A Grim Day for the UK

This thread has began to reak of superiority. Pull your heads out of your asses.
Cormeh said:
Take this or leave this, it was sent to me in an e-mail just now. I'm not sure if people have seen it or it's been posted before, but it's not my own work:

I wouldn't say I exactly see a need for these cards, or really think much of them. The whole "third party buying information" part doesn't settle with me.
My good god. I was listening to a guy on the radio really raging about a new bills labours planning on proposing called the Government Procedure ammendmeant or something similar. The bill would allow the government to pass a law without going through parliament, I'll start a thread on it, I'm just going to do some research on it first. This combined with the Id cards is just pure bullshit. Our democracy is at stake here, I just hope the unions will call a national strike in the near future, we need to resist these people before it's too late.
As I said before, I'd rather be arrested and jailed than have them record every bit of my life. I'd prefer to leave the country first, though, and I think everyone who can should. God knows there's much better opportunities abroad.
**** this, i'm off to Canada. Or Ireland. Or Sweden. Or Holland. Or The Moon.
Kangy said:
As I said before, I'd rather be arrested and jailed than have them record every bit of my life. I'd prefer to leave the country first, though, and I think everyone who can should. God knows there's much better opportunities abroad.
So the government are going to counter the immigration problem by creating an emigration problem... How interesting.
You know.... us commies have been calling for a revolution for years now.
The very thing I want to resist is the very thing communist regimes bring on a country.
Kangy said:
The very thing I want to resist is the very thing communist regimes bring on a country.
Then ID cards are right up your street.
To be honest, the only parts of ID cards that faze me are the cost, and the ability for third parties to access it. Other than that, I actually don't see it affecting my life at all, except having a useful ID for alcohol purchasing. Yeah, they mught be stepping on my rights a bit, but I'm a technocrat at heart.

-Angry Lawyer
Kangy said:
That's laughable.
Yes your right.

Not all non-communists are fascists, I must learn that.....

Anyway, down with ID cards!
Angry Lawyer said:
To be honest, the only parts of ID cards that faze me are the cost, and the ability for third parties to access it.
Well that's pretty much it. Anybody who's paid for a valid five/ten year passport already, or has invested £100+ on obtaining a driving license won't be too chuffed about shelling out more cash for yet more plastic for their wallet/to lose at home.

The third party thing really bothers me though. Telemarketers can purchase your contact details so they can irritate you with numerous sales calls as it is, namely for mobile telephones, credit cards, loans and all of that junk.
If we were to have records of all our purchases, travels, mileage, energy consumption etc. I can only forsee that aspect growing to strange new levels. Perhaps this is all psychological paranoia, relating to the fact that so many people claim this new ID system to be a new level of control. Facts seem to be a difficult thing for me to absorb with all of this.
numbers said:
If being happy and caring for my nation and the glorious fatherland is being brainwashed, then brainwashed I am!

Whatever country you're from, I think we can all agree that this = lol. :P

Sucks to be british, but at the same time the cards will only appear if labour wins the election, so y'all have largely yourselves to blame when it does.
Plz don't let it happen. Canada got Steven Harper and America got FOUR MORE YEARS.
Learn a lesson, people!
Harper will probably only be here for two years also.

The point is don't vote for dumbys, and more specifically, do vote against them!
Cormeh said:
If we were to have records of all our purchases, travels, mileage, energy consumption etc. I can only forsee that aspect growing to strange new levels

The thing is, all of these things are already logged. All ID cards do is consolidate it into one place.

-Angry Lawyer
They are now. But it allows more data to be added easyilly.

You can imagine them saying, we need cencus data on this database, it will help us identify terrorists!

Everyone agrees:

"Well if it'll stop the terrorists then I'm willing to tell them my religion, it's a small price to pay"

Then Anyone with Muslim tendencys ends up being banned from public places, "There probably terrorists!" then communists ect. ect.

It just doesn't seem that far fetched.
that dual Irish/British nationality finally pays off, I'll be getting irish passports for awhile
Mr Stabby said:
that dual Irish/British nationality finally pays off, I'll be getting irish passports for awhile
Me too. I can claim Irish Citizenship I've read up on the revised rules, which is pretty cool.

God save Irealand.
Well that leaves me no choice, I will have to work my way up in the echelons of the government.
What gets me is the government recording my Alchhol intake, won't that put me at a disadvantage if I apply for a civil service job?
Not unless you get really excessive. Don't worry, they understand British drink culture.
The main thing they want to know is that you can't be in a position to be blackmailed.
Solaris said:
Me too. I can claim Irish Citizenship I've read up on the revised rules, which is pretty cool.

Ditto. Huzzah etc.
However, I believe that'll you'll require an (visitor) ID card even only as a foreigner staying here.