A collective effort for ALL MODs. (Free Tool Packs)

Sep 19, 2003
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I’m thinking of forming a collective effort for HL2 MODS. Working together could save MODs countless hours. This would be great for individuals who are unsure of which MOD to join, but they know precisely what to make/what they are good at. There would probably be a core TEAM associated with this MOD, but nearly anyone can make submissions of work they did personally.

The basic idea of this MOD
  • This MOD create “Tool Packs” which other MODs can use.
  • This MOD will have tool packs in various areas including coding, models, environments, textures, and more.
  • This MOD is basically 100% open source, and doesn’t actually create custom gameplay in itself.

So, we would basically have various collections prepared to their fullest extent such as a collection of 200 medieval weapon models which are in HL2 format. We could have all sorts of tools including weapon collection of all genres(models and textures), realistic waves(coding), custom aircraft physics (coding), military vehicle collections(models and textures), misc junk collection, outdoor plant collections, etc. We would only accept and host the highest quality resources available for MODS so they con’t have to sort through countless piles of waste (unless we had a really cool pack which included realistic waste).

For MODs to use these weapon/texture/coding packs, they would have to agree to some “pre-written agreement” which outlines the regulations on use of these packs, and they would have to contact the Tools Team and inform us which packs they are using. They would also have to credit the tool-pack and those involved in creating the tool pack like…

Team Tool-Life 2: Mideval Weapons Pack 1
+ Johnny “Slicer” Dogood
+ Sarah “Camper” Ishot
+ Bob “Snake” Fallsalot

…the people involved in creating that tool pack will be informed of who is using their tool pack, and there will also be a list on the website.

Now, the idea of doing this is not for one person to claim all the glory. That means that while I’m trying to get this all started, I’ll just be another background figure (except for the tool packs that I create). We won’t be affiliated with any MODs, past credit for any free packs which they submit. There will be a core team involved in maintaining this, such as a web designer, a couple public relations people, a couple leaders just to keep things organized, quality control to eliminate obsolete packs, and a collection of people making various tool packs. I’d like this to be a sizable collective effort.

We’ll need web space to do this. Tool packs could get large and numerous eventually.

I need a good name for this, so if you think you have a good name (better than “Tool-Life 2”), please suggest one.
One extra note: We all know there are countless MODs out there that will fail (and some already have). Instead of those efforts being wasted, we might as well put these efforts to some use.

We can even host things like design documents and idea collections. This would be a great place to collect good ideas for MODs.
Well.... wait under .dev is released.... that was sort of some of the concept for .dev.... and it would be much easier to arrange and host/organize that through .dev.

PM Majestic_XII for more info about it.

it's a good idea though.
I think its a great idea, you should definately do it phantom. Get all the mods using it, that would be, beneficial all round.

Sounds REAL good! I can prolly help with some textures and mapping stuff.
Suggestions from me:
  • Coding
Have a finished DM code in it
Have a finished team DM code in it
So that you can like base your mod on team DM or DM
  • Mapping
Have some compiled maps\models, witch are ready to be played (some DM, and some team DM)
Finished .rmf files of the ready maps (or .vmf? as HL2 uses)
  • Modeling
Finished models (weapons\players\misc\cars)
Finished models in 3D SMAX\MS3D\GMAX file types (so that you don't have to decompile)
  • Skymaps
Finished skymaps (desert, snow etc.)
  • Textures
Finished textures

These are some suggestions (you did write some of them above) ;)
btw. it has to be a free pack!
The mods still need coders to tie the whole shablam together, but this is a good idea.

You can make a perfect "lan-mod" in a few days just to play with your friends.

We can have a special section on .Dev if this idea starts moving. One thing though, the leaders (preferably coders) should write some sort of guidelines for the others so you easily can add stuff without major recodings.
The disadvantage (from a leader's perspective) is that using a third-party package like that makes some of the work not from the team, which might be disconcerting.

Well a mod team wouldn't have to use the exact model/texture/map provided. If we could get some base items down that people can then modify to be more advanced and fancier, you could save so much time.
Well, the .dev sounds like a great way to run this.

It looks like this idea could be awesome if people are willing to contribute. Personally, I’ll probably contribute some low-poly plant models + textures, some weapon models of various sorts, and more. Now everything people contribute must be by themselves personally.

