A Shit Blizzards a coming...

I fight for no one but myself and blood. More for me actually...
I hope I get to see my first mushroom cloud.

Meh I'd rather see it on live TV. Maybe something like this:

CNN reporter: "Just look at the sheets of anti-aircraft fire over the city! They look like horrifying fireworks of death! The Ir *gunfire* ian defenders are really-"

*Bright Flash*

*Mushroom cloud*

*screen goes black with static*

CNN desk reporter: "I think we lost picture there..."
You watch too many movies.

Me thinking you SHOULD gtfo in that situation doesn't mean anything legally.

I don't approve of say, what the KKK does. That doesn't mean I don't think they should GTFO either.
Fair enough, but aren't the KKK considered a terrorist organisation by the US government due to the fact that they kill people?
Yes they are, but not by just the sole fact they kill people. Mainly they terrorize and so on.

They don't really kill people now'n days like they use to.
You know what's funny? There's more KKK and hate groups in general in California then there is in Alabama. :P
Yes theres trouble going on in the middle east again...and it took what? 3 posts before someone mentioned world war 3?

which link? the first one? that's a map of hate groups around the US

the second one? that's a pic of Malcolm McDowell being brainwashed in the movie a clockwork orange ...man you guys have some strange censorship
2nd one. Wtf?

Thats really, really strange that they'd block it.

EDIT: Tr0n does too, which must mean that its not the censors.
Oh, ok that picture and sulkkdodd's post adds up to

:laugh: :D :) :| :( ;(