A New Mystery Unfolds...


Jan 12, 2004
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Explains to me this: When you get to the little revolutionist outpost during the airboat ride, where the vortigaunt equips your Guass Cannon, you can talk to the vortigaunt over and over and over again on end--but he doesn't repeat anything. Not only did that amaze me, but just read for yourself the story and comments he lays out, they are always in this order, except for the last ten, which are just random ending statements. Please feel free to comment on your ideas about what on earth this means!

"We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous.
-There is no distance between us. NO false veil of time or space may intervene.
-We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber.
-We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth's demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash between [the captions say "beyond", but the audio says "between". Thus I think between is more accurate, anywho...] the barriers.
-For a brief time you joined us. You are one. Between the worlds.
-Communion of the vortessence. And that other: a deeper mystery. No deeper than the void itself.
-We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Fogiveness is not ours to bestow.
-Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread.
-Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle.
-You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure.
-We are there still, in observance of your final stroke.
-While our own lay scattered at your feet, you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life, and to us.
-That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time [perhaps the master Combine on the video screen Breen talks to is the "greater"?].
-With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh.
-Your bright face obscures you darker mask.
-We call you sib [what is that?!], although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us.
-Far distant eyes look out through yours.
-Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. [Well, we know that Gordon won't be naming it, that's for sure!]
-We have endured the chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable.
-How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again.
-Let this war end in total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow.
-We take our stand beside you, here, uopn this miserable rock.
-The way ahead is dark, for the moment.
-What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness.
-We aree a tapestry of woven vortessence. It is the same for you, if only you would see it.
-How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass?
-Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in you mind, you would see how much we share.
-We are you Freeman, and You are us.

[Next, as serious of random statements from the 'gaunt.]:
"We have survived worse across the ages.
-Our cause seems hopeless.
-This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere.
-Our finest poet describes it thus: Gallum galla gilla ma. [What on earth?!]
-Our life is worthless unless spent on freedom.
-We shall persist.
-Where to now? And to what end?
-We have lost all dear to us."

WHEW! And that's all he has to say. Those who say HL2 has no story are sadly mistaken. As many have said, and as much a cliche as it has become, I'd say the spoon-fed idea is right on the money: You must talk to everyone as many times as possible, you must search every nook and cranny of this game to fully appreciate how much story (whether it be answers or questions) this game has to offer.

Just figured I'd share this, what do you guys think? Does anyone have any idea what he's talking about?

I do know some of the stuff he's talking about, but there is some wierd junk in there! "Gallum galla gilla ma." If anyone can translate that, it's probably the story to the HL series, lol!
Wow, thats cool. I did E him a few times, but never got around doing it anymore :/

Gallum galla gilla ma.
Yeah, I was amazed that he said so much! *When is this gonna end?!*

Did anyone else do this, or am I just an exception? This wasn't even featured in the guide! It just says "You now have an exceptionally potent Gauss Cannon to end off attackers. 'The Freeman will accept this weapon, or suffer greatly on the road ahead,' the Vortigaunt informs you."

...Then it says nothing more and just tells you to hop in and start blasting away!

This just goes to show you, even if you use the guide, you will still miss stuff in this game--it says a lot about the extent of the details that are in HL2. I'm still amazed.
Yeah, I heard all that stuff as well. ****ing neat.
Time to start pressing E on everyguy in the game!! :naughty:
Woohoo! Let the revolution begin! :D Just makes the game that much more amazing!
-Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in you mind, you would see how much we share.
-Far distant eyes look out through yours.

I did this ,too, and got a kick out of both of these. It's an interesting was to describe a player character in a FPS, don't you think?
So...where do the Vortigaunts come from? It sounded like Nihilanth was their leader almost...so does that mean that Xen was their homeplanet? They also say they have been slaves for a long time...so that means they must have lived other places than Xen and the combine have been around a long time.
Foxtrot said:
So...where do the Vortigaunts come from? It sounded like Nihilanth was their leader almost...so does that mean that Xen was their homeplanet? They also say they have been slaves for a long time...so that means they must have lived other places than Xen and the combine have been around a long time.

I thought we all assumed from HL that the Vorts came from Xen and that Nihilanth was their leader (or, more likely, a more Breen-like figurehead). Perhaps the Vorts were always second-class creatures on Xen, even before the Combine.
Wern't they alien slaves, remember seeing that someone.

-Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it.

G-man again, me thinks so hehe.
-Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. [Well, we know that Gordon won't be naming it, that's for sure!]

it's the Gman. You see the vortigaunt looking at a screen with Gman on it, then he turns to you and says "we serve the same mystery"

We call you sib [what is that?!], although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us.

my guess is sib = sibling, or something along the lines of family member or equal

-That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time [perhaps the master Combine on the video screen Breen talks to is the "greater"?].


-How often have we slipped our yoke, only to find it choking us again.

a yoke is what goes around a horses neck to pull stuff in case anyone didnt know.

-What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness.

an interval? they believe in reincarnation or what?

-For a brief time you joined us. You are one. Between the worlds. -There is no distance between us. NO false veil of time or space may intervene. -We are you Freeman, and You are us.

