A Shit Blizzards a coming...


May 18, 2003
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The Shit Winds are in the air...

"Lebanon's army, which so far has sat on the sidelines of the violence raging in the country, will join the fight against Israel if Israeli forces invade the country, Defense Minister Elias Murr said on Al-Jazeera television. "The Lebanese army -- and I stress -- the Lebanese army will resist and defend and will prove that it is an army that deserves respect," he said. In most of the previous Israeli attacks, including in 1978 and the 1982 invasion in which Beirut was occupied, the Lebanese army largely stayed out of the fighting. Twenty Lebanese soldiers have been killed in strikes on their bases during the nine-day-old Israeli bombardment of Lebanon."
Well now. This going to be interesting.

Now we just have to see if Syria gets involved. If it does, Iran will follow.
Well now. This going to be interesting.

Now we just have to see if Syria gets involved. If it does, Iran will follow.

If by interestng you mean "potentially extremely chaotic and catastropihc" then yeah.

If Syria gets involved, it may start a pretty bad chain reaction. Some people are predicting World War III. I don't know if I'd go that far, but yeah, this is bad.
It won't. Syria is the key to the whole situation and they know it, so I'm betting they're gonna stay out of the fight (maybe just send weapons and what have you).
I'm not going to be willing to serve in any world war...

i'll chop off my right foot if that's what it takes to avoid it.
this is looking bad for the evacuation efforts (most notably the 50 some odd thousand canadian citizens currently stuck in lebanon)

I agree with raz also.
Same here. This would be the most pointless world war ever. Just because of two fvcking retarded religions that cant live with each other.

Most days I read about this sort of shit and wish all Religion was wiped off the map.

I agree with raz also.

GTFO if you refuse to defend America if WW3 happened. If you don't want to defend this place if attacked, leave.
Hey guys lets go fight someone because some old geezer with power says so!

Hey guys lets go fight someone because some old geezer with power says so!

Yeah because that's what Raziaar said :rolleyes:

I'm not going to be willing to serve in any world war...

i'll chop off my right foot if that's what it takes to avoid it.

I'm not going to be willing to serve in any world war...
GTFO if you refuse to defend America if WW3 happened. If you don't want to defend this place if attacked, leave.

The concept of 'Defending America' is ridiculous at best. Why defend your country? Its a lump of land, you dont have to defend it, what you should defend is your family and friends, the things that actually matter. Supporting the country is stupid, plain and simple.
The concept of 'Defending America' is ridiculous at best. Why defend your country? Its a lump of land, you dont have to defend it, what you should defend is your family and friends, the things that actually matter. Supporting the country is stupid, plain and simple.
Because I care about the constitution, and what it represents. It represents the defense of freedom and the things you listed.
GTFO if you refuse to defend America if WW3 happened. If you don't want to defend this place if attacked, leave.

I will defend my neighborhood, my city... my state, my country if a violent, oppressive army were attacking our homeland...

I will not be defending my country abroad in a war that doesn't threaten my country back home. Especially for things I don't believe in.
I will defend my neighborhood, my city... my state, my country if a violent, oppressive army were attacking our homeland...

I will not be defending my country abroad in a war that doesn't threaten my country back home. Especially for things I don't believe in.
Then why didn't you say that?

I'm sorry but what you said offended me and I didn't take out of context etc, I read it just as it was. You said you'd never be willing to serve in a world war. Simple as that. If thats the case the hell with you. If it's not, I'd edit the post to make it state as such.
Yeah because that's what Raziaar said :rolleyes:

What I said does not entail how it is literally read. I do not mean, I will not serve in any world war that happens to come along. It means i'm not going to be serving in this current one... I used a more archaic choice of wording to describe my feelings, that is all.

A world war over the current situation however, is NOT something I would be willing to fight.
What I said does not entail how it is literally read. I do not mean, I will not serve in any world war that happens to come along. It means i'm not going to be serving in this current one... I used a more archaic choice of wording to describe my feelings, that is all.
I'd edit it, because I really didn't intentionally take it out of context or anything, I'm serious and honest here. I was like "well GTFO then now" in my mind.

archaic's not really the word you're looking for. It just said "in any world war"
That's not archaic
If you want to get onto semantics, this thread could go on forever... Lets just say that I accept that what I said could easily be taken the wrong way... but I clarify my point later on.