For teams that wish to sell/license/market their work….
  • Contact information for the contributors for each pack will be available. You can get permission form the individual contributor.
  • These tool packs will help you get started, and you can always replace some models/textures later with your own. One problem many MODs will probably run into is there aren’t enough resources for the coders to play with. Some of the free models could be used as placeholders while the team works on creating their own custom models.
  • The code packs would have to be considered freely distributable to all, no matter what. The only real restriction would be a MOD that practically only uses our code packs and has little or no content of their own trying to sell.

Regardless of what was just said, most MODs out there (even many of the big ones) will be free. If you’re wanting to make money, you probably should be willing to have your team do every little bit of work anyway.

I suppose to get this started I need some co-leaders for this project. Basically people who can help get this organized, recruit others to submit work for this project, and help maintain the quality of this project. If you would like to join in another position other than a leader/organizer, you will have an opportunity soon. Non-members can always make submissions.

Keep in mind a leader is a contributing member, and is not necessarily more important than any other member or contributor. A leader will most likely have to be a coder or someone with organization/leader experience.
I'll help you when the SDK is released, so that I can make "base" maps.
Sounds like a great idea to me. It does take away some of the independance of the mods though. Otherwise, good luck!
MODs don't have to use our resources, and MODs can use our resources as place holders untill they can make their own. Sometimes it is important for a coder to have other things in place before he can do his coding or an animator needs a model, at least to make sure his animation is correct.

This is meant to be a resource for MODs. If my current plans go well, we can expand later into other areas that will help MODs.

We (obviously) wouldn't mind MODs just plain using the resources in their MOD unless they were tryng to comercailize then they'd have to replace the resources.

For the vast majority of MODs out there this could help them reach their first release much more easily, then from there they can get to work on refining a working concept.

(ps...sorry about spelling)
I wouldn't mind helping out when the time comes (HL2 is released that is)

Mapping :

.VMF files containing set out lighting environments... e.g. Night, Dusk, Dawn (These are pretty hard to get looking good)

Modelling :

Set out default animations

Environment :

Develop a plugin for Envmap or whatever program people use to make environment maps for HL2 that automatically (when asked to) produces the appropriate images them, names them correctly and exports to the correct file (.tga i believe). This would remove the need to manually move the cameras positioning to get all of the images for the environment map

Just a few ideas but you get the point :)
A document detailing all of the...details and needed components for a modification design (albeit singleplayer and/or multiplayer)
jheaddon said:
A document detailing all of the...details and needed components for a modification design (albeit singleplayer and/or multiplayer)

You mean like "What you need in your game design" or "How you write game design"?
I will be writing a long article about that on the .Dev site.
I'm happy people are still interested. When the SDK is released, we'll get this organized and started.
yeh Maj XII thats what i meant, just some guidelines on how to go about everything so that nothing is overlooked or missed out.

What is this .dev thing you guys are talking about? Sounds interesting
I think it's something which is part of halflife2.net which is dedicated towards Half Life 2 MODS. So far the MODs have been rather vague.
Ah ok, well, if this all goes to plan i'd love to participate and help out where i can :)
I think we talked on IRC jheaddon, but yeah, .Dev will be the mod/editing part of halflife2.net. Its more for mod people to get together, have a talk about design/whatever, talk a little about thier work.... find tutorials and help with things. We got the same features as moddb.com about mods but we're more of an editing site.
If i were the webmaster im sure i could offer some serious space, but i dont know how far along i could go with the space thing [maybe 2 or 3 gigs would get a little too much].

I can design and maintain a high-level website with relative ease.
What you guys also need is the easy capability to customize.. Great direction for n00b's like myself would make me so happy.
I'm sure we could use someone to do the majority of work on the site. Do you have an examples of what you can do?
I am fairly experienced in design concepts and graphic art, as well as using php/mysql/css/html.

Some examples of my work are:
http://www.pantherd.ath.cx [my personal website]
http://www.renalert.com [a website I have designed and currently maintain]
http://www.renalert.com/index3.php [the new design for www.renalert.com, will be implemented shortly]
http://www.renstation.net [designed and maintain]
http://www.planetcnc.com/ammo/ [designed main site theme]

I'm also very good at running forums, and i'm most comfortable with phpBB2.