A few more 3D screenshots.

I simply can't do it. I got crossed eyes at a young age and got my eyes corrected surgical, so now I can only cross one eye (left one) the right simply wont budge.
try playing UT2k4 with shutterglasses. now THAT was cool. :D
I cant see shit. Usually I can do the Thing if theres a 3d-picture on a paper or something. This staring at the monitor is making my anus bleed.
W4E said:
Youve got the names wrong. The ones you have to "look through" are called crosseye.
He named them correctly. When you "look through" the paper you are not crossing your eyes. For the point where the POVs of your eyes meet to go farther away your eyes have to uncross and become almost parallel as if you are trying to focus on something at an infinite distance. When you cross your eyes you are making their paths meet closer to your face (when fully crossed you are making both eyes look at your nose) by pointing them inward. The biggest problem for most people is trying to get manual and separate control over both the location in space at which their eyes are pointed and the distance at which their eyes are focused. People have a hard time separating those two actions because, for their entire life, they learned that the two were always used together. Usually, if you're looking at something a mile away you need to be focused at a mile... and if you're looking at your nose you need to be focused at about an inch. To get these pictures to work correctly you have to make yourself focus on the monitor while actually either looking in front of or beyond the monitor.
By the way, does anyone know how to make that StereoQuake mod actually work in Quake 3? The zip file contains a useless readme file and one called stereoquake.pk3. Where do I put it? Should I make a stereoquake subdirectory in the Quake 3 directory?
Extract the "stereoquake" folder (containing those two files) in the zip file to the main Q3 folder. Then, if you have Q3 updated to a point release that supports mods it should show up in the mod menu.
Ah, I probably need to update then! I just installed the game.

Thanks, man!
hahah this gives me a goood idea- im going to use my computer 3d glasses with halflife2. Just got to find them again. I used em on hl1 and it was awesome. Ill probbaly get low frames becuase it renders halflife2 twice just like how little b is doing. But you can wear glasses which force you to do pararlel viewing. So you can play hl2 in stereo eye sight with keeping your eyes relaxed.
Yeah This is pretty cool. I played stereoquake a year or two ago and thought it was pretty cool. I wanted to make the mod for HL1 but I was to inexperienced at the time and everyone I talked to seemed to think the idea was stupid (they couldn't get the 3rd image to appear). I'll take a look through the code but I don't think I'll get it done :/ maybe it will hopefully start someone off.

Basiclly what we need is two screens, one rendering slightly left from gordon's eyes, one rendering slightly right. A cvar should control the distance between the two to let everyone set it to their actually eye distance.

I can't believe other people actually thought this was cool, I KNEW IT WAS! :D
its cool, i had trouble getting them close emough together to see 3d, after the quake ones, the hl2 ones are easy

Here are some of my 3D screenshots from Ravenholm.

They're all the cross-over style and they're wider than the rest of the shots in this thread (but I could handle even bigger shots because I play StereoQuake on a 19" monitor at 1600x1200).

Have fun... or eye strain... whatever comes first. :E
When i get them to work, they're quite cool!
I can't cross my eyes at all, if I try to move one the other one always follows in the same direction! Grrr....
yeah, it looks ace! Wonder if someone will mod hl2 so we can have this as we play the game. maybe get a special pair of glasses that crosses your sight automatically.... actually, let me copyright that idea right now :p ©™
OCybrManO said:
Here are some of my 3D screenshots from Ravenholm.

They're all the cross-over style and they're wider than the rest of the shots in this thread (but I could handle even bigger shots because I play StereoQuake on a 19" monitor at 1600x1200).

Have fun... or eye strain... whatever comes first. :E

Hey OCybrManO,
How'd you get the NPCs to not move while you did that?
I used "npc_freeze" to stop individual walking/crawling NPCs but they still go through their idle animation. Also, I turned off the hud with "cl_drawhud" and used "impulse 200" to make the weapon disappear.
So how come they look like they didn't move at all? Lucky shot?
sweet shots lil'b and cybr!

am i the only one who thinks the see through shots are better?

With those, you dont have to cross your eyes and kill em (gives you a headache after a while)...

The see through ones seem more natural because you just recreate the eye motion of spacing out (a hobby of mine). Anyway, if there is a mod, it should have both modes! woudnt be hard to make the option....

someone with more skill than me, pleeeeease realize the supreme sickness of this stereo thing and make a mod for it!
I'd do it, but I don't know a thing about coding!

p.s. I think you should be able to resize it aswell, because the quake3 one is way to big to cross my eyes for on my 19" monitor.
yeah the quake three mod is for people with eyes right next to their ears! I had to step like 6 feet back.....
These screenshots are convincing me to buy a pair of 3D glasses for my computer.