A picture my 6 year old brother drew

Sep 30, 2005
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Here is a picture my brother drew. He says it's an angry Baker. It cracks me up.


  • Picture 104.jpg
    Picture 104.jpg
    21.8 KB · Views: 401
Looks scary :D what does he have in his hands, dough? your bro's got talent!
lol yeah.. He says its steam, and that the baker burned his hands and then dropped a bowling ball on it.
The_One_Free_Man said:
he is very tickled by all of your comments

I bet he's more tickled by your hand down his pants.
I think he's been hanging out at the Pot POLL for to long. Not that is an excuse. Thats really Fuc$ed up.
OvA is just like that. Pointlessly offensive, and unafraid of extreme taboo. Personally, I find it hilarious :laugh:

Anyway, that picture is the man. And your brother is even more the man for drawing it.
I think Quever's avatar is more disturbing than Ova's comment.
I thought the thread title meant that you were posting a pic of your brother, who's name was Drew.

This makes a little more sense though. A little more AWESOME sense!

Option 1: say the drawing is awesome. Which it is.
Option 2: Follow in OvA's spunk-encrusted footsteps and make some sort of hilarious paedo-joke.

I am rent asunder by indecision!
Sulkdodds said:

Option 1: say the drawing is awesome. Which it is.
Option 2: Follow in OvA's spunk-encrusted footsteps and make some sort of hilarious paedo-joke.

I am rent asunder by indecision!

cool picture...Idonotbelonghere's brother :E
nice lil pic your bro drew there, wish I was as creative at his age.

Ova - I hope you get banned or warned for that perverted comment.
OvA said:
I bet he's more tickled by your hand down his pants.
dude that REALLY cracked me up. i'm gonna try to properly sig that if possible............ done! i hope i did it right. if i didn't do the signature right, someone tell me how to do it! i'm still a noob!
Do you go to the Arnie's Airsoft forums, by any chance?

Nice doodle :P
lol... i made a hornet on teh paint program. it was hard. especially the shading.