A question about banned members.

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Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Why do some member's avatars who've been banned vanish and others don't? Just curious.
My guess is it might be dependent on how permanent the ban is, or whether they were banned by infractions or by hand.
To regain the extra 1.3kb's of web space.
If your account is deleted your avatar disappears.
Along with your family.
yeah, permabanned users tend to get deleted automatically after a while by forum pruning
yeah, permabanned users tend to get deleted automatically after a while by forum pruning

Then, how come if you look at a post Shasta made his avatar is still there? Not anyone would really want to read any of Shasta's posts, but it's a good point, I think.
Because he's not been deleted. I'm not sure of what settings it has for automatic pruning, it seems to be sort of random. Thousands of inactive users from 03-04 have been deleted, if you look at archives of the beginning of the forum you see classic members and a bunch of deleted ones listed as guests.
Does that explain why I occasionally see people who joined 2006 with a small name and their post count as "n/a"?
If the poster has epic posts or fought epic battles his account remains in history, preserved through the ages. However if the poster, long past and gone, fought no battles and showed no honour he is removed so that he shalt not scar the face of the history of HalfLife2.net.

Yeah, a Manchester University CompSci student wrote the code for it. One big long if statement in Java.
Or if you look in really old posts, you'll see Guests! I don't think I was even around back then.
Hehe, Bored, Thought id see how halflife2.net is doing, still going great!

How you been!
It's just weird coding I guess. When the avatar is removed it feels like either:

a) The mods stripped them naked to humiliate them and to make them feel naked and alone

b) The mods ripped their faces off to purge the site of bad memories

c) Both
Talking about being banned and therefore having the status of being banned, I can't actually think of a status I'd ever want, so I really couldn't care less whether I had a personalised one or not.
It's just weird coding I guess. When the avatar is removed it feels like either:

a) The mods stripped them naked to humiliate them and to make them feel naked and alone

b) The mods ripped their faces off to purge the site of bad memories

c) Both

Sounds like fair punishment.
When you're banned, can you browse through the site, but not log in?
You have to log out first if you're set to remember me which involves deleting cookies and stuff. At that point you can browse without logging in.
Wow, Saturos already got banned again? Nice.
Wait, is Saturos dragonshirt or the other dude with the similar name?
Saturos is dragonshirt, but I feel he just removed his avatar in reponse to this news.
I think we should let unbanned members see the reason/duration of the ban as well as the banned.

Saturos' infractions totalled up again cos' he went after Mr. Cougar :(
No, definitely not.
No, he's not banned?

Or no, we shouldn't view one another's infractions?

Or no, that's not the reason he was banned?

Also, my f and r keys aren't working so it takes twice as long to type infractions without typing inrfractions.
He was banned for a day. He is on a very, very, very short leash and his presence here rests entirely upon our good judgement and...mood.
Infractions and bans have nothing to do with anyone except the moderator and member in question. Hence, I won't discuss them with anyone else.
Saturos is back.....again. How long before he gets banned again, d'you reckon?
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