A lesson you all need to learn

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Dr. Freeman said:
well Feath.. u can always resort to what CyberSh33p's mum does.. start the 1337 talk on the the "n3wbs" that pick on u :laugh:

best post ever ;)
Brian Damage said:
Yeah, I think I know how he feels. People keep calling me things like "Brain Damage" or "Brian Damaged".

Edit: Except for the fact that that's spelling, not pronunciation...

The real question is

Who's Brian?
You know, every time I see your name I think of "Brain Damage". For some reason I thought it was meant to brain but it was spelt wrong on purpose. Like, you are making a reference to being brain damaged by not being able to spell Brain. Or something. It makes sense in my head.

I had a dream last night where I was shot in the head. I didn't die but I had a huge headache and couldn't think straight. It took a lot of effort just to think. Weird dream.
Ever hear the story of the guy who got a tamping pole blown straight through his head?

Neither did he.

Just kidding :E. It's a real story. I forget his name, but he survived with all his faculties intact (despite losing a sizeable portion of his brain), except he became a really nasty and withdrawn fellow. Kinda criminal.

Wierd story.
Oh and if any of you are having trouble pronouncing Frank then it goes a little something like this:
Feath, dude you are getting awfully off-pissed about this, aren't you... :)
Just out of interest, where does the name come from?

And just out of interest, everyone knows it's pronounced el Cheee, right? As in chihuahua? Not like tie or fly... Dammit Feath you've got me all paranoid now :hmph: <Sulks>
Wow, it's still pronounced the same that way, but it's just so darn emasculating...
That sounds painful...

EDIT: Emasculating basically means "Removing someone's/something's testes".

Trust me on that. I live in a farming area...
el Chi said:
Feath, dude you are getting awfully off-pissed about this, aren't you... :)
Just out of interest, where does the name come from?

And just out of interest, everyone knows it's pronounced el Cheee, right? As in chihuahua? Not like tie or fly... Dammit Feath you've got me all paranoid now :hmph: <Sulks>

My second name is Featherstone. So it really is "Feather" without the 'er'.
Yeah, now that I think about it: did my ancestors just come up with it on the spot.

"What's your name?"
"John... erm..." *bird flies overhead "Feather..." *Looks at ground* "stone."
I that case mine would probably have come from spending too much time with the village idiot.
My second name comes from my family's rather strange history :)

Anyway.... when you are typing my name: it's not Mr Badger or mr badger or mrbadger... it's mrBadger and was meant to be :)

It's a C++ object/function naming convention :)
Alright Mr Badger, and feath, it doesnt really matter how I pronounce your name, since I type everything out, i could yell out feeth but you wouldnt here it!
SpuD said:
Alright Mr Badger, and feath, it doesnt really matter how I pronounce your name, since I type everything out, i could yell out feeth but you wouldnt here it!

Trust me. I hear it.

Everytime you say "Feeth" an angel dies.
It's just occurred to me that, over here in Australia, everyone I know pronounces "Feather" as "Fevver".

Hiya, Fev.
Actually coming from North East England, I think "Fev" is closer to how I actually pronounce it myself.
I will still pronounce it feeth (feather~heather, feath~heath) and you can't stop me... but if we're making up pronunciations I think I will change the pronunciation of "Chris" to "Slartibartfast". :D
The "OCybrManO" (which I'm not sure how to pronounce anyway) shall become "Arthur Dent", I'm sure.
To be honest, I don't know how to pronounce "OCybrManO" either...
I think the O's are silent but I'm not sure. Either that or it can't be properly pronounced by the human voice...
Really? Did you make it up; or are you a Dr Who fan, and you got it from a book or something?
Well, I think originally the O's were for decoration because the name was already taken. That was back when AOL 2.0 was new.
For some reason I say "O Cyberman". I have no idea why I think the last 'o' is silent.
Actually, I thinking it to the tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree".
mrBadger, personally, I hate that (in my opinion) stupid naming convention. Why waste time capitilizing things when you could be thinking up more code? and it's more work, too! I just don't get it... (I wouldn't mind enlightenment on the subject, i.e, it's origin)

Edit - Holy sh*t dude, that is definetly one f*cked up ISA card, but cool...... ah, I remember the old ISA days, when DOS was cool and Windows 3.1 was cool too................................... What does it do anyway? Some kinda wierd RAM expansion or something?
So umm.. it's like the "feath" in "feather".

edit: Didn't read whole thread. I am Australian, I DO NOT pronounce it "fevver" that's just gay. No one else I know pronouces it like that either.
oh and lowerCaps naming SUCKS I dislike it very much. I generally cap every word.


I'm yet to confuse a variable with a function or object...I don't like the WinSock type naming at all...someone's shift/caps lock keys wer busted that day.
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