A nice forum game of who am I...


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
... who's up for a game?

It's a game I saw on TV the other day, which I think would work pretty well on the forums.

The Rules

I've attached a file to the post zipped, with a text file in (passworded) so there can be no cheating and you all have to ask me ten questions which I can only answer 'yes' or 'no' to.

After the ten questions you guess (ten user guesses max) and I'll give you the password to the zip file to see if anyone was correct or incorrect.

Whoever gets it right first takes the lead and does another one (if no-one gets it, the closest guess goes next).

Ready? Go!
I r confuzled...:rolling:

Anyone get it? I've re-read the instructions 3 times, and I'm still confused...I feel dumb :(

EDIT: It's becoming clear to me now, but it still seems like a lot of guessing, and guesses that you have to answer :p
-Frosty- said:
I r confuzled...:rolling:

Anyone get it? I've re-read the instructions 3 times, and I'm still confused...I feel dumb :(

Attached to my initial post is a Zipped file (so I cant cheat and alter whats inside it and so you all cant cheat and see whats in it) with the name of someone. And you all ask me questions (maximum 10), to which I can only answer yes or no... and basically you have to guess the name in the zip file through tactically asking me the correct Q's.

Get it now? :p
benson said:
somethin' to do though... aite?

What is an "aite"? I think it's spelled "ate", and yes I ate some cake just now.
Can you guess who, do you have a clue?

Edit: A'ite is slang for Alright.
benson said:
Attached to my initial post is a Zipped file (so I cant cheat and alter whats inside it and so you all cant cheat and see whats in it) with the name of someone. And you all ask me questions (maximum 10), to which I can only answer yes or no... and basically you have to guess the name in the zip file through tactically asking me the correct Q's.

Get it now? :p
*Que the song, "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone*
Thanks, I was really confused :)
Uh oh, this thread is descending into the bottomless pit of spam. Quick! We need to save it :eek:!
Argh, noooo's!! I knew this was a bad idea lol.
well...thanks for spamming the thread up guys... :hmph:

sounded like a nice distraction, won't bother now.
being a total asshat doesn't help it njd.

and benson, answer my question ;P
NJD2003 said:
How could you not see this as being a spam thread?

Some people, like me, are sensible enough to not spam, and are insanley bored.
Hey, i'm not cheap. $1.50 will get you 2 hours. And actually I saw Crazyharij's avatar and thought why not.
Is it Pierce Brosnan? We were just talking about him the other day...

Or maybe Sean Connery?