a proper question about drugs

Do you think cannabis is a harmfull drug

  • No its perfectly fine

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • It depends who smokes it and their character

    Votes: 26 50.0%
  • yes this stuff is evil

    Votes: 17 32.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
do you think cannabis is a harmless drug i think it depends on who smokes it its completely different for each person. what are your views this is a proper question so dont put any stupid stuff.
it depends on the amount, but i've seen stupid people get... well.... even more stupid. It can lead to new drugs and i'm sure i'm repeating everything a teacher in highschool has told everybody a million times but i choose to stay away from it. I'd rather destroy myself with alcohol instead.
Cannabis is much better for the body than alcohal or nicotene and it isn't addictive either. Thats why I say its alright.
I don't think it's evil, but makes people seem stupid. I remember hanging out with a pothead who couldn't walk faster than 1 mph.
BlackWolfdrk said:
i reckon it is addictive because i cant stop
Seriously? Because everyone I know that has done it (including myself) say its just like candy. It feels good to take it but you won't get to a point where you feel like you HAVE to take it.
The Mullinator said:
Seriously? Because everyone I know that has done it (including myself) say its just like candy. It feels good to take it but you won't get to a point where you feel like you HAVE to take it.

well when i stoped for a couple of days i started sweating like mad and feeling really dodgy
It's four times as harmful to the body as nicotine, supposedly. Never done it, never had an opportunity to. Am not seeking said opportunity out.
Its different to alcohol and nicotine...so really its difficult to gauge how much harm it does relatively speaking.

I dont think cannabis is evil at all, in fact i think in its natural form its great, but when people concentrate it and smoke it, its harmful.

People do get addicted to it, just because their bodies dont depend on it in the same way, doesnt mean you cant get addicted to it.

Long term use of pot does have known side effects. In laymans terms it makes you stupid. It doesnt much affect your volcabulary, however you abstact thinking is stimulated, where as the "rational" centres of the brain are damaged.
Not only that, but smoking anything damages your lungs and smoking pot can be just as harmful to your lungs as smoking cigarettes.

I believe that...like alcohol, it can have serious effects on your judgement. However its been my experience with my friends, that very little cannabis needs to be smoked to cause serious lapses in judgement, where as a lot of alcohol needs to be taken in. Not only that, but when my friends have been under the influence of cannabis, ive noticed that they tend to do more serious harm to others than when the have alcohol. If anything, when they are drunk, they just take more of an ainterest int he opposite sex, where as after smoking weed, they start getting strange ideas about things...like the obvious flying.
Caffeine .. it's the only drug that's actually good for you. It's addictive too :)
FictiousWill said:
It's four times as harmful to the body as nicotine, supposedly. Never done it, never had an opportunity to. Am not seeking said opportunity out.

Think you've confused that with bongs. Anyway.. I look at it like this :

Smoking : Legal, yet is a prime cause of cancer, also had the side effect of "second hand smoke" which risks giving cancer to totally innocent people. Nothing good comes of smoking.

Weed : Illegial, long term use is believed to cause paranioa. Can be and has been used as a drug to help people. Is legal in a couple of other countries, they've had no problems. Has no major bad points.

Personally I say make smoking illegial and put weed on a trial run.
Caffine is good for you in small amounts. So many things are. Cannabis is good for you in small doses, im sure if you just ate it as a plant or whatever, it would do you good, although you wouldnt get the halucinagenic affects. Lots of caffine though, can harden your arteries.
They found caffine prevents prostate cancer. And so does masturbation.

Hey, I'm 2 for 2 here :cheese:
BlackWolfdrk said:
nothing special my arse thats the only way i got through school.......................with shit grades :(

I mean yeah I liked the feeling but I never saw anything I wasn't supposed to.
Cannabis is not hallucinating, get your facts straight.

If one of your friends tells you he wants to fly or sees pink elephants after smoking some weed, then he's a total idiot/exaggerating, or he'd smoke weed that's laced with something else.

It does not make you see weird shit, it merely numbs your conscience for a while.
BlackWolfdrk said:
you have to eat loads of pot to get an effect its a waste and no fun

Im talking about simply helping boost your health, not to get high. To be honest im not entirely sure what it would do for you, but im pretty certain its good :)
JunkieXL said:
I mean yeah I liked the feeling but I never saw anything I wasn't supposed to.

you dont need to see anything you just need to smoke and chill
It's a shame that all the people who voted for the last option actually have the ability to vote on a drugs poll. I will always maintained the fact that if you've never tried something you have no right to comment on it.
D33 said:
It's a shame that all the people who voted for the last option actually have the ability to vote on a drugs poll. I will always maintained the fact that if you've never tried something you have no right to comment on it.

completely true i agree
Well, i can see the reasoning behind that but ive noticed that most people who say that never live up to it. Its impossible to not have an opinion about something. Perhaps you can choose not to voice it, but even then you can base it upon your experience learnt from other people. Thats what an education is, learning from other peoples experience. Ive never actually tried to attach myself to a lightning rod in a storm, but i know its a bad idea.
i also think the last option isnt fair. I dont think its evil, but i still dont think it doesn anyone good outside of medicine.
D33 said:
Weed : Illegial, long term use is believed to cause paranioa.

And something called THC amotivational syndrome. Take a guess what that is.

