A Bunch of CW:MP renders up


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
we have a bunch of new renders up on our site....
crits please.

Ran's M249 SAW


Hiro's SA80


i counted as many polys as i could..i got 26...:afro:
erm... a note, the L85a1 (as it's full name is)'s grip is rounded to fit into the hand of the user.... not flat!
Well, if you want to be picky, the clip is rounded as well... but roundign things costs a lot of polies, and you wont see the hand grip that close in game, but thanks for the crit.
well not really, because of the shape of it (attached quick diagram) it's really not many, and the magazine isn't rounded, it's basically flat, altough, the magazine is slightly shorter than that pictured, I understand that the model is still to be tweaked, for example the wasted polies, with the unconnceted magazine slot... but It's a weapon that i personnaly fire, and have a vast knowledge of, although i do hate the weapon with a passion....
Make sure you stick close to real life, expose the SA80 to light/air it must disintergrate/blow up/jam :)
We'll jsut pretend Britian has made advances in weapon manufacture... :)
Dont forget to make it left handed so you hit yourself with casings everytime you fire.
Are you saying its even more sensitive than an M16 ? If it is ,then that in itself is quite an acomplishment.
I always felt sorry for the left handed guys while firing M16's(that snap in deflector isnt totaly effective) and figured it would be a new sort of hell for a leftie to have to fire a bullpup!
Anyhow, whats youre cheif complaint against the SA80? Is it the bullpup configuration, the reliability issues, or possibly even the ammo type?

I've always wanted to try a bullpup and have even considered converting one of My AK's to a bullpup, but wanted to try one first.
I dont think i would complain about it having a bullpup config, if anything that is one of its better points for accuracy's sake. The FAMAS is a good example of a bullpup gun that works well. I know they've changed the design of it so it's more reliable in 'extreme' conditions, e.g. when you try and fire it in a space vehicle assembly plant - they are so dirty ;) but it just got loads of bad press for its performance in "moderately dirty" conditions. That could lead to people not wanting to use it in game (not very likely). And it aint really the prettiest thing to look at IMO (no offence to anyone who fancies it ;))
The L85a1 (or Sa80 as u all seem to want to call it, me prefer first :P) is probably famous for it's problems, although it is a quite power full weapon... with the best story about it so far is about a guard acidently shooting through a car on the motorway, the round carried on into an office block on the other side of the motorway an richoceting around the room, and the thing is it's actually a true story, the whole section of motorway was shut off, the office block closed, and the guards there ow cannot carry weapons?!?

anywho, if you've ever seen a photo of the weapon, in the hands of a trooper, then the big obnoqus yellow thing on the front is a quick fit, That doesn't work may I add, to stop sand and dirt getting into the weapon... adding the small bonus of making it easier for people to spot you when your trying to sneek up on them...grrr!

Maybe you should add it for real realism?!?
well, we want to have each weapon have an advantage and disadvantage over the other weapons, maybe thats a disadvantage....
Originally posted by Stone

anywho, if you've ever seen a photo of the weapon, in the hands of a trooper, then the big obnoqus yellow thing on the front is a quick fit, That doesn't work may I add, to stop sand and dirt getting into the weapon... adding the small bonus of making it easier for people to spot you when your trying to sneek up on them...grrr!

Maybe you should add it for real realism?!?


Wouldn't that be a blank firing attachment (BFA) for firing blanks? So you would never have one in combat...

The SAW looks alright, kind of smooth, but that's probably just the render.

god i hate it when civilians act all smart...
No, they look basically, the same but they are different, both horrible and big, and both bright yellow! ewww!
Could you post any pics of this other yellow thing... I would like to see what it looks like.
Ok, I'm off to find images of both of them............. If not i'll have to take a picture of one from stores....
Just a quick question Stone, are you in the Cadets or TA or anything?
jsut fyi... there are 3 final renders of the M249 SAW on the site... this time they have ammo! :)