap, and you guys are calling him 'asskisser' and 'hypocrite'.

Simple fact is he has been right every time. And this pisses you off.

Grow up kids.
HUGEkebab said:
this post is spam and flamebait.

valve suck imo.

What letters said :angel:

PHL is far from dead, sure it is well past its youth, but dead? not quite yet.

(edit - MrChimp, your sig is pure genius, sir, I applaud you)
I didnt like fragmasters attitude personally but hes good with keeping us up to date with hl news of all kinds, this site is just hl2 news, he is negative and did hurt valve which wasent cool at all and was unecisary and simply not true (and thought he could do a better job himself it seems) but hes trying to go and fix it and be hopefull and I admire that

headcrab, out
I have a theory, that the poor midget who crawled up fragmasters ass oh so many years ago. Made the new years resolution to crawl the hell back out. Hence, the fragmaster who has ever so eloquently apologized.

I think we can all agree, the only victims in this entire fiasco are the poor Valve employe's. The poor bastards are just doing their damn jobs. People who can cry that much about a computer game. No offence.. Really need to get more of a life, I'm not saying I'm captain of the football team but ****... lol, go like, swim in a pool of green jello or something. Did you all have midgets up your asses? *note* only saying that to the people who say the ol "I baught a new computer for this" Um, ok, just how stupid are you, this isn't like the first time a game has ever been delayed. It's your own fault for going and making such big investment... Meh, you win some you lose some.
I'm surprised that you are all attacking one man. Suposedly the "one man" that is causing the eventual downfall of Valve and sooner or later the bankruptcy and that ultimate apocalypse..../end sarcasm. You've got to be kidding me. He broke the news that needed to be broken in the first place. It sounds like he's trying to make up for what he did wrong (in your eyes) but I'll agree it doesn't look like he has remorse.

Quit adding to spam numbnuts it doesn't help.
bgesley426 said:
I'm surprised that you are all attacking one man. Suposedly the "one man" that is causing the eventual downfall of Valve and sooner or later the bankruptcy and that ultimate apocalypse..../end sarcasm. You've got to be kidding me. He broke the news that needed to be broken in the first place. It sounds like he's trying to make up for what he did wrong (in your eyes) but I'll agree it doesn't look like he has remorse.

Quit adding to spam numbnuts it doesn't help.

It's not what he said, it's how he said it.
maybe I'm a little misinformed at "how" he said it. How about refreshing us of what fragmaster did for all of us that don't already know.
Christ, another whiny thread about Fragmaster?

You guys are much, MUCH, worse than he ever has been.

Let's not forget he was 100% correct, either, which you all whined about at the time and said couldn't be true.
iamaelephant said:
And everyone that has posted here so far apart from Xenome is a moron. Fragmaster is trying to apologize for treating Valve like crap, and you guys are calling him 'asskisser' and 'hypocrite'.
Simple fact is he has been right every time. And this pisses you off.
Grow up kids.
Yes, Fragmaster is acting with dignity now, but what people are pissed off about is how he conducted himself previously. Just before the leak was announced. Straight after that he grew up. But some people didn't.
give frag a break he is a jaded gamer just liek alot of us who have been here since before hl1 and all through hl1, through the openess of valve to the info lockdown after wolfenstein came out, heh(medic??!!) lol

Especially for those whom have hardcore clans that play in leagues who base a heavy amount of their lives around tfc/cs competition. It's a ruff ride not knowing whats going on. From tfc to TF1.5 to omg whats next no conc jump get out of here.

Many top teams came and went, a few blamed valve.

Valve didnt create a phenomenon, they just capitalized on one in the making. They saw the online trend with tf/qwtf and a bunch of other old quaker mods(action quake et al), and they ran with it. They saw the wave and moved in the direction of it. Hats off to valve for that. Where most developers decided to stay within the box, valve decided the box was old and it was time for freshness.

Than the whole tf2 thing went with them...heh...and then they valve_a_tized it by the old we are incorporating technology and so forth into hl cs tfc from tf2 to rpepare and test(voice coms etc). Than poof media blackout rumors of a new engine change but no word from valve for a long time.

For those who followed patches and followed the game and mods on a daily to weekly basis this was all a big let down. The tfc community or a large portion of it felt forgotten and such, compared to the constants of cs upgrades and changes.

Al these things jaded PHL, and alot of the hardcore out there.

Hell to be honest it has jaded me personally against every other game since. There have been few and far between many great shooters since half life.

So Fragmaster has come back to the light side, this is good. Lets just hope he stays there
Iconoclast said:
Christ, another whiny thread about Fragmaster?

You guys are much, MUCH, worse than he ever has been.

Let's not forget he was 100% correct, either, which you all whined about at the time and said couldn't be true.

He was 100% correct? He may have been right about the game being delayed but that doesn't mean he was right about Valve knowing about it since June and they were just lying about it. I may predict that George W. Bush will win the next US Presidential election because he has a 30 foot tall mind controlling tiger. George W. Bush may win but that doesn't prove that he had a mind controlling tiger.

I'm "Whiny" about Fragmaster because the guys a prat. I don't like him at all. It's more than just "He said the game was delayed boo hoo", I don't like the way he does his job. I'm critising him and Planet Half-Life in the same way I would critise any publication and editor, (like, for example, Rebekah Wade and The Sun).

iamanelephant said:
And everyone that has posted here so far apart from Xenome is a moron

I assume you're including yourself in that.

El Chi said:
Yes, Fragmaster is acting with dignity now, but what people are pissed off about is how he conducted himself previously. Just before the leak was announced. Straight after that he grew up. But some people didn't.

I don't know, what he wrote in his geiger counter is a bit "Holier than thou". Like, trying to turn himself into the Good guy with all his forgiveness for Valve.
I heard fragmaster is the hacker who actually stole and leaked the game.


If this thread reflects what's left of the hl2 just born community that i used to read here 6 months ago i'm sad it shows it is as much mature as the cs l33t community.
nolan said:
I heard fragmaster is the hacker who actually stole and leaked the game.


If this thread reflects what's left of the hl2 just born community that i used to read here 6 months ago i'm sad it shows it is as much mature as the cs l33t community.

Oh, I do hope you're not referring to me. If you are, please point to a place I was being immature.
please, your very signature just screams 12 year old :)
Anyone here who actually likes fragmaster can get out and never come back.