A Game You Loved and Wish a Sequel or a Series you Wish to be Revived.

Yes, a Tie Fighter sequel would win as well. Playing the original atm.
Where The Hell Is

Starcraft 2
Grim Fandango Universe. (My Scythe. I like to keep it next to whewre my heart used to be.)

PSYCHONAUTS. (Sequal, universe, whatever! NEED TIM SCHAFER GOODNESS!!!)


Deus Ex. (There was something... just... wrong about Deus Ex 2...)

Some sort of Tribes combined with Planetside. A MMO-Tribes? That would definantly be for the win... but you'd need to figure out some network code issues first, because Tribes is so flicky...
I am outraged no one has mentioned a demand for Planescape Torment 2: Morte's Revenge.
Prince of Persia, there is lot more rather than Vizier they must have a Sequel.
Destruction Derby. Commander Keen. Darwinia. Jedi Academy. Startopia. Supaplex.
Fear Effect
Techno mage
Incredible Crisis
Kuri Kuri Mix ( adventures of cookie and cream)
Deus Ex IW like sequel minus the bugs
Evil Twin
Vampire bloodlines
Psi - Ops God dammit.......

F*cking PSI - OPS! I am scheduled to storm the Midway offices tommorrow. Anyone care to join?
Hey, I remember playing Interstate on my friend's crappy PC. That was fairly awesome, with the weapon upgrades and everything. Controls were pretty dodgy though, and some of the missions were freakin impossible... a current-gen recreation would be great! Especially with multiplayer options.

The one game I've always wanted to see made again, or even just another in it's likeness, is Oni. It was a third person shooter/fighter from Bungie back before Halo. It had it's share of issues, but even so it was really fun and the concept could make for a terrifically awesome game with today's hardware.

Just... maybe not a direct sequel by Bungie. Cause we all how that'd turn out, amirite.

Future Cop LAPD plz.
YUSS. T'would be teh ownage - just not by EA :)
Most of the titles I want are already mentioned...

except Freelancer, god that game was just... fun. I need to try X3:Reunion but the learning curve alone kinda alienates me, I don't have the time to learn all that before I get a chance to enjoy the game. :( *sigh*

Oh and I wouldn't mind a Final Fantasy Tactics 2, not necessarily a continuation but more games in general from the man behind that game (yeah I know he helmed FFXII, but it feels a bit 'restricted' compared to his more violent / dark earlier games.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer ..not Quake Wars but RTCW as it was with updated graphics, more classes/objective gameplay and still set during ww2
Worms. A 2D version (No more 3D please Team 17) for the Wii with online play.
Grim Fandango
Dungeon Keeper
Jagged Alliance
Hostile Waters: Anteus Rising
The true sequel to Deus Ex, not that lousy excuse of a title put on a DVD case.
I am outraged no one has mentioned a demand for Planescape Torment 2: Morte's Revenge.

You know, I keep hearing people refer to PT 2 as "Morte's Revenge." Was that a title for the cancelled sequel, or is it just contagious humor?

Anyway, there is one series I wished they would resurrect. Lands of Lore, if only to satisfy childhood nostalgia. It seems I'm the only one that still remembers, or cares, about that damn series.
No One Lives Forever 2 needs a sequel. They were awesome awesome games.

A 5th Monkey Island to finish the series.