Not 100% sure if they only mean you're one of them because you saved them, or something of them is in you?
Bing_Oh said:
I thought we all assumed from HL that the Vorts came from Xen and that Nihilanth was their leader (or, more likely, a more Breen-like figurehead). Perhaps the Vorts were always second-class creatures on Xen, even before the Combine.

I think they used the vorts to take Xen, robbed it of its resources. who knows how many planets they did this with before the Gman had you start the resonance cascade.
Gman had you start the resonance cascade.

There is no evidence for this AT ALL.

Ok, in fact in the script, it implies somethign much different
Gman did want you to start the resonance cascade:


c1a0 sci mumble: "I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to ....?"
gmanmumble1: "This is not your decision to make."
gmanmumble2: "You must not get in the way."
gmanmumble3: "I wanted to meet and ask you what you want." (not sure about this one)
gmanmumble4: "If I had one, .... certainly."
gmanmumble5: "My employer's destined to lead." (again, not sure)
gmanmumble6: "You scientists ...."

this is HL1 before the resonance cascade right??
1. sibling, sib -- (a person's brother or sister)
2. blood relation, blood relative, cognate, sib -- (one related by blood or origin; especially on sharing an ancestor with another)

very strange what is Gordon?
a Alien in a mans body?
the vortigaunts were slaves to the nihilanth. When it was killed the vortiguants were set free.
MrWynd said:
an interval? they believe in reincarnation or what?
i think they mean its going to get worse before it gets better
MrWynd said:
Gman did want you to start the resonance cascade:


c1a0 sci mumble: "I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to ....?"
gmanmumble1: "This is not your decision to make."
gmanmumble2: "You must not get in the way."
gmanmumble3: "I wanted to meet and ask you what you want." (not sure about this one)
gmanmumble4: "If I had one, .... certainly."
gmanmumble5: "My employer's destined to lead." (again, not sure)
gmanmumble6: "You scientists ...."

this is HL1 before the resonance cascade right??

Then how come at the end of hl1 he sais something along the lines of: I had alot of trouble by cleaning up this mess

I realy cant remember very well what he said but if someone could dig up the sound files from hl1's ending (where gman gives you a speech) this could be cleared up.

i was under the impression that gman definatly didnt want the cascade to happen.
GWalker said:
very strange what is Gordon?
a Alien in a mans body?

Crazy thought for the day. Could the resonance cascade have somehow caused one of these vortigaunts to kind of fuse with gordon?
I downloaded HL after buying DoD and im having trouble finding the sound files im in the "SteamApps/Half Life" folder
MrWynd said:
I think they used the vorts to take Xen, robbed it of its resources. who knows how many planets they did this with before the Gman had you start the resonance cascade.

But the Combine's way of invasion seem to be to use a planet's resources, technology, and indiginous population for their own purposes. Just like they use humans for the Overwatch, I suspect that they used Vortigaunts for the conquest of Xen.
You guys might be on to something...i would have never thought to keep E-ing the vort, and after about 5 different responses, i'd be thirsty for blood again :p
Yup i heard all he said. Was really cool. Cant wait to see how valve top of hl2 and end the trilogy.
MrWynd said:
an interval? they believe in reincarnation or what?

Not 100% sure if they only mean you're one of them because you saved them, or something of them is in you?

Perhaps this is part their version of spirituality. All things spring from an eternal source (like the Tao) that is 1 dimensional… i.e. out side the realm of space and time. Therefore all are things are one. Just a thought. That would make them Pantheists. Like some forms of Hinduism.
Also, the interval of darkness sounds like a reincarnation thing to me which is also an Hindu belief.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Yup i heard all he said. Was really cool. Cant wait to see how valve top of hl2 and end the trilogy.

Who ever said this was a triliogy?? I think this could go on past part 3.
I'm pretty sure that I saw a quote from Gabe that HL was planned as a trilogy. Maybe I'm hallucinating again, though. You never know.
Well, along comes Gordon Freeman and his norotious Resonance Cascade at the beginning of HL. Now, either the Admin and the G-Man PLANNED the Resonance Cascade, or they simply took advantage of the event, but either way they manipulated Gordon into taking out the biggest hurdle in pacifying Xen...the alien leader Nilithak. The Admin sent in the Marines to contain the alien invasion made possible by the Resonance Cascade long enough for Gordon to kill of Nilithak. Then, the G-Man sets off the nuke (at the end of OpFor) in an attempt to seal off the random teleportation and to vaporize any evidence of what happened at Black Mesa.

On a related topic, who else finds what the female resistance peeps say to be hilarious?

"Sometimes... I dream of cheese."

Armageddon00 said:
Who ever said this was a triliogy?? I think this could go on past part 3.

Haha, Valve has stated long long ago that there will only be three games in the Half-Life series.
Armageddon00 said:
Who ever said this was a triliogy?? I think this could go on past part 3.

I hope so, or they do something just as thriling, with Mark Laidlaw very much a possibility. Spin off would be good Blue shift 2, hell yeah, hanging with the combine.