I won't be serving in any world war that relates to what is currently going on overseas. I don't feel strongly enough for either side of the emerging conflict, to want to participate in it. I can do my part at home... but not as a soldier.

This isn't like world war II... where you had a power hungry country that was threatening to sweep up the entirety of europe, and then focus on world domination... this is something over religious conflict and past aggressions that while I can sympathize with on either side(depending on the issue), it's not my war.

The war that can be happening over there isn't a case of, "Oh shit, the world will be going to hell in a handbasket if the USA doesn't help out."

Anyways... i'm sure i'm not making myself 100% clear here, since i'm tired... but to reiterate my general point... i'm not going to be serving in an upcoming world war that centers around these current issues. And I will do the cowardly thing if I have to to ensure I will not be able to be drafted with any effective means. I feel that strongly about not putting myself unnecessarily on the line... if my country forces me to go to such a serious war via means of a draft.

Ayargh @ situation.

Wait, so...Tendons - you'd defend America because you believe in the Constitution and its provision to provide freedoms, but you don't believe in/respect the freedom not to fight?

Ayargh @ situation.

Wait, so...Tendons - you'd defend America because you believe in the Constitution and its provision to provide freedoms, but you don't believe in/respect the freedom not to fight?

Me thinking you SHOULD gtfo in that situation doesn't mean anything legally.

I don't approve of say, what the KKK does. That doesn't mean I don't think they should GTFO either.

I agree with raz also.

And I agree with tr0n, who agrees with Raz.

But i'm not in America, but Australia would follow them blindly.
I'm not going to be willing to serve in any world war...

i'll chop off my right foot if that's what it takes to avoid it.

no need to go to extremes; your trigger finger will do..or you could always become a quaker (religious reasons) or convert to islam :O ;)

GTFO America

:upstare: it makes him no less an american than you are, moreso in my book
This was bound to happen. And if Iran gets involved then I see this coming down to nuclear warfare... and since Israel is the only nuclear power in the region, I think we know who's going to come out on top.
GTFO if you refuse to defend America if WW3 happened. If you don't want to defend this place if attacked, leave.

Uh? Defend us from what? Israel and Lebanon? I wouldn't not die for either... Now if either of them decided to attack our country, then yeah...

You can die for Israel if you want.
The KKK lynch people...
That's beyound free speech.

Che executed peasants and non violent civilians and put many more to work in labor camps. GO CHE, WORKING CLASS HERO!
Jesus **** stop turning every thread Solaris posts in into a Che shitstorm, it's damned annoying. Make a thread and confine it to that if you wish to discuss it. I've only been paying half attention to the situation with Lebanon and Israel - I didn't realize it was threatening to become a full-fledged war in this way.

Also, on the note of defending my country - I wouldn't fight in an overseas war unless it was on the scale of World War II; but if someone invaded American I'd take up arms in defense against them, like the Constitution provides for (yes, the 2nd amendment is for that, not for dumbass drunk rednecks to go shooting their assault rifles at squirrels and small children). That's a big deal for me, because of how much I hate war and death and guns and killing and all of that stuff... I guess I care a lot about America and the land and the people, even if I hate our government.
Yes and they were the last two threads I read :|
Uh? Defend us from what? Israel and Lebanon? I wouldn't not die for either... Now if either of them decided to attack our country, then yeah...

You can die for Israel if you want.

See discussion in the rest of the thread. I didn't interpret the OP as referring specifically to this. Which WW3 couldnt feasibly develop from anyway (requires two or more world superpowers)
Earth: Sorry, you don't have enough superpowers. Please gather more to activate world war.
What i'm saying... is that world wars aren't dicated by the number of superpowers. It was a joke.

Despite the name, world wars do not always involve every country on earth. It's not always global. It's just massive war amongst several or many countries. Most countries involved in world wars are not superpowers anyways... there can be small countries banding together.