A riddle to curve the boredom!

Originally posted by SLH
LOL, ok maybe i could have worded that better....

Here's another:

There is a cow stood still on a train track, with a train approching it at speed on the same track. The lights beside the track are not lit up, the moon isn't visible (and so can't provide light) and the train doesn't have it's lights on. How is the driver able to stop the train in time?

N.B. Had the driver not stopped the train the cow would be an ex-cow. :)

Its daytime :)
The driver has infrared eyesight and it just so happens that this cow has a bell on it which also doubles as an infrared light, therefore allowing the driver to see it.

Or the daytime thing could work i suppose.

Although, the crowbar one is best :)
Heres a new (easy) one.

Tree Riddle

A man plants five rows of trees.

In each row there are four trees.

In total there are only ten trees.

... but how is this possible?
Originally posted by The Terminator
5 rows of 2
looking at it sideways the are 2 rows of 5, hence 4 in each row

incorrect :p

If no-one gets this soon I'll post the answer (btw my answer isnt written ;))
cant figure that one out without tangible objects

and im all out of trees
Damnit, I know I've done this one before... somebody hit me. Please? :rolleyes: lol
Damn dude, now I have a bump on my forehead... thanks, now I feel stupid and UGLY! YOU WH0RE! :p
The Answer

The red dots represent the tree's.... ;)
I KILL YOU!!!!!!!! >_< >_< >_< Blargh I wasn't even close.
Originally posted by N0N1337H41
Here's a riddle that took me an HOUR to figure out. If you figure the answer out, be a good sport and don't tell anyone else. Part of the charm of this game is that no one will tell you what the key is, you just have to discover it for yourself.


Kind of neat. It only took me about 1 minute to figure it out. I don't think the smarter you are, the longer it takes, WTF? I read the background and it said to have an open and creative mind, so I did just that.
Ok so i got that riddle right the first time i looked at it :D

Its so amazingly simple, although its probably a lot easier for right brain dominant people.
Got it finally, drove me crazy for a while there. I was trying all these really complex things, funny how simple it is.
Wow! I can't believe the answer is so simple lol

I could've been there for years...
I'm not even sure how I worked it out!
That's the worst riddle ever :( Took me five minutes, I feel like killing someone!!

Is it just me or does everyone feel all tense every time they watch a flash movie now, I keep remembering the scary face flashes and thinking... it could be in this one, don't wanna get scared, then get all awkward and look away from the screen, and hope to god it's not :D geez I hate those things...
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
That's the worst riddle ever :( Took me five minutes, I feel like killing someone!!

I'm sorry you feel like killing someone because you didn't like the riddle. You don't think that's a bit unstable do you?

Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Its so amazingly simple, although its probably a lot easier for right brain dominant people.

I would think that it would be harder for right brained people, as that is the analytical side of the brain and the left side is more of the abstract side. And to me the "puzzle" was very abstract, I can't really say why here but that's what I believe.

I also don't buy into the theory that "the longer it takes you the smarter you are." I believe that the more analytical that you are, the longer it will take you. This took my brother-in-law over two days to get. He was trying to come up with all of these complex formulas, LOL. You guy are just really quick I suppose, because getting the answer the FIRST time you see it is very uncommon.
Wow! that was a cool one! i finally got it! took about 20 min.
It took me three tries, although I'm not really sure how it clicked. The first two times I didn't have a clue, but then on the third . . . "aha!"
Originally posted by Adam
And anything that is not matter, one can not see.

Actually, the only thing you can see is light. Light is not matter.
what rose?

I got it right on my second try but what rose are they talking about?

edit: nevermind, I don't get it :D
I think what leads them to believe it will take longer if you're smarter, is that smarter people will try looking for the most complex solution. The last time I saw this I couldn't grasp it, I sat there for ages tring all sorts of mathmatical approaches.

This time however, it took me about 45 seconds, because I knew maths was not the answer. It's totally about how you look at it and nothing to do with intelligence.

I'm chuffed with myself now, last time I saw this I thought I'd never get it. ;)
Yeah, i have a bit of a background in maths (not a very good one) and i was trying to look for complex pattern, and applying different mathamatical formulas to it, but once u realise it hasn't got anything to do with maths, then the answer becomes apparent.
Originally posted by nw909
I second that, I need the easy way out ;_;

Just know that the only math involved, a first-grader could do in a matter of seconds.
Originally posted by N0N1337H41
Just know that the only math involved, a first-grader could do in a matter of seconds.

Goddamnit, I didn't goto school to find out i'm dumber than a first-grader...
Here's another one:

You are lost in the forest and want to find your way back home. You reach an intersection, you can either go east or west. One of them is the way home. Right in the middle of the intersection is a house, in which 2 brothers live. One always speaks the truth, the other one always lies.

You only get to ask 1 question. Which question do you have to ask to know which way to choose?
Which way would your bro tell me to go if i wanted to go home?

Choose the other way.