A few more 3D screenshots.

HOLY CRAP! DUDE!! That StereoQuake is the most beautiful thing I've seen THIS YEAR! I have to get Quake 3 ASAP from somewhere! I bet the stereo vision might even improve my aim :)
Alix Mcdean said:
See, I cross my eyes really hard and all I see are 4 pictures pretty far from eachother. I then move my face closer to the screen so then both images are within eachother...and I dont notice anything other than nasea, temple pain and bleeding from the anus.




I can get the ones from vision3d.com to work easily, but these larger ones posted in this thread i'm having trouble keeping my focus on for more than a few seconds. Takes practice, but is definitely worth it.
still harder, i find it much easier (for me anyways) to downsize the images and put my eyes closer to the monitor, you'd essentially see the same detail as viewing a larger image farther away.

edit: also seems a bit easier for me if I separate the 2 images a bit, kind of like how they have them on vision3d.com
holy crap that stereoquake is so hard. i cant even make the third image, i cant cross my eyes that much!

i think i should just practice with the images first then try playing it...
Practice, practice, practice. For the "through" ones, start small and work your way up. The bigger the image the deeper it seems (it's a basic ratio thing). Basically to see them you've just got to defocus your eyes and stare into the picture. I've gotten to the point where I can decross my eyes (point them outward in opposite directions) to see magic-eyes really close up.
The stereoquake pics are unbelievable... they look horrible regularly, and extremely high-quality stereoscopically...
haha nm got the buggy one. wow thats so amazing- the human eye is awesome. Somone make a really big one!
I seem to be able to do the 'seethrough' ones better. Whats the difference?
With see-through you have to focus into the page (look into the picture). For the other you have to focus in front of the page. Magic-eyes are of the see-through variety.
I use to love magic eyes years ago in the newspapers and such. I dunno if i use cross eye or see through. I can see it on both pics. I just sort of blur my eyes out and while everything is blury i look for a visible picture- once i find it i can relaxe my eyes - not tooo much- but enought to relax and see the pic.
So whats the difference betweent see through and crosseye?
With crosseye your left eye looks at the right image, and your right eye looks at the left image. With seethrough it's the other way around.
Oh my god. Someone has to make StereoHL2 or ill die

is it really that hard to code in?
all those who are awsome and can do it see something totally sick!

good work Lil' B
Will it cuts your FPS in half pretty much :p

For all nvidia users, they can just activate the stereo option under driver settings....

I have those edimensional glasses... SOOOOO much shit on ATI series, but when you get them on nvidia, wow flying at your face!
Combine Helicopter!

I think I like this one the best :E

The #2 one is small so it's easier for all you people who aren't good at it :)
sure hl2 would have to render two screens, but wouldnt it also have to render less from each screen? I mean, unless you have black bars on the top and bottom while playing (like the q3 mod)

SOMEONE make this mod!!!!!!
smeece85 said:
sure hl2 would have to render two screens, but wouldnt it also have to render less from each screen? I mean, unless you have black bars on the top and bottom while playing (like the q3 mod)

There'd be less fillrate necessary but double the T&L
oh yeah, before this someone finishes and posts the mod, make sure you (mr. someone) make it the see-through kind, cause cross-eye will burn out your eyes muscles hardcore.
hell Id play at 640 480 rez and lowest video settings if it meant 3d gameplay!

p.s. sorry for all the posts....
how exactly are you making these screens, could you make a short video using the same technique?
if you make a video, I think it should have like 5 seconds of a astill from the first frame in the video in order to get oriented before the action...
It's easy to make these.
1. Find a spot without any NPCs.
2. Aim yourself how you would like your pic to turn out.
3. Take screenshit.
4. Tap A or D once quickly.
5. Take another screenshit.
6. Open your legally obtained copy of Adobe Photoshop. If you don't have it, you can buy it here for the bargain price of $650 US.
7. Open your 2 HL2 screenshits. Crop them to make them tall and skinny like mine are. Make sure to crop them the same way, like if you do 75% left side of screenshit #1, do that for #2 aswell.
8. Change the canvas size of one to 200% width. Then copy+paste the other one into the empty white space.
9. Flip them back and forth to make either the crosseye or seethrough version.

tada! :)

If you must have an NPC, aim your mouse at them, open console, and type "npc_freeze". But with most NPCs they'll still fidget even though they're not walking around.
God this hurts.

Uhh... I'm one of those people who were taught not to look too closely into a TV. A monitor can't be much different right? :p
Seriously need to make these wider. They're so narrow I'm having an extremely difficult time seeing anything, and I've done this before.
i can get all of em to work now and hold it there for a long time.

for the people having trouble

i couldnt get it at first, but i get close to the screen, so like my nose is roughly 10cm from the screen, and have my face centralised to the image, then just cross my eyes whilst still kinda focussing on the image, the 3dimage magically appears and i just kinda focus on that.

and it doesnt hurt either, maybe cos im closer to the screen.

the buggy looks the best i rekon.

EDIT: changed my mind, the attack copter looks the best !
Youve got the names wrong. The ones you have to "look through" are called crosseye.
This is very cool. Funny thing is that even though I can clearly see volume and distance with this, I can't determine the distance of the crosshair in relation to other objects in the picture! It's just like a 2D object stuck in a 3D universe!