A Criticism: features/characters that are missing from the game! (spoilers)


Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Perhaps VALVe did share too much in advance? I was looking forward to many features of the game as described over the last two years, but they are not to be found. What happened to the hydra? The manipulator gun? That version of the gravity gun at the end doesn't count as the manipulator does it? Gabe was right when he said people would be saying "this is not what I expected"...but not for these reasons.

Game is great if you can overlook the bug crashing every 10 minutes. Don't take me the wrong way, the game is great...but it is not really finished. You can tell it was a bit rushed. Hope HL3 will learn from the mistakes
Forget the lies, the money,
We're in this together and through it all,
They said that "Nothin's forever",
Well they refused to see the change in me,
Why won't they wake up?
Come on, come on, come on,
Let's get it on...
Sickmind said:
...The manipulator gun?...
You get the manipulator gun before you go to ravenholm.

Sickmind said:
Game is great if you can overlook the bug crashing every 10 minutes.
I don't have that bug.

Sickmind said:
Don't take me the wrong way, the game is great...but it is not really finished. You can tell it was a bit rushed.
Please tell me why you think the game was rushed. Give some examples of things that seem rushed.
Mr.Wotsit said:

You are so very wrong.

The End.

:cheers: Hows about you explainin' why he oh so very long? Becuase you don't know why eh?

I, myself don't feel the game was rushed, nor half assed, even though it'd seem that way. But the game totally delivers what some games don't have that's available right now. Valve has cut so many things out, I just wish they'd leave those certain things in and do something with it; might have made the game even better. Sure, if that were to happen it'd probably take more time... sure we all would complain just like we did, but we'd live it out.

I myself don't crash every 10 minutes, that's some thing rare.

The manipulator is not the Zero Point Gravity gun, it was a cut out weapon, which enabled to pick up more objects than the Zero Point Gravity gun did; like organic objects(but later on the Zero Point Gravity gun gets the ability to do that too) as well as having the ability to wield stuff together.
ailevation said:
:cheers: Hows about you explainin' why he oh so very long? Becuase you don't know why eh?

I, myself don't feel the game was rushed, nor half assed, even though it'd seem that way. But the game totally delivers what some games don't have that's available right now. Valve has cut so many things out, I just wish they'd leave those certain things in and do something with it; might have made the game even better. Sure, if that were to happen it'd probably take more time... sure we all would complain just like we did, but we'd live it out.

I myself don't crash every 10 minutes, that's some thing rare.

The manipulator is not the Zero Point Gravity gun, it was a cut out weapon, which enabled to pick up more objects than the Zero Point Gravity gun did; like organic objects(but later on the Zero Point Gravity gun gets the ability to do that too) as well as having the ability to wield stuff together.

That "manipulator" as you call it was merely a tool for Valve to showcase the physics in the e3 video, it was never intended to be in the final game (which is why it doesn't have a model in the...erm...thing)
Letterhead said:
That "manipulator" as you call it was merely a tool for Valve to showcase the physics in the e3 video, it was never intended to be in the final game (which is why it doesn't have a model in the...erm...thing)

:cheers: Thanks for verifying that. Weapon or tool it was cut out, meaning it didn't make it in the final version. Which was my point.
ailevation said:
:cheers: Thanks for verifying that. Weapon or tool it was cut out, meaning it didn't make it in the final version. Which was my point.

It was probably never intended to be in the final cut. I mean, how would you have used it in a gameplay sense? You would've just been able to move a few things around. That's not good gameplay.

The game doesn't feel rushed at all in my opinion. That's why it's a great game.

I always thought the zero point energy gun was AKA the manipulator gun.
I think it seemed rushed in that other than the technical issues, the puzzles were not too perplexing at all...they were too simplistic. I anticipated more physics would be necessary to figure them out. I anticipated some type of mouse trap, but it never materialized. I guess I anticipated a deeper thought process would be needed...it seemed like I flew straight through the entire game, only to get killed rarely or stuck momentarily. I guess the hype and pre-show left me wanting more.

