A Breen Theory (MAJOR SPOILERS For All Games)

Personally, I don't think he would come back as an advisor. I just think that is really... cheesy. If Breen comes back, I think it would be interesting if it was because G-Man decided to save him for whatever reason. After all, Breen seems to know about G-Man so who knows what kind of connection those two have? It would be a nice way to explain everything Breen and G-Man did in Black Mesa before the Incident, and the motive for the Incident as well.

*sigh* I really can't wait for Episode 3. :(
I'm sure people would stop bumping this thread when it eventually ceases to arouse people's curiousity and intrest.

I think if people read the other pages of this thread they would realize the topic has been discussed, and a conclusion has been made.

And also that newbies are flooding the site. :p
havent you all read concerned. breen dies. gordon frohman falls on him :(
I agree with alot of people that Breen is dead. It would really kill the storyline if he wasn't. Unless the G-man saved him ;).

Plus, unfortunately the guy who played his voice died not to long ago. It would be weird having him with a different voice.
well I think that Breen is dead . I can't seem to overcome the feeling that he is not the main bad dude in the game .... in HL2 he was introduced , in HL2 he died , the war against the main enemy - THE COMBINE continues . He was just a pawn .
Breen's dead. Respect the fact.

Anyway at the end of half life 2 he showed that he was aware of Gman. If you look closely at the screen in episode 2 during g-man's heart-to-hearth monologue youl see a image of breen flashing for a second. It happens when he says that he confronted objections about saving alyx from black mesa. By meaning naysayers he refers to Breen who was against Gman. Right before the explosion Breens voice sounded inhuman when he sad : you need me.
I agree to the theory of having him dead.