In addition, it also causes cancer at a higher rate than cigs and is inconsistant in quality.

D33 said:
Can be and has been used as a drug to help people.

So has every other drug on the market:

Heroin ---> morphine
Cocain ---> Coca-leaf is legal in many places as a treatment for short term altitude sickness.
Ludes ---> methaqualone
Crystal Methamphedamine ---> Ephedrine
PCP ---> Vetrinary Anithetic

D33 said:
Is legal in a couple of other countries, they've had no problems.

Except for a constant rash of petty theft that they expierence.

D33 said:
Has no major bad points.

Except for the paranoia, amotivational syndrome, cancer and inconsistant dosages, that is.
well change the last option i was just exagerting (sorry about the spelling)
I see no reason to smoke pot, imo. However, I support legalizing it. It'll cut down on crime, cut down on the number of potheads, and we cna tax the hell outta it, and put someone on Mars :p
bastard_loud said:
lol, mere speculation.

Not quite.

Ever been to amsterdam? Notice how there are no new bikes in most of the city? Thats becaue they get stolen all the time so there no point in owning a good bike. Of cource, its not like that everywhere, but it is a consistant problem.

I could also point out the problems that come with living near a grow-op, even a relaitvly benign one......
At the end of the day, you can get addicted to anything. Obviously some things more than others, but you can get addicted to caffiene, sugar, weed, paracetamol.

It's not always a physical addiction, but more of a mental addiction.

Then again, I've tried a lot of drugs to be honest, ones that are a lot more addictive than weed or even smoking. I'm not an addict though. In some cases it can depend so much on the person.

Now I've said that, I bet a lot of people think I'm a junkie loser, drop out and **** up.
I'd recommend to anyone to stay away from drugs full stop, but those people that feel like they want to try things, just do it in a sensible way, and make sure it doesn't take over your life. It easily can take over, and get you in to some horrible situations, and it can be ever so dangerous, but being sensible, and keeping your head screwed on will prevent that from being the case.
ductonius said:
So has every other drug on the market:

Heroin ---> morphine
Cocain ---> Coca-leaf is legal in many places as a treatment for short term altitude sickness.
Ludes ---> methaqualone
Crystal Methamphedamine ---> Ephedrine
PCP ---> Vetrinary Anithetic

Except for the paranoia, amotivational syndrome, cancer and inconsistant dosages, that is.

1) You conveniently left out nicotine

2) I said "believed" for a reason. No long term research has ever been done into weed therefore all of that is assumption. Nothing more.
SidewinderX143 said:
I see no reason to smoke pot, imo. However, I support legalizing it. It'll cut down on crime, cut down on the number of potheads, and we cna tax the hell outta it, and put someone on Mars :p

Im sure you dont mean it this way, but the phrase "Lets make it legal, and that will cut down on crime" always gets me. There would be no crime at all if everything was legal :)

I know obviously you emant smuggling etc but still, just the way it sounds.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Im sure you dont mean it this way, but the phrase "Lets make it legal, and that will cut down on crime" always gets me. There would be no crime at all if everything was legal :)

I know obviously you emant smuggling etc but still, just the way it sounds.

lol yea...you have to word that type of argument carefully...

but seriously...legal drugs like caffiene, nicotine, and alcohol don't have that dangerous "drug dealer" stigma attached to them, yet if they were illegal, there would be caffienated coffee smugglers, cigarette smugglers, and booze smugglers just like during prohibition...and marijuana isn't any worse than any of the "acceptable" drugs.
It is harmfull...but so is everything else we do/eat/drink/breathe.....

i guess your talking morraly harmful and not physically........

then id say it depends on the person....and just about everything is fine with me if its done in moderation and used responsibly.
Anyone else here done anything harder than weed?
Chris_D said:
Anyone else here done anything harder than weed?

Wow Chris_D, of all the people here I never though you would be the one to do hard drugs ..

Anyway ...

Alcahol - first time when I was 13
Smoking - first time when I was 19
Weed - not yet
Other drugs - not yet, and not planning to
Chris_D said:
Anyone else here done anything harder than weed?

I smoked crack 1 time. (not joking)

i stay away from hardcore hallucinogens.....i have enough problems without seeing shit.

I havent done any drugs( i used to smoke weed) for atleast 8 months now.
Yeah well, I certainly didn't, haven't and won't let it take over me or change me.
I've never been in a situation where I've been ill, in too much of a mess, been too affected to go to work because of it, have my moods change because of it, be out of money because of it.

Some people can do the harder drugs and stay exactly the same as they always were. Unfortunately, a lot of people can't.

Ooo, crack... That's a nasty one. I haven't done that, and never will. That and heroin are definitely the worst. The others are as safe as eating sweets in comparison.
D33 said:
1) You conveniently left out nicotine

I left it out becaue its a legal substance and by itself its effects are similar to caffine with the only drawback being a greater chance of dependancy (which is pretty much nil with caffine).

D33 said:
2) I said "believed" for a reason. No long term research has ever been done into weed therefore all of that is assumption. Nothing more.

First, there are plenty of short term research done on people who have used it for a long time. Given that longitudinal studies can take a decade or two I think the use of short term research is entierly appropriate.

Demanding long term research as the only valid kind for this topic is simply an excercise in stone-walling.