Don't get me wrong I think the game was great.

I'm really looking forward to the mods. BTW I love the new CS, especially office.
Sickmind said:
Perhaps VALVe did share too much in advance? I was looking forward to many features of the game as described over the last two years, but they are not to be found. What happened to the hydra? The manipulator gun? That version of the gravity gun at the end doesn't count as the manipulator does it? Gabe was right when he said people would be saying "this is not what I expected"...but not for these reasons.

Game is great if you can overlook the bug crashing every 10 minutes. Don't take me the wrong way, the game is great...but it is not really finished. You can tell it was a bit rushed. Hope HL3 will learn from the mistakes

I agree about them sharing too much, there weren't many surprizes enemy-wise.
disruptioN_ said:
The only part of the game that seemed half-assed to me is CS:Source. :)

I agree, the gameplay is much more fluid in hl2 than in css, and they don't have to do to much but just look at the weapons in hl2, how they react or when they are drawn, the animations is so much better, css has bad animations with to little frames, but then again I'm used to the smoothe animations of custom guns that you can download from csnation, those stupid animations just make you feel like your playing at an even lower framerate then you actually are.
numerous weapons enemies creatures cut and lack of storyline give me the impression hl2 was rushed... i mean no rifles actually made it into the end of the game, no sniepr rifle or oicw, just the pulse and crossbow. not to mention lack of hyrdra and water enemies, and the stoyrline could have been made up in 2 days.
TheGGMan said:
numerous weapons enemies creatures cut and lack of storyline give me the impression hl2 was rushed... i mean no rifles actually made it into the end of the game, no sniepr rifle or oicw, just the pulse and crossbow. not to mention lack of hyrdra and water enemies, and the stoyrline could have been made up in 2 days.

Just because they were cut doesn't mean it was rushed. For all you know all the "Cut" enemiers were awful to fight. Also, just because some enemies were in the leak doesn't mean that they were cut recently. They could've been cut in 2001, and still been stolen.
now explain the 1 day to complete, lack of storyline, lack of vanilla mp component and no follow up to be released anytime soon
This is one of the most polished games ever. Every single second, you can just feel how it has been shined and paced and improved.

If anything, the fact they threw away the things that didn't work supports this. This game has been rushed less than possibly any other produced, they have no reason to rush it.

I'm getting seriously fed up with the amount of just plain idiots on these boards... I came here looking for some interesting discussion and it seems that mostly all I see is theories on how G Man is Gordon from the future, comparisons to 1984 when there's nothing more than a superficial resemblance and other ignorant theories.

It's terrible!

<<Cue someone telling me I don't have to stick around>>

I'm just assuming that there's intelligent life out there somewhere and there are definitely some people around here with their heads screwed on. Now if only we could cull the morons...
TheGGMan said:
now explain the 1 day to complete, lack of storyline, lack of vanilla mp component and no follow up to be released anytime soon

Play any game constantly and you'll be able to complete it pretty quickly. Half-Life 2 was no shorter than other FPSs. Valve made the conscious decision not to do a MP component. The Story line is there, you just are expecting characters to tell you it outright. It's a bit more subtle than that.

6 years is not "rushed". And Valve didn't have any reason to "Rush" it. I mean, Valve are famous for delaying games if they aren't good enough.
I was disappointed with the lack of weapons and different enemies, but everything else was superb. When I play, I'm having a great time.. I don't notice that there aren't many enemies, as it makes sense for there not to be. I do really miss the bullsquids though :(
The manipulator is in the game, the thing you're talking about wasn't ever ment to be in the game, Valve explaind in the RTB and probably in the gamespot article(my memory is a bit fuzzy). They cut the hydra from the game because they said that they thought that it wouldn't be fun to fight it in the game.
Sickmind said:
Perhaps VALVe did share too much in advance? I was looking forward to many features of the game as described over the last two years, but they are not to be found. What happened to the hydra? The manipulator gun? That version of the gravity gun at the end doesn't count as the manipulator does it? Gabe was right when he said people would be saying "this is not what I expected"...but not for these reasons.

