A Screenshot of minimum req please?


Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, can someone please post a screenshot of L4D running on minimum requirements?

Thank you so much.
And I don't believe any company would ever release screenshots at less than full quality, so you'll have to wait until the demo in a couple weeks.
You guise don't have the hax torrent, ell oh ell?
I'll be waiting for the demo to see if it runs well. Kinda ironic that you get it earlier if you preorder. Seems rather backwards to me.
i would bet on the requirements being close to the orange box requirements.

only difference would be hard drive space of course.
i would bet on the requirements being close to the orange box requirements.

only difference would be hard drive space of course.
CPU minimum requirements are higher than the OB.
These are the official system requirements as I understand them:

Intel P4 3.0ghz (single core)
Duel Core 2.0
1gb RAM for Windows XP
2gb RAM for Windows Vista
Graphics Card:
Must be DirectX 9.0 compatible or above
with 128mb memory minimum
DVD drive (does anyone not have a dvd drive yet?)
7.5 gigs HDD space
You guise don't have the hax torrent, ell oh ell?

Hello, this is the Police, and you better watch yourself.


I've seen a few nice devs of other games release half and half screengrabs of low end and high end, as long as they're put in the right context and proper branding then they won't hurt a companies sales, you would be stupid to assume that this amazing game you're looking at will look the same on your five year old MEGA MACHINE, anyway.

OR, you could enter < > < > /\ < > \/ /\ > < > into your address bar in your browser and then press A B SELECT < > \/ /\ < > A B and you have the TORRENT CHEAT, And yes, I've rigged up a series of mirrors to be able to watch myself all the time.