Pretty Useless
I posted this on the main HL2 forum when it probably belongs here, so at the risk of repeating myself: Hi. Thought some of you friendly folks might enjoy a short story I wrote called Pretty Useless Says'. I sold it to an online magazine called www.dredtales.com where it is now live.
What's this got to do with HL2? Well, it's based on a personal experience of Half Life 2: Deathmatch. I was the victim of a spawn-killer, who added insult to injury by sending an obscene message. This story was my revenge.
Dion, if you're out there, this one's for you.
What's this got to do with HL2? Well, it's based on a personal experience of Half Life 2: Deathmatch. I was the victim of a spawn-killer, who added insult to injury by sending an obscene message. This story was my revenge.
Dion, if you're out there, this one's for you.