Game is great if you can overlook the bug crashing every 10 minutes. Don't take me the wrong way, the game is great...but it is not really finished. You can tell it was a bit rushed. Hope HL3 will learn from the mistakes

Game runs flawlessly for me. Looks like your "uber" (re: piece of shit) computer needs to get fixed.
Game is great if you can overlook the bug crashing every 10 minutes. Don't take me the wrong way, the game is great...but it is not really finished. You can tell it was a bit rushed. Hope HL3 will learn from the mistakes
AMD 64 3400, X800XT, 1GB RAM.

I have the same specs as you except its a 3000 (overclocked to 2.2 Ghz) and it did not crash once. The most stable game I've played! Unlike Doom 3 !!!
SHIPPI said:
I was disappointed with the lack of weapons and different enemies, but everything else was superb. When I play, I'm having a great time.. I don't notice that there aren't many enemies, as it makes sense for there not to be. I do really miss the bullsquids though :(
So do i :(

Hold me
Although I'd have liked more enemies and guns, I'm pretty sure that Valve said somewhere that the reason they cut most of them was so they could focus on perfecting what they already had. You've got the choice of a wide range of enemies with incomplete AI, or you've got the choice of a few enemy classes which can out-think my own father. I'm glad they chose quality over quantity. And yes, I watched my dad play the game, they tend to outmaneuver him.

-Angry Lawyer
It's easy for anyone to call my rig a piece of shit, but the facts are that it's not my machine. There are thousands of people that have reported a crashing, stuttering or looping sound problem that is not a result of bad hardware.

Face it, we are not dealing with a perfect game by any means. Why do people automatically spew venom at a statement like that?

I want there to be a fix from valve, so I can enjoy an emersive experience as it was designed.
i always find it funny when people are so quick to blame the game for the way it runs. i just read one of you bitching how the game crashes and then someone who has basically the same system and it runs fine. that might tell you that YOUR P.C. might have a driver/setting issue. yet you still blame the fkin game instead of realizing it might be you. all i know is i'm running a p4 1.8ghz with 512mb ram and a 9700pro and the game runs great maxed out aside from the stuttering issue which is an admitted bug and will be fixed like today. and please quit crying about there being no hl2 multiplayer. this has been known since way before the game ever came out. and we are gonna get more mods than you can imagine so have some god damn patience and quit acting like you got lied to
NeverstilL said:
i always find it funny when people are so quick to blame the game for the way it runs. i just read one of you bitching how the game crashes and then someone who has basically the same system and it runs fine. that might tell you that YOUR P.C. might have a driver/setting issue. yet you still blame the fkin game instead of realizing it might be you.

You may find that funny because you are not too knowledgeable. You think that with a list of 3 componant specs you know my machine, or that it has the same config as a machine that happens to share those three specs??

It's not that simple. If it were anyone would be able to write software.
where is that "flaregun". the one thats sets one of the enemies on fire(it`s on the video with the hydra)
I liked the game, I think it was VERY well done, and I have the utmost respect for the programmers. However, I would like to see just a bit more content. I mean, they had 2 years, and I think they released it when they were ready... But a few extra guns, a few extra options, and a few extra enemies couldn't have hurt. However, like I said, this game is beautiful. Everyone who complains, including me, is just nitpicking. If it doesn't run on your system, that's your fault. This game is cutting edge, and the physics are unmatched. I can't wait for mods to come out. New weapons, with new abilities, new things, new story, whatever, just so long as the engine is involved. Just wait for those mods. HL2 is a milestone, a bit of history. The mods coming up will be that as well. And now, we have a higher standard to look forward to. When HL3 comes out, if indeed it does, it will rock so hard our pants will burn off. Just think about that. The story line is cool, the graphics are cool, the weapons and enemies are cool... But what is really important is the game engine. Now, someone make me a welding gun so I can import it into HL2 and use it. Like the one in the leaked version. I must have it. I must have it now!!

