A riddle to curve the boredom!


A man was boarding the last flight to Las Vegas. As he came in, he tapped on the cockpit door and greeted the pilot, whom he knew as a friend. He then took his seat. Moments later, a SWAT unit burst into the cabin and hauled out the confused man for questioning.

.... but What was the name of the pilot?
correct, correct, correct! gah, damn you! :afro:
Don't worry mate, four's a real stumper.

Is it "A. Friend?"


By the way, the answer to mine is:

They throw the eighth cigarette overboard, thus making the liferaft a cigarette lighter.


What do the following words have in common?

age, curb, dance, evidence, fence, gleam, harm, interest, jam, kiss, latch, motion, nest, order, part, quiz, rest, signal, trust, use, view, win, x-ray, zone

It is not that they are in alphabetical order either!


The age of Ann & Bill now add up to 91. Ann is now 3 times as old as Bill was at the time when Ann was twice as old as Bill is now. How old are Ann & Bill now?


What piece of wood is like a king?


What is taller sitting than it is standing?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Don't worry mate, four's a real stumper.

Is it "A. Friend?"

Nope. Think about it. There has to be a reason the S.W.A.T team turned up (on the plane) and its all in the name of the pilot and what a Stuard overheard ;)
Originally posted by craigweb2k
Nope. Think about it. There has to be a reason the S.W.A.T team turned up (on the plane) and its all in the name of the pilot and what a Stuard overheard ;)

What stuard? BTW: are we spelling "stuard" right?

Seven's not "planking", is it? Wild guess. They're getting harder.
jeez these are getting impossible!

ROFL@ the cigaretter lighter one !!!!
I hate riddles argh :x how can u do this to us. Im spamming because its only a matter of time before this thread gets closed :p
Originally posted by craigweb2k

The age of Ann & Bill now add up to 91. Ann is now 3 times as old as Bill was at the time when Ann was twice as old as Bill is now. How old are Ann & Bill now?

Haha, let the genious through lol...

Bill is 28
Anne is 63

got by solving thus (backwords) ...

"twice as old as Bill is now" = 2B ... "Anne was" this old, thus subtract it from her current age to get how long ago that this was true = A - 2B ... "bill was at that time", thus subtract that period from his current age to figure out how old he was then = B - (A - 2B) ... "Anne is now 3 times as old", thus her current age A = 3 (B-(A-2B))

also, since they add up to 91 we get ... A + B = 91

turn it round a bit, to get ... A = 91-B ... and substitute it in the other big one above... 91-B = 3 (B - (91-B-2B)) ... swap about a bit ... 364=13B thus B = 28 ... A follows since A + 28 = 91

Maths is one of my strong subjects :)
Originally posted by MrD
Haha, let the genious through lol...

Bill is 28
Anne is 63

got by solving thus (backwords) ...

"twice as old as Bill is now" = 2B ... "Anne was" this old, thus subtract it from her current age to get how long ago that this was true = A - 2B ... "bill was at that time", thus subtract that period from his current age to figure out how old he was then = B - (A - 2B) ... "Anne is now 3 times as old", thus her current age A = 3 (B-(A-2B))

also, since they add up to 91 we get ... A + B = 91

turn it round a bit, to get ... A = 91-B ... and substitute it in the other big one above... 91-B = 3 (B - (91-B-2B)) ... swap about a bit ... 364=13B thus B = 28 ... A follows since A + 28 = 91

Maths is one of my strong subjects :)

Well done :)

Try this one

A man weighing 190lbs. carrying three bowling balls weighing 5 lbs. each approaches a large ravine. The only way to cross the ravine is a bridge with a weight limit of 200 lbs. The ravine is too far to throw, roll, or float the balls across. How can the man cross the ravine in one trip, with all three bowling balls?
The bowling ball one. Can he toss one then toss another to knock the first one over and so on untill the third ball is on by itself then he walks on and picks it up and walks off.?
is the weight of the man (190 lbs) with the bowling balls included? by the way you worded it, it sounds like it the weight put together
Originally posted by craigweb2k
Incorrect :p

Pah you could have put broach and yawn in the list too, so it wouldn't confuse me :flame:

Was the bath water wrong too for Q8? ;(
Originally posted by MarkJ
Pah you could have put broach and yawn in the list too, so it wouldn't confuse me :flame:

Was the bath water wrong too for Q8? ;(

yeah it was :afro:
Originally posted by fudnick
is the weight of the man (190 lbs) with the bowling balls included? by the way you worded it, it sounds like it the weight put together

Although this could be feasibly correct, in this case it's not and it's not the answer I'm looking for either :)

Not even close infact ;)
long shot... but is he allowed to juggle them ?!
(thus at least one would always be airborn)
Originally posted by MrD
long shot... but is he allowed to juggle them ?!
(thus at least one would always be airborn)

Correct :)
Originally posted by craigweb2k
Correct :)

I guess he uses the little pink girlie ones then. Big Jesse!

If you take an everyday square room and put two monkeys in each corner, then how many other monkeys could each monkey say they could see?
Originally posted by craigweb2k
A man weighing 190lbs. carrying three bowling balls weighing 5 lbs. each approaches a large ravine. The only way to cross the ravine is a bridge with a weight limit of 200 lbs. The ravine is too far to throw, roll, or float the balls across. How can the man cross the ravine in one trip, with all three bowling balls?

Does he juggle them or something?

EDIT: doh. someone already answered!
Originally posted by MrD
If you take an everyday square room and put two monkeys in each corner, then how many other monkeys could each monkey say they could see? [/B]

Hahaha, this is a good one. None because monkeys can't speak!
Here's a quicky: A man builds a shed where every wall faces south. Where is he?
Originally posted by SLH
Here's a quicky: A man builds a shed where every wall faces south. Where is he?

Where is he or the shed? He could be anywhere once the damn thing is built... I pick erm... Guatamala?
He and the shed are in the same place - sorry should have been clear.
The northpole...although, technically every wall would face north to, the outsides would face south but the insides would face north :).
LOL, ok maybe i could have worded that better....

Here's another:

There is a cow stood still on a train track, with a train approching it at speed on the same track. The lights beside the track are not lit up, the moon isn't visible (and so can't provide light) and the train doesn't have it's lights on. How is the driver able to stop the train in time?

N.B. Had the driver not stopped the train the cow would be an ex-cow. :)
The cow runs away.:)

Seriously, the driver see the white of the cow in time to stop it. OR the train is at the end of the stop and stops to let out passensers. OR Gordon Freeman throws his crowbar at the train's engine and it blows up.