A conclusion...

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If the maps are being preloaded, does that mean that they have relatively no bugs?

Don't flame if you disagree.
hmm ... i dont know ... what did they say the last thing they'd be uploading was?
Well, if there are minor map changes they can just send the revised versions. Still makes sense to send the bulk of them.

Having said that, I would guess that maps can change in the RC stage (if the testers find holes or something). So if they are uploading maps, does that mean they only have non-map issues left to fix? Or maybe it went gold. Ok, that's maybe speculation too far even for me :)
I think this means they are very very close to release, but they still need to load the files where all the bugs would be anyway, so no.
I think the bulk of the bugs are Source engine bugs/hardware compatibility bugs...I don't think we've preloaded the engine yet. Maps just means the maps are complete. It is still an good sign tho, especially when taken with reviews and gold rumors floating around....
Bugs can come from maps too in the form of clipping errors, misaligned textures, bad entity setups, etc.

Allegedly there should be no bugs according to valve and vivendi, but realistically there will most likely be a few that snuck in there.
My Spidy-Sense is tingling, I think HL2 gold is soon. Sooooo, this means we can all be very happy and noone is going to be on these boards for a long time... And I think if the maps are being preloaded they have no bugs or just a few very minor bugs, not any that will ruin the experience of course :)
If they haven't preloaded the engine how are you playing CS: Source?

Fact of the matter is, reviews are out, RC5 has been submitted, the maps are being pre-loaded, lombardi says they hope a release very soon. THIS GAME IS GONNA GO GOLD BY NEXT FRIDAY! WOOHOO!
We have the engine already, CS:S is using. We might not have all the HL2 client dll's, but that would only be 2-3megs going by CS:S.

'base source shared.gcf' contains the engine (67,354KB).
'counter-strike source base content.gcf' contains CS:S client dll (3,142KB)

So we might need HL2 client dll/s, unless they are part of the HL2 engine, in that case it might just be an update.
brokenjago said:
If they haven't preloaded the engine how are you playing CS: Source?


I think he means the HL2 game DLLs. :P

brokenjago said:
If they haven't preloaded the engine how are you playing CS: Source?


I'm not, but (will be soon).... I don't think the two will share the same engine.dll or whatever. I could be wrong.
brokenjago said:
If they haven't preloaded the engine how are you playing CS: Source?


Bingo. Except this is obviously just tailored to CS S, so we can't use the EXE for HL2 nor the engine dynamic link library files.
'base source shared.gcf' contains the engine (67,354KB).
'counter-strike source base content.gcf' contains CS:S client dll (3,142KB)

So we might need HL2 client dll/s, unless they are part of the HL2 engine, in that case it might just be an update.
I am pretty sure they've had to make changes to the Source engine as part of the RC process. Wonder if they can update it without needing to redownload all ~70 megs?
at least we know there are alot of maps now. a month before 30 sept 2003 valve only had a few and hl also was gonna be released "soon"

I still wonder if "very soon" is any faster than the the other valve soons....
Democritus said:
I am pretty sure they've had to make changes to the Source engine as part of the RC process. Wonder if they can update it without needing to redownload all ~70 megs?

They can replace individual files within any .gcf.
i am fresh from the register pit, but i have been lurking for awile..

everyone wants hl2...me too. i got it off steam, like alot of people.

cant wait (w00t!#$%^)


even if it goes "gold" tomarrow, havent we forgot about the fact that the Cd's still have to be duplicated, packed, and shipped to retailers before we can play?!

sorry for being a sh*t. not trying to start the flame bombs, but...you know.

:( ;( ;( ;(
The preloading of the maps means that the maps are final, which is a big step towards being ready to release. It certainly doesn't mean the game's bug free, though, they're likely still doing final polishing on the code, in response to Vivendi's complaints\suggestions about the current RC.