Sickmind said:
I think it seemed rushed in that other than the technical issues, the puzzles were not too perplexing at all...they were too simplistic. I anticipated more physics would be necessary to figure them out. I anticipated some type of mouse trap, but it never materialized. I guess I anticipated a deeper thought process would be needed...it seemed like I flew straight through the entire game, only to get killed rarely or stuck momentarily. I guess the hype and pre-show left me wanting more.

Don't get me wrong I think the game was great.

I'm really looking forward to the mods. BTW I love the new CS, especially office.

I thought the seesaw puzzle in the early part of the game was silly. The game is supposed to mimic the real world. Who in the real world is going to waste time dropping cinderblocks on a piece of plywood when they can simply climb up onto the 3 foot ledge.
This is the first time I've heard of a 10 minute crashing bug...

Stop complaining about HL2. Its a great game, and you people have to realize that they took out the characters for reasons such as storyline correction. Perhaps they found out after they finished the game that Hydra couldn't have any connection with ANY of the rest of the storyline...
I think there was a serious lack of variety in combine troops. It literally couldnt take more than a week for a modeler to make models for more human like troops, skin it, copy animations from the other models and place them throughout the later levels of the game. Fighting the exact same guys for the last 6 levels or whatever seems bland and unimaginative.

Still the best game of 2004 without a doubt though.
the ten minute crashing bug is probably to do with your sound card.. its on valve help and support. :hmph: I have it too but i've ordered a new sound card. (hope it comes soon)
<edit> woo. sponsored link. do i get paid for that? :naughty: sound card sound card sound card
Yes, Where is the advanced AI? Seems to me the AI in this game isn't much brighter than the first Halo...these cops just had the ability to throw a grenade, though they do it at the same time each time you play...they don't really seem to think for themselves.
Sickmind said:
Yes, Where is the advanced AI? Seems to me the AI in this game isn't much brighter than the first Halo...these cops just had the ability to throw a grenade, though they do it at the same time each time you play...they don't really seem to think for themselves.
you must be playing a different one to me then, they are random when throwing grenades or manhacks and choose the best time to do it.

Try playing it a different way, different actions and ways of getting around things.
NeverstilL said:
i always find it funny when people are so quick to blame the game for the way it runs. i just read one of you bitching how the game crashes and then someone who has basically the same system and it runs fine. that might tell you that YOUR P.C. might have a driver/setting issue. yet you still blame the fkin game instead of realizing it might be you. all i know is i'm running a p4 1.8ghz with 512mb ram and a 9700pro and the game runs great maxed out aside from the stuttering issue which is an admitted bug and will be fixed like today. and please quit crying about there being no hl2 multiplayer. this has been known since way before the game ever came out. and we are gonna get more mods than you can imagine so have some god damn patience and quit acting like you got lied to

yes!!! AMEN TOO JOO! (no, i don't really type all ''leet'' usually, it was a joke)
Taking a look at your My Computer->Program Files->Valve->Steam->SteamApps->(account specific name)->half-life2->hl2-resource path, you'll find a TrueType font file called halflife2.font. This font loads all the images used in the HUD in the game. Closer examination taken, and you'll find the icon for the OICW still in there ready for use, as well as the icon for a hand-held Gauss Gun. Wonderful stuff, that.

Hopefully, seeing as how incredibly cool the gun seemed in the previews, expansions and/or HL3 will see a return of the OICW.

At any rate, HL2 was great. I loved it exactly as much as I'd hoped I would, and more.
spencerjrus said:
I think there was a serious lack of variety in combine troops. It literally couldnt take more than a week for a modeler to make models for more human like troops, skin it, copy animations from the other models and place them throughout the later levels of the game. Fighting the exact same guys for the last 6 levels or whatever seems bland and unimaginative.

Still the best game of 2004 without a doubt though.

Actually, they sorta did do that. There is a small variety between the various overwatch guys. The ones in Nova Prospekt have different uniforms than the ones on the coast, and stuff like that.

In any case, there are three different types of human-ish enemy, not counting the overwatch variations. I think